ORFFA round 6 review

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by That KI Guy, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you’re looking for detailed game analysis and quality journalistic assessment, then you’ve come to the wrong place...

    There’s a fair bit of debate on the relevance of AFL footy trying to align the heroics of our fallen anzacs with that of a bunch of blokes kicking a bag of wind around a pretty green field.

    But consider this, young men forced to isolate from family for months, risking life and limb as they step onto the battle ground of Optus stadium all with the tyranny of The Hocking third reich towering overhead. Eerie similarities.

    Chooks 1328 def Cows 1164

    Yawn, how are the chooks still relevant?
    Oh yeah Jack Ziebell died and came back as Robert Patrick from T2.
    One sided affair, Cows didn’t help their chances by ignoring the “Don’t drink the water” signs bobbing around in the urinal of the chook change rooms.

    Troggs 1172 def by Wombats 1173

    One point nail biter.
    Almost upset of the decade (sounds like a great Tombstone line, Lefties angling to reach “almost” heights so we can use this).

    This tussle was more a reflection of how average the Wombats were than an out of box effort from the Troggs.
    Despite the loss, Bandit can finally shake the tanking tag, as no one can deliberately walk the line this tight.

    Warriors 1086 def by Wanderers 1220

    A genuine out of box display as the Wanderers notch up their first win against a bottoming out Whitsunday mob.
    TBH one suspects that TiB went AWOL this week with Kosi and King twiddling their thumbs on the bench.

    Cods 1061 def by Devils 1453

    Devils quietly flying under the radar and crash head on into Iron Knob park.
    A bloody big divot resulted.
    The Return of Rowan, Resurgence of Heppell and Remaking of Lever, a new Peter Jackson trilogy - now showing.

    Misfits 1093 def Battlers 1053

    Another cliffhanger, another dejected underdog.
    Neither side showered in glory here with injuries, shit form and out of position hijinx on show. Marble Bar hoping for an early bye or some random pandemic to bring pause to the roller coaster.

    Packers 1030 def by Uglies 1323

    Persistence has finally paid off for the Uglies as their strategy of hoarding all the Dees and Tigers players comes up trumps.
    Should work for around six more rounds before the Dees inevitably self destruct.
    Some promising signs at the Bay provided you’re not a forward. Or a ruck. Or anyone not called Ben Keays.

    Hoppers 1378 def Vultures 1315

    Great, high scoring, top of table, affair.
    Hoppers aided by some uber tons from Clug, Grundy and Mills. Unfortunately, another premo injury in Neale will sour the win. Rest of comp will be licking their lips, while simultaneously choking down expletives about their own injury woes.

    Sorry, it’s round 6 I hear you say?

    Nuffers 669 vs Lefties 1083

    Now this was a match with a true Anzac allegiance.
    This spectacle was a kin to an overcooked Anzac biscuit. Two sides with a tough yet ugly exterior, hollow on the inside and crumbles when pressure is applied.
    Not much more to say here.
    Lefties happy to crack 4 figures.
    Nuffers happy to crack 3.

    Cockies 1114 def by Lilacs 1507

    Well if you’re gonna lose, you might as well go down to a record breaker.
    Lilacs go atmospheric with a 1500 score to shake up the competition. This performance made even more impressive with 5 passengers scoring under 60!
    Cockies weren’t put to shame with a screaming midfield but a double forward donut and a busted Hooker, felt like a scene from the Hangover.
    • Like Like x 11
  2. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great work Mike - thanks !! Yep the walking wounded indeed.......running out of fingers to clog the dyke.
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  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks mate, great read

    had top of table clash and bottom of the table clash in same round.
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  4. graeme

    graeme Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks @That KI Guy ; and to think many moons ago I traded Ziebell to CR for a defender (whose name, thank goodness, I have forgotten; and please do not remind me anyone) who promptly got badly injured and retired. No wonder the cows remain gun shy when trading.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Love ya work @That KI Guy

    Spelunkers striving for mid table mediocrity
  6. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Indeed, the inner sanctum was hoping we could give the Lefties a good game but the 11 that turned up were smashed by the largest margin of the round, congrats.
  7. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great read.

    Bandit has passed the mantle to the Worriers. When is that MSD?
    • Like Like x 2
  8. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  9. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nice prose, I feel like bursting into song ala Babe
    Tra la la la, la lah etc etc :p
    Small point, such results deserve to be seen on the front blog page :)
    • Like Like x 3

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