SuperCoach is open for 2022

Discussion in 'AFL' started by anthak, Jan 25, 2022.

By anthak on Jan 25, 2022 at 10:17 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    SuperCoach is open, and there’s some new rules/features.



    – Every coach now has 35 trades over 23 rounds with a maximum of two per round and three during the byes (Rounds 12-14), unless you use a trade boost.

    – New trade boost! Up to five trade boosts can be used in any round to gain an extra trade for that round, up to a maximum of three per round or four during the byes. These bonus trades come out of your total of 35, and you can choose to use some, all or none of your five available trade boosts.


    At regular intervals during the season Champion Data will reassess player positions and assign dual-position status to players if their on-field role changes. For example, in 2021 Jack Ziebell was listed as a forward in KFC SuperCoach but spent the entire season at full-back – under the new rule he could become a FWD-DEF player mid-season.


Discussion in 'AFL' started by anthak, Jan 25, 2022.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      Trade boost could come in handy with potential fixture changes leaving SC teams short across 7 or 8 match rounds.

      In season dpp will be great for our TS keeper leagues as well.
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Penske file
      Penske file
      Trade boost, wow I'm sure to get a couple more rounds in before I run out., please don't let me have a disaster like 2021..
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    3. stripey
      I'm sure the best plan will wind up being to trade aggressively early to get the team upgraded and hope for the best... or the season turns into a complete sh!tshow and those who saved trades get rewarded... one or the other :D
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    4. anthak
      exactly my thinking :)
    5. Mdw300c
      Will TooSerious be covering AFL RDT this year as well?
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    6. anthak
    7. JPK
      Has anyone got the code for the TS group this year, please?
    8. ike2112
      To be fair I've always ended up doing this. I've always either started horrendously and needed to use 12 trades in the first 7 rounds to fix/react to injuries, or in the 2 years that I was in the top 500 I used almost a similar number of trades trying to chase that difference that would keep me up there...
      Inevitably I'd then have to manage the team through from round 16 with maybe only 3 trades left. Now though it seems can just smash through them, use 2 trades on average every week for 16 rounds and you've still 3 left. I'm not sure I like this - AFL Fantasy already suffers from so many trades meaning everyone has the same cheapos mid-season, same premiums etc.
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    9. walesy
      That definitely should be part of tonight's roll-over.

      If it ever opens!! Hopefully soon, else it will have to be tomorrow's job!
      • Like Like x 4
    10. walesy
      So, it became a today job. I'll get it sorted over lunch- or possibly an after work effort :)
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    11. JoshyC
      hey boss man, noticed the SSP rookies are not in TS...Jack Hayes, Hugh Dixon, etc....just an FYI for you
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    12. Mdw300c
      Thank you so much. You are a life saver. Couldnt find any easy way to get the full set of stats without you guys. I really appreciate your efforts
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    13. Mdw300c
      @walesy do you have any idea why there are so many duplicates in the Real Dream Team dataset?
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    14. RiderJake
      Would you like higher prices or more trades?
    15. stripey
      less trades makes the starting team more important thereby rewarding astute coaches who did their research!

      it is in SC interest to keep the masses interested for as long as possible though so it is more than likely higher trades remain

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