20 Consecutive Days of Footy (aka Rounds 9-12)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 31, 2020.

By TheTassieHawk on Jul 31, 2020 at 8:34 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We are underway in what has been dubbed By some as the Festival of Footy.

    Post below with your thoughts and questions as we deal with the challenges and opportunities through the initial 4 rounds of the compressed fixture.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 31, 2020.

    1. ike2112
      Just wondering the rationale for keeping Bewley - he's gained $ but ia going to start losing value from next round, I'd been thinking he's prime for upgrade now given he'll never be closer in price to a premo than he is now?

      Also it looks like Taylor, Mcinerney and Green out, I can get Draper, Oliver and Skinner in (can't afford Bell as rookie or Neale), but that still only gives me 17 on field anyway.
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
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    2. TheTassieHawk
      My view is that while some players will lose money the fact they are playing makes them valueable during a best 18 round next week, trade him out if you want to and the extra dollars help.
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    3. TheTassieHawk
      Apparently Geelong vs St Kilda in Round 11 is now St Kilda vs Geelong in Round 11. The AFL work experience kid must have figured out the remaining fixture is a lot harder to balance with one team needing so many home games in their last 5 matches.
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    4. Penske file
      Penske file
      When do SC finals start, it must be in a few weeks ? Just trying to work my trades. ??
    5. TheTassieHawk
      At the start of the year it was announced that with 17 rounds finals would be the normal top 8 commencing in Round 14.

      With 18 rounds now being played this might be pushed back a week with a 14th round and finals from Rounds 15-18. The later the better if byes could continue through to rounds 15 and 16.

      The SC site is still showing 13 rounds in the league fixtures tab. They may not have given it thought or might be too busy to make an announcement if they have decided to change it.
    6. ike2112
      Yeah, when you consider they still have to face the Eagles at some point, they already faced Freo and travelled to both SA sides, AFL also probably wants to avoid for example them to be facing WCE in Optus, as a 'home' game. Or GWS in similar fashion, playing at GWS stadium in front of a GWS crowd (who have been socially distancing for years) as a home game.
      It would be just like this year for finals to start in a bye round with 6 teams missing. 'Best 14' on field or some nonsense...
      Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
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    7. ike2112
      Wish I'd just taken the advice directly...
      I tried to look ahead and I had plenty players for next week, and the extra cash made upgrades next 2 weeks very possible, as well as getting Neale in this week, given his more likely BE than Oliver... and then Oliver goes and does THAT.
      If I'd just kept Bewley I wouldn't have been able to afford Neale and would have just gone with Oliver.

      This is why I'm doing so badly this year :rolleyes: - last 4 seasons I've gotten progressively better at SC and no doubt TooSerious has helped, but this year's just been a disaster. Still, there's worse things to worry about.
    8. TheTassieHawk
      Hey Ike,

      I wouldn’t second guess things. Regardless of this week it is their scoring from Rounds 10 to 18 overall that matters and with Neale in such hot form another safe Captains option seems like a no brainer.
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    9. TheTassieHawk
      Round 13 has no byes and will presumably be best 22, we await confirmation from SC of whether there are 3 trades that week.
    10. TheTassieHawk
      @walesy - just a heads up that it looks like we have 2 more playing zeroes during this round that may have to be looked at in the ORFF* leagues and Addicts so the emergency score (if any) does not get activated

      Ben Brown and Wil Hoskin-Elliot
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    11. TheTassieHawk
      Now that AFL Round 13 has been scheduled the following shows which other club every team will face between Rounds 14 to 18, including the 10 teams that after Round 11 is completed will not have had a bye

      I expect GWS to stay in WA and play Freo in Round 14 and think that it is possible that the WA clubs may get Round 17 and 18 home matches against 2 of NM, Rich and the Bulldogs or that Essendon, Melbourne or St Kilda may travel across for one match in Round 17 or 18 and play another club there the week before or after, but from reports this afternoon a 4-5 week hub in Qld to the completion of Round 18 is also on the cards.

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    12. anthak
      Good work mate.

      Still so many teams to have a bye. Be good to know how they plan to fit them all in.
    13. TheTassieHawk
      I am expecting Round 14 to drop this coming Thursday or Friday. Ideally it will be before the Friday night match between Geelong and Port Adelaide in Round 12 and we can know which teams have the bye in Round 14 and assume the rest are round 14 and/or 16.
    14. walesy
      Sorry guys, had the wrong date in my phone. Stats updating now.
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    15. walesy
      There's one instance of Brown adding 14 points to a team- but didn't effect the results, but I've gotta run, so will fix it later tonight.
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    16. walesy
      ok, stats are rolled.
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    17. walesy
      Added Wednesday 12th to my calander as the next rollover date!
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    18. anthak
      Anyone got any strong views about who the better rookie is out of Scholl and Ruscoe?

      I’m leaning towards Ruscoe, but really only because he’s cheaper and DPP. Also because his video telling his mum about his debut, was gold!

      Give me some thumbs if you see this:

      :thumbsu: Ruscoe

      I’ll be making the trade at about 3pm today, because I need the downgrade cash to bring Cripps in.
    19. choppers
      Not real keen on either but if I had to choose I'd go Ruscoe. He's DPP and especially if you have Rivers or Starcevich in your line up. And I think his JS might be a tad more secure than Sholl, with Hartigan Hamill, Smith and McPherson all able to come back into Crows backline.
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    20. anthak
      Thanks mate.
      That was enough to convince me given I was already leaning that way. Sholl has a bit better prospects to score well I reckon, but the dpp and cheaper price help a lot
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