Platinum League 2020

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Feb 21, 2020.

By anthak on Feb 21, 2020 at 3:24 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Let’s get a platinum league going again this season.

    I think we’ve been doing this since 2011.

    This is a league meant to be for the best of the best TS has to offer, and most years it’s been one of the highest ranked TS leagues, often even the highest.

    If you’re interested in joining the league, please let us know in the comments how you’ve ranked over the past few seasons and also whether you’ve got any other notable finishes we should consider.

    I will set an initial deadline of COB 8th March for expressions of interest. However keep posting after then, because inevitably we’ll be scrambling at the last minute waiting for people to join.... and we might even be able to set up a 2nd league anyway, like we have in some previous seasons.


Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Feb 21, 2020.

    1. Kovanator1
      I'm keen to go around again.

      Last year: 1,626
      2018: 7,196
      2017: 460

    2. JoshyC
      I’ll go around again anth
      Let me know if I need to post my stats to qualify
    3. JoshyC
      Get the ashes going again too
      • Like Like x 1
    4. thokash
      Count me in Ant. 2019 - 564th, 2018 - 2608th, 2017 - 1144th. I'm a good coach though, promise.
      • Like Like x 1
    5. Penske file
      Penske file
      I doubt I'm good enough for plat. had my worst year ever last season, although previously good. Probably up for any other league going in TS, unless your reaching, which I very much doubt.
    6. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      I’m in if available spots!
    7. tyze1
      in previous years they have had the historical data available... is this available this year? I can't locate it!
    8. stripey
      on the website version, once you have a full team selected are able to view history. this doesnt appear until you have a full team picked.
      • Like Like x 2
    9. The_Swert
      I am interested if there's room.

      2019 - 1014th
      2018 - 484th
      2017 - 16,893rd
    10. Weeties22

      2019 - 5382
      2018 - 15
      2017 - 7973

    11. Bearded Burbler
      Bearded Burbler
      Hi Guys, - I'd like to re-join the platinum as I was a member in 2018!
      Rankings as below
      2019: 8176
      2018: 1783
      2017: 8907
      2016: 2912
      2015: 3782
    12. tyze1

      SF Bulls have been a regular over the years in this league

      15 - 292
      16 - 1024
      17 - 3014
      18 - An outlier
      19 - 2112
      • Like Like x 1
    13. HeavyMen
      2019 finished 2,581 & happy to have a spot if its available

      Who said "FLUKE" !!!

      Possibly :)
    14. stripey
      my trading games team finished 868 last year - main team 2148 after dropping 1k spots in final 2 weeks (no trades)
    15. anthak
      Excellent, its great to see theres good interest so far. I'll wait until March 8th before sending league code etc.

      Im keen to join too, if I can fit myself in.

      My ranks:
      2019 - 7,208th
      2018 - 2,464th
      2017 - 15th

      There was also a season, I cant rem which year, where I finished 193rd for TG, and around 1,200th for my own team. On the downside, I also had a couple years ranked around 20,000th!
    16. Stringer
      Hi guys, I'm keen to join.

      My rankings:
      2019: 631
      2018: 8751
      2017: 22041
      2016: 2749
      2015: 11047
      2014: 6189
    17. Iain
      If you're desperate for coaches a bit closer to the season let me know and I can fill in, but given my recent finishes I wouldn't recommend it unless you have to.
      • Like Like x 1
    18. Nick
      Keen if available!

      Finishes have generally been between 5000 - 10,000
    19. Sauce_17
      Would love to go again, Grand Finalist in this league last year. Can't remember the result though. Cheers

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