Round 2 Trades: 2020

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 25, 2020.

By stripey on May 25, 2020 at 10:41 AM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well, we finally know how Supercoach is going to deal with this break... available trades for Round 2 are 5 with the original 30 trades still available....

    Who are you trading in or out???
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 25, 2020.

    1. choppers
      @walesy It looks like you've weaved your magic once more and team changes in ORFFU are able to be completed....Good job, boss.
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    2. Owen
      So I checked my team earlier this week, and I didn't have Grundy! I sort of remember not starting either of him or Gawn, but it did shock me a little. I think I'll need to find some cash to get Grundy back in:
      BZT, Dunkley, NicNat, Cavara out and O'Connor, Viney, Grundy, and Bewley in. I can only do that if I bring in the non playing O'Connor. Which is fine I think. 17 Rounds, 30 trades = a lot of trades I wouldn't normally make
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    3. ike2112
      Can anyone explain to me how they're deciding the scoring now in SC?
      Its really confusing... I figured that with shorter quarters there'll be less possessions, and therefore the premos are likely to suffer most (couldn't see how someone maintains a high avg pricing them $650k plus on less touches).
      But then I read in some of the news articles that they use some form of equation where they have a certain number of points to allocate per game regardless, so they'll weight it so that even with less time and less disposals, people still score about the same?
      I can maybe understand a post-game adjustment of some kind, but how on earth is that working for in-game/Live scoring?
    4. ike2112
      Meh, it looks like they are adjusting it fairly significantly after the games. Grundy was on 90-ish and Cameron was on 60 at match end. Now they're on 115 and 73 respectively. Others have only moved a little from what I can see, but looks like whatever methodology is being used to weight the scores to look more like full-game scores, it values hitouts...
    5. anthak
      Yeah, this is how its always been in supercoach, so its no different this season in that regard really...
      Its one of the best things about supercoach in my opinion, because it doesnt matter about match conditions ie playing under a roof or in the wet, no game is advantaged etc.

      One thing which could be different is that with shorter quarters, weighting for significant times of games could have more influence on a score, but that's difficult to predict anyway.
    6. IPOD
      Sturt a no go out injured this week. He was gonna be my replacement for Cavarra
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    7. ike2112
      So...Bennell or Ned McHenry? Time to trade out Green already? Is Trent Rivers any good?

      That's Cavarra omitted now too - as if Georgiades and Sturt wasn't bad enough. Tom Green also.

      At one point I was liking my Round 1 side - had some iffy decisions in there (I'm looking at you Adam Cerra) but figured making Naismith my 2nd ruck, I could then bring in Howe, Danger, Sturt and someone like Bewley.

      Now though I've gone Roberton to Howe, via MacPherson to Long. I have Green on field, Brown is emergency and didn't score well. Georgiades and Cavarra on fwd bench (Curtis Taylor on field), and Brander is on field in defence (with Starcevich and Gould on bench).

      Don't think we can afford to run weeks with non-scoring rookies when there's others out there. I could bring in Max King, or swing Budnarick forward and being in Bennell or McHenry; maybe even start them. The 40k extra Green costs over other rookies is a waste if he isn't playing (and scored 41 on debut).

      I feel like I'd rather have 3 or 4 trades this week but another 3 or 4 next week to pick up whoever scores well now; Darcy Cameron is surely a prime cash builder if he holds for round 3.
    8. ike2112
      Having English at R2, I'm considering if Jacobs is worth the gamble - I could go English and A.Brayshaw to Jacobs and Viney, probably pocket 200k in three weeks.
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
    9. TheTassieHawk
      Some suggestions on twitter are suggesting that Lachie Young may line up as a late in for Freo this week.

      Apparently late changes are now announced 60 minutes before games, rather than 90 minutes.
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    10. choppers
      Young in....Wilson out
    11. anthak
      Thanks for this info. I’ve been finding it difficult to locate any news about late changes, and this would be part of the problem.
    12. anthak
      I ended up making 5 trades, some I regret already, but it’s mostly ok.

      After I wrote in this thread that I wanted to trade in Hurn, I did a bit of research on him playing at Metricon, and he’s only averaged about 75 there, so I was having serious doubts about him (I even tried to talk people out of trading in hurn on Twitter)... but in the end, I was in a big rush to make my trades yesterday arvo due to family commitments and I just pulled the trigger.

      These were my 5 trades:
      NicNat -> Pittonet
      Roberton -> Hurn
      BZT -> Rivers
      Green -> Bennell
      Frampton -> Viney

      Aside from Hurn, who I was iffy about, I’m not sure why I did the two rookie swaps, cause I didn’t need to do either of them. I didn’t need the cash; the incoming rookies weren’t on the bubble; and they both just sat on my bench, not even emergencies. However, I guess it frees up a bit of cash for next week and gets those trades out of the way because they may have been inevitable at some stage anyway.
    13. ike2112
      Think its just as well you did bring in Rivers and Bennell last week because its now looking difficult for people to bring both in this week if they have other issues.
      I didn't want to trust Pittonet, I went for Jacobs (god knows why I thought him more trustworthy). I had started the year with English at R2 so knew I needed to make a move regardless. Now I need to consider whether to ride Jacobs another week since he's facing Geelong (opp rucks always seem to score on them), or do I switch again to Pittonet. Or keep both - change R2 from Xerri to Pittonet; they'll both make cash but I'm thinking do I really expect to then use 2 more trades to 'cash in' on those rises?

      My other move is likely to be either Cerra (or Houston) to Rivers, or Cavarra to Rivers (via moving Budarick to Fwd bench). I can't decide if its more important to keep Cerra/Houston in the starting lineup and fix a non-playing bench cash-cow, or just get them out to save losing cash.

      How do you feel about the Viney move? I did that move too - from Freo's Brayshaw who then outscored Viney. I saw it as an expensive cash-grab at worst; his 2019 average is also pulling down his current 3-round score, if he gets 100 next week he'll rise another 44k.

      I had Jy Simpkin as one of my trades in all week, as I was really impressed with his game in round 1 (I'm a Saints fan, he was great against us), but bottled it at the last minute...
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    14. anthak
      Hey mate, yeah I feel exactly as you did about Viney. He was mainly just a cash grab for me too. If he performs well then that’d be a bonus
    15. stripey
      I have him too but the way I’m going this season it looks like I’m going to have bigger issues than Viney in coming weeks!
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