20 Consecutive Days of Footy (aka Rounds 9-12)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 31, 2020.

By TheTassieHawk on Jul 31, 2020 at 8:34 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We are underway in what has been dubbed By some as the Festival of Footy.

    Post below with your thoughts and questions as we deal with the challenges and opportunities through the initial 4 rounds of the compressed fixture.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 31, 2020.

    1. Penske file
      Penske file
      In the midst of all this chaos, we deal with byes, at least I think we do I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha at the moment.
    2. ELeviathan
      Can someone please explain to me how Georgiades scored only 55 SC points, but Charlie Dixon scored 76. I’m perplexed
    3. anthak
      It pains me that I am now going to be trading Doedee to Lloyd this week. I was initially planning to trade in Lloyd instead of Doedee last week, so the poor decision has cost me: an extra trade, 126 points and about $10k :(

      I was up in the air about keeping/trading Doedee this week, and his injury status was pretty secretive all week, but now that teams have been named and hes definitely out, it leaves me with a pretty simple decision given Ive got no cover on the bench. I just hope Noble is named, because he was the one I'd prefer to trade out. If I knew they both werent playing upfront then I'd keep Doedee, but what can you do in these crazy times
    4. ike2112
      So far I've got Dusty, Cripps and Mitchell... and didn't have the Cap or VC on any of them. VC'd Gawn, that wasn't good. Was worried Dusty's been erratic, Cripps having a down year (physically abused most weeks), thought Mitchell might suffer a Curnow tag.
      I don't have Neale as I was holding off for his price-drop.

      Now having to hope Kelly (or Danger?) scores highly.
    5. ike2112
      I think its disposal efficiency. During the game late on he had 3 goals and was on 36pts, but had been at 39pts a few mins earlier.

      I have him in AFL Fantasy too, where disposal efficiency (or generally being good at footy) doesn't matter much, its just whoever gets tons of ball and/or kicks goals, and he scored 72 (which is pretty high, as AFLF also doesn't seem to be adjusting for shorter games, so anything above 70 is comparitive to about 90 in normal years).
      • Like Like x 1
    6. JC
      Fantasy Freako covered it on Twitter:

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    7. ELeviathan
      Cheers JC... that explains it clearly. Looks like I wasn’t the only one curious if fantasy freako had to deal with it
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    8. TheTassieHawk
      From reading about the Dreamtime in Darwin game it sounds like Round 13 will be the annual Sir Doug Nichols round and the full fixture for that week will be out by this Friday.

      This will be interesting in the sense it could make it more likely that it is a normal 9 round round as teams would not want a bye that week.

      From a SC perspective it may be a partial win as it provides more weeks and trades in which to bring in players from the 8 teams who have had the bye by Round 11. However it would increase the likelihood of 4 and 6 team bye weeks which are more likely to bring carnage than 2 team bye weeks.
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    9. ike2112
      Thanks. I had no idea they graded your acts in the game based upon how close the game was - that's pretty heavy analysis!
    10. ike2112
      Its only 17 games and by round 13 St Kilda for example will have played 13 games. I can see round 14 potentially being barely a 1 day gap to round 13 (e.g. round 13 ending on a Monday, round 14 starting on a Wednesday or Thursday) and it being 6 team bye.

      I'm intrigued as to how this 20 days of footy goes for net viewing figures. If the AFL find that overall spreading their games out during the week nets better figures, they'll potentially renegotiate with the broadcasters.
      Think we could be seeing 5-day breaks between games become more common, Monday games, Wednesday games etc. Fantasy footy might never be the same!
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    11. walesy
      crazy times :D Stats are up though
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    12. stripey
      Thanks @walesy... an issue I see is that the round 10 bye players are locked in the ORFFL, can’t remove them from the next rounds team
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    13. choppers
      Clear your team and then re-select your available players. see if that works.
      Earlier this evening, my team was still locked out as stats were only partially completed so I cleared it and then all players were available for Rd10.
    14. TheTassieHawk
      Clearing the team didn't work as it removes any players from the 14 teams who aren't locked out but retains the bye players.
    15. choppers
      It was worth a shot. I was able to clear my team but then again I didn't have any players who had the bye this Round (10)...will need the Chief to weave his magic...
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    16. ike2112
      Meh, this season has been a disaster for me anyway but I'm now looking at only 16 players on-field.
      Benches of Stephen Hill, Gould, McInerney, Green, Xerri alongside having guys like Cerra and Bewley (who have actually been decent value) catching up with me.

      But instead of chasing 18 points scorers, do I just prioritise upgrade/downgrades?
      Surely Curtis Taylor to Draper (via Xerri DPP) is an obvious one.
      But that also allows me to go Bewley to Oliver (via Brayshaw DPP) and Devin Smith to Skinner; makes a lot of sense?
      I could afford Neale over Oliver, but thinking he's going to score more total points due to no bye. Also gives enough cash to turn Cerra into Lloyd post-bye.

      Or is ok to run with Stewart and take the cheaper option? (would likely mean never getting to Lloyd and finishing with Stewart, Sicily, Ridley, Houstin, Docherty and Hill).
    17. TheTassieHawk
      Post your full current team and it will be easier to advise mate.

      If you bring in Oliver can you keep Devon and trade out McInerney instead?

      I like Stewart but paying $25k more next week shouldn’t be a big deal if you bring in Oliver instead.
    18. ike2112

      Draper in seems obvious given the price, ruck cover, and he's likely to play rest of the season. I had Xerri as Ruc/Fwd for that kind of flexibile move.
      I could trade out Taylor, or keep him this week to try avoid playing a donut, and instead trade out Bewley, Green and McInerney? Taylor will lose cash though, I'm not sure him scoring 40pts and me losing games anyway matter over avoiding losing $.

      As for second rookie trade in, Skinner is a fair bit cheaper, but I think Bell has better job security and gives me more bench flexibility?
      I think Close is likely to stay in the Cats side (watched their last 2 games, he's pretty decent and composed with the footy) and I can then either hold Budarick or cash him in but have Close & Bell as mid/fwd bench cover. Is Bailey Scott a waste of money at this point?

      This is the sort of thing I was thinking (and can't decide on Neale, Oliver, or even Whitifield/Coniglio for value, or Stewart/Lloyd to add to Def).
      So hard to envisage ever getting to full premo now. I think it was possible this year, but you couldn't afford mistakes and I've made too many already, and its too expensive now to get likes of Petracca.

    19. TheTassieHawk
      Personally I would keep Taylor and trade out McInerney (assuming he does not get named this week and with Buderick moving into the guts) instead as this could get you to 18 players.

      I think if you do that you can still afford Neale, but if not pick a cheaper Premo, such as Oliver or Petracca with no bye.

      If you do end up trading in Stewart I would keep Bewley and turf out Hill, ie McInerney, Green, Hill are the 3 trade outs.

      3 of Rankine, Buderick, Taylor and Pickett out next week should get you another premo next week. Don’t worry too much about getting to full premium most will get to 19 to 20 unless they pass on the highest scoring players.

      -- Edit I just saw that "Youngster Curtis Taylor will also be out after confirmation he will miss the next three weeks with a knee injury" so I would definitely trade him plus 2 of Green/McInerney/Hill and keep Bewley if you can.

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