Round 17 is underway

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Sep 11, 2020.

By anthak on Sep 11, 2020 at 10:35 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Two rounds to go!

    How are you all tracking?
    Choppers is crushing it up in the top 6 at the moment. Good luck to you for the final two rounds!

    Y'all may have noticed the TS Donor team has been ranked 1st overall the past few weeks and we extended our lead in round 16, to be 119 points in front of 2nd. We have now made the tough call to pull the team out of the competition. In the end we decided it didn't sit right with us to take any prize money the way we work on the team in a collaborative way. We started the team in 2011 and I don't think any of us honestly expected we'd ever be vying for 1st place overall. I think we had a good chance this year with 2 trades left for the final two rounds and a well set up team, and obviously the 119 point buffer. But we have deleted the team from the competition yesterday, and we contacted the organisers to advise of our decision.

    It was an exciting and super fun season and it is disappointing to finish this way, but it also feels good to act in integrity and do what we felt was best.

    Good luck to everyone still in contention. Especially Choppers! Hopefully you can take it out mate!
    • Like Like x 6


Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Sep 11, 2020.

    1. choppers
      Thanks. I'm trying, but will be happy to hang onto 9th spot if I can. :thumbsu:
      • Like Like x 2
    2. anthak
      Top-10 would be awesome! hopefully win some prizemoney :)
    3. walesy
      Stats will be up shortly guys, wife broke her foot
    4. stripey
      I'll be disappointed if this wasn't achieved while kicking you in the backside :D
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    5. walesy
      :D If I told you how, she would probably break the other foot doing just that
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    6. walesy
      ok, stats are done. Good luck Choppers!
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    7. anthak
      • Like Like x 1

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