TS Fantasy NBA 22/23: express your interest

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 7, 2022.

By anthak on Oct 7, 2022 at 11:27 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Roughly two weeks until opening night, and we almost have three leagues full.
    We still need two more coaches to fill our third league, and perhaps we might even get a late rush to fill a fourth league again. [EDIT: three leagues are now full]

    Please comment in this thread if you want to join this competition.

    For those new to this competition, this is our 13th season of fantasy NBA here at TooSerious! We run multiple leagues with promotion/relegation between the leagues each season. For 9 of the 12 seasons we had 4 leagues, but we dropped down to 3 leagues the last two seasons.

    • There is no entry fee and no prizes, but its a lot of fun.
    • ESPN platform
    • 12 team league
    • 13 roster spots (10 starters) per team + 2 IR spots
    • H2H points (our own points system can be found HERE with a bit of rationale HERE, and HERE for our previous scoring system, most of which has carried over)
    • Top 6 teams qualify for playoffs
    • Daily lock at beginning of first game each day
    • 5 acquisitions per 7-day matchup
    • Draft is on Sunday October 16th - 6:45pm AEST; 7:45pm AEDT; 4:45am US EDT.
    • The promotion/relegation rules can be found HERE
    • Other settings found HERE

    We've had a total of 103 different coaches join our leagues over the 12 years thus far, some for just one season, and 19 of us who have played at least 10 of the 12 seasons! @HEAVER is the only coach to have qualified for the Premier League all 12 seasons! Whereas @stowie is the only one to have won multiple Premier League championships - and he has 4 of them!

    Here is the makeup of the three leagues so far, in draft order:

    1. Rev
    2. stowie
    3. tyze1
    4. nicksnow
    5. Rad_E_Cool
    6. anthak
    7. bgt2110
    8. smokinjoemisiti
    9. crossy
    10. costak
    11. HEAVER
    12. tasho

    Division 1:
    1. Sparks
    2. Lethal
    3. KAT4MVP
    4. Steve
    5. Belmont383
    6. Jmulldihno
    7. Mick Webb
    8. dabombers
    9. Bearfly
    10. Don_Cottagers
    11. Chris Whitey
    12. Eggrobber

    Division 2:
    1. churchboy
    2. WingMan
    3. James84
    4. headmandude
    5. The Royals
    6. insider
    7. Jacob Doole
    8. Jasmine
    9. karlos
    10. Lano24
    11. Esther
    12. unaio

    EDIT: the three leagues are now full. We could potentially create a 4th league if we get 12 more coaches this week.

    Please let us know in the comments below if you want to join a league or if you have any questions.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 7, 2022.

  • Tags:
    1. anthak
      now I gotta get back to watching 36ers vs OKC :)
    2. James84
      Hi @anthak ,

      I'm available again this season if you need any extras to fill a league :thumbsu:
      • Like Like x 1
    3. anthak
      Cool James, that would be great.

      Can you clarify if you definitely want the spot, or are you saying you will only play to help out if we dont find two others?
    4. anthak

    5. James84
      @anthak I'll take the spot ;)
      • Like Like x 1
    6. anthak
      excellent, I have updated the OP. You have pick 3
    7. anthak
      • Like Like x 1
    8. anthak
    9. anthak
      We still need one more coach for Div 2
    10. insider
      Pm sent Ant
      • Like Like x 1
    11. anthak
      Ok, Insider has taken the last spot, so we now have 3 leagues full!
    12. anthak
      I have edited the OP accordingly
    13. anthak
      By the way, it’s looking like Div 2 will be really competitive this season!

      Quite often over the years, our bottom league has been filled with mostly new coaches, many of whom have not been engaged, with some usually every year dropping out half way through the season; but this year, we only had 3 coaches not recommit, and one of those spots has been taken by a returning coach whose played several season in this comp already. Added to that, there’s a bunch of stalwarts in Div 2 this year, some with Premier League experience, and another who was very unlucky to be relegated last season.

      I’m excited for this season. All 3 leagues look strong!
    14. anthak
      I have sent @insider the invite to join the league.

      The only other coach who hasnt yet joined any of the 3 leagues is @churchboy

      We are so much more organised this year; usually we are chasing people still right up to the day of the draft!
    15. anthak
      As of a couple hours ago, all 36 coaches have now joined their league. Good job everyone!
    16. HEAVER
      @anthak - what time is the draft on Sunday? ESPN is showing 7:45pm? Is that finalised?
      • Like Like x 1
    17. anthak
      yes that's correct, for AEDT
      • Like Like x 1
    18. Brad666
      I’ll take a spot if there’s any availabilities left
      • Like Like x 1
    19. anthak
      Hey mate, good to hear from you again.
      We’ve filled three leagues at this stage, so you’ll need to go on a waiting list for a 4th league. If you can find 11 other coaches to join you in the league, we’d be happy to facilitate it as part of this comp. Just need all coaches to comment in this thread and we’ll sort it out.

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