Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Jen, Mar 13, 2023.

  1. Jen

    Jen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here are the first 11 rounds of the 2023 season.

    Thank you @chris88 for your somewhat bizarre write ups of our themes.

    ORFFA Round 1/AFL Round 1 Thursday 16th March

    THEME – Drastic List Reduction Round

    Surgery is best with a sharp scalpel and plenty of something or other to numb the appropriate bits and pieces. Sharp post-COVID surgery on our ORFFA playing lists has been a challenge for some … let’s see if the correct list parts have been retained.

    Birdsville Battlers v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Whitsunday Warriors
    Foul Bay Chickens v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Venus Bay Vultures
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Nareewillock Nuffers
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Marble Bar Misfits

    ORFFA Round 2/AFL Round 2 Thursday 23rd March

    THEME – AFLX Memorial Round

    This week we remember the colour, excitement and brilliance of the regrettably short-lived AFLX experiment. What a concept – who can forget the AFLX draft, a besuited Alex Rance’s entrance aboard an electric skateboard, those gymnast circus performer people in the promo behind Gil, the … uh … um … yeah, look … gotta go.

    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Nareewillock Nuffers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Venus Bay Vultures v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Whitsunday Warriors v Foul Bay Chickens
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Dunsborough Dung Beetles
    Birdsville Battlers v Cradle Mountain Devils

    ORFFA Round 3/AFL Round 3 Thursday 30th March

    THEME – Walesy Appreciation Round

    It is that time again, the time where we say thanks to Walesy and his happy team of moderator-staff type elves who personally see to it that all the cogs and wheels and spindles that drive this great site are where they are meant to be, and are kept in good working order.

    Now where does this bolt go? Anyone? Anyone??

    Cradle Mountain Devils v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Birdsville Battlers
    Foul Bay Chickens v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Whitsunday Warriors
    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Venus Bay Vultures
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Nareewillock Nuffers
    Marble Bar Misfits v Mt Beauty Uglies

    ORFFA Round 4/AFL Round 4 Thursday 6th April

    THEME – Mark Seaby Round

    Sent from the past to the future, and then back into the past by mistake before arriving in the present, Terminator Mark Seaby emerges from the mist and various pollutants to save the ORFFA draft from double drafting and other threats to humankind’s existence.

    Meanwhile his sidekick, Brynn Teakle, looks nervously at various ORFFA lists, confused about which one he is actually on and too frightened to ask Terminator Mark Seaby for help.

    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Nareewillock Nuffers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Venus Bay Vultures v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Whitsunday Warriors v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Birdsville Battlers v Foul Bay Chickens
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Dunsborough Dung Beetles

    ORFFA Round 5/AFL Round 5 Thursday 13th April

    THEME – Terry's Round

    This round is an opportunity for the ORFFA, its coaches and everyone here at this crazy site called Too Serious to pay tribute to our longtime colleague and friend Terry.

    Let's pay a visit to the Tiki Bar, raise our glasses, share a story or two and pay our respects throughout the weekend. We'll miss you Terry.

    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Foul Bay Chickens v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Birdsville Battlers
    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Whitsunday Warriors
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Marble Bar Misfits v Venus Bay Vultures
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Nareewillock Nuffers

    ORFFA Round 6/AFL Round 6 Friday 21st April

    THEME – ANZAC Round

    Lest We Forget

    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Nareewillock Nuffers
    Venus Bay Vultures v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Marble Bar Misfits
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Whitsunday Warriors v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Birdsville Battlers v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Foul Bay Chickens

    ORFFA Round 7/AFL Round 7 Friday 28th April

    THEME – Retro Round

    Once, long ago, there were teams that took to the field with yellow shorts. Or red shorts. Or gold shorts. Or short shorts. All with straight faces too – though those faces were often hidden underneath formidable facial hair.

    This week we start our drive for the return of compulsory gold shorts wearing. In fact, yes, let’s do it – we proclaim that all ORFFA teams must wear gold shorts this week to mark Retro Round.

    On the field, however, teams can wear whatever colour shorts they like.

    Foul Bay Chickens v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Dunsborough Dung Beetles
    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Birdsville Battlers
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Whitsunday Warriors
    Marble Bar Misfits v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Nareewillock Nuffers v Venus Bay Vultures

    ORFFA Round 8/AFL Round 8 Friday 5th May

    THEME – Muso Round

    Home teams – nominate an Aussie or NZ muso or musos to perform pre-match entertainment duties before your game.

    Away teams – shut up and listen and just be happy you are getting a free concert.

    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Venus Bay Vultures
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Nareewillock Nuffers
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Whitsunday Warriors v Marble Bar Misfits
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Birdsville Battlers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Foul Bay Chickens v Gariwerd Cockatoos

    ORFFA Round 9/AFL Round 9 Friday 12th May

    THEME – Late Withdrawal/Unexpected Doughnut Round

    Doughnuts should never be unexpected, especially when you are eating those sugar coated jam ones you can buy outside the MCG and other places when you leave early because your team is getting smashed and you bite into them and the unexpectedly scalding jam ends up burning all the taste buds off your tongue and leaves you even more upset than you were when you were inside watching your team getting smashed.

    Stick to simple glazed doughnuts, people. Or ensure you list emergencies.

    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Foul Bay Chickens
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Dunsborough Dung Beetles
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Birdsville Battlers
    Marble Bar Misfits v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Whitsunday Warriors
    Nareewillock Nuffers v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Venus Bay Vultures v Wagga Wagga Wombats

    ORFFA Round 10/AFL Round 10 Friday 19th May

    THEME – Meat and Potatoes Round

    Every team has them. Those plain, no frills meat and mashed potatoes performers that sit on a plate, gradually going cold until they are mere white gloop and cold protein, before being covered in cling wrap and put in the fridge to be reheated and consumed later on.

    Hold on, that’s not what this round is about at all. This round is about those plain, no frills meat and mashed potatoes performers that turn up every week on our plates and with a minimum of fuss produce a good score for our fantasy teams, before being covered in cling wrap and put in the fridge to be reheated and consumed later on.

    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Venus Bay Vultures
    Whitsunday Warriors v Nareewillock Nuffers
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Birdsville Battlers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Dunsborough Dung Beetles v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Foul Bay Chickens v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Gundagai Grasshoppers

    ORFFA Round 11/AFL Round 11 Friday 26th May

    THEME – Bring Out Your Dead Round

    As befits the final round before that greatest of events, that night of nights, the star-studded ORFFA mid-season draft, we quietly, respectfully and thoughtfully employ our stretcher-bearers to visit each team’s HQ and ask for volunteers.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Foul Bay Chickens
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Dunsborough Dung Beetles
    Marble Bar Misfits v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Birdsville Battlers
    Nareewillock Nuffers v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Venus Bay Vultures v Whitsunday Warriors
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2023
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  2. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great work folks!
    I love the “somewhat bizarre” description and write ups! Reached a new level this season! Had me in stitches haha
  4. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Top shelf, as always. :thumbsu:
  5. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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