TS Fantasy NBA 19/20: league composition

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 16, 2019.

By anthak on Oct 16, 2019 at 9:23 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you havent already, check out these two other threads posted already this season:

    Apologies for everything being behind schedule this year!

    Here are the leagues for this year, listed in draft order! I will send out all the invites and hopefully I get them all done tonight.

    1. @HEAVER
    2. @Rad_E_Cool
    3. @stowie
    4. @costak
    5. @headmandude
    6. @Bearfly
    7. @anthak
    8. @Steve
    9. @bgt2110
    10. @ddsaints
    11. @karlos
    12. @smokinjoemisiti

    Division 1:
    1. @crossy
    2. @tasho
    3. @Hulkalicious
    4. @protraj
    5. @That KI Guy
    6. @tyze1
    7. @Don_Cottagers
    8. @Rev
    9. @ViQBoZ
    10. @nicksnow
    11. @dabombers
    12. @Lethal

    Division 2, Conference 1:
    1. @Lano24
    2. @rodgo
    3. @port_leschenault
    4. @Jasmine
    5. @HargyBear
    6. @Belmont383
    7. @Jet
    8. @Danners
    9. @Len
    10. @David Hocking
    11. @Jmulldihno
    12. @Sparks

    Division 2, Conference 2:
    1. @WingMan
    2. @NikeTex82
    3. @Daniel Sprigg
    4. @Aram
    5. @Mick Webb
    6. @Brad666
    7. @Luchashaq
    8. @Jacob Doole
    9. @JaaayJaaay
    10. @Brett Sutherland
    11. @Paul Dolores
    12. @Bencadams23
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 16, 2019.

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    1. anthak
      @maggots you are in at present! We need you to fill the 3rd league, however let us know if you still prefer to drop out and if we get someone else they can take your spot.
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Steve
      Pick 8 hey. So many possibilities with that pick.

      Reminder to everyone you can trade draft picks as well but keep in mind that the draft is this Sunday so it does not leave too much to get this done.
    3. anthak
      I'll send all invites
      then set the draft order in the leagues

      Ill also set up the divisions etc
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Hulkalicious
      We need to petition earlier draft ties for Australia. Bloody drafting at the same time in my other league. Oh well, pick 3. Can't complain.

      Sent from my G8141 using Tapatalk
    5. rodgo
      Bro, why dont i see Rodgo?
    6. anthak
      Hey man, good to hear from you.
      I take it youre keen then? I hadnt heard from you yet this season.
    7. tasho
      Finally got a high pick! Thanks for all your work ant yet again
    8. rodgo
      Im a lifer. Automatic entry....;)
    9. rodgo
      Any updates bro? Find me a spot? I signed in a while back when espn sent an email about TS leagues starting up. Can you fix this somehow?
    10. anthak
      I’ve contacted @maggots to see if they want to drop out or keep going. You might be able to have their spot.
    11. anthak
      @rodgo Ive just sent you an invite to join the league. I hope I've still got the correct email for you.
    12. anthak
      I'm keen to get the 4th league going again, it would be a shame to drop back.
      Mainly just because if we dont fill the league, then we'll lose its history.

      Ive done a lot less promotion this season.
      Previous seasons I would send several reminders to the last season's participants; I would promote on social media and other websites; I encourage people to ask their friends etc; I would ask my own friends; and we would have more leadin time to give people more of a chance to join up, and this year because I didnt have the capacity, I did none of that.

      Ive decided to do a last minute push to try and fill the league.

      so if any of you know anyone who might want to join, get them to post in here and send me their email address.

      Good luck.
    13. anthak
      Might’ve left it a bit late. Not getting many bites yet
    14. port_leschenault
      All ready to go. Sunday night is a bit awkward but at least it starts at a more forgiving time for us in the West. About time DST works in our favour for once :p
      • Like Like x 3
    15. Daniel Sprigg
      Daniel Sprigg
      I'm keen to join
      • Like Like x 1
    16. anthak
      Thats great.
      I need your email address to send you an invite. Can you please PM it to me.
    17. Mick Webb
      Mick Webb
      • Like Like x 1
    18. anthak
      good to have you onboard
    19. Jacob Doole
      Jacob Doole
      Hey mate, just saw your tweet and I’m keen if you still need more people! Email is jake_doole@yahoo.com.au
      • Like Like x 1

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