2023 TS Leagues

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Feb 22, 2023.

By anthak on Feb 22, 2023 at 12:49 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Firstly, the code for this year’s TS Group is 291359
    Be great if everyone joined the group!

    Let’s try and fill our leagues.

    Best to make them 20-team leagues this season.
    As usual, they must have ‘TS’ or ‘TooSerious’ in the title.

    Post your league name and code in the comments and I’ll add it to a list in the OP.
    If anyone finds that a league is full, please let us know and we’ll label it in the OP accordingly.

    Also, we need to fill the Platinum League. If you want to join, please tell us what sort of rankings you’ve had over the last 5 or so years.
    [EDIT 27/2] I have added the Platinum League code below, for anyone to join, so that we can try to fill it.

    Here are some leagues anyone can join:

    TooSerious dot net (710268)

    TS Donuts (384231)
    TS Misfits (760802)
    TS Pine Warmers (929836)
    TS Platinum League (163356)
    TooSeriously (348975)
    TooSerious donors (288645)
    TS NBA crew (871207)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
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Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Feb 22, 2023.

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    1. anthak
      Hey mate, a few of these codes don’t work.
      I just removed Expats, Seriously & PODs galore from the OP because codes don’t seem to be correct.
    2. TerryinBangkok
      Sorry mate, my eyes are still not fully recovered and we live in a world of small print. This of course has the potential to help your players numbers when I write up the ORFFA.
      TS Expats 339721
      TS Seriously? 247516
      TS PODs Galore 120698
      • Like Like x 1
    3. anthak
      Going into the byes, the best TS 20-team league is ranked 382nd.

      TooSerious donors

      Hopefully can improve that rank through the byes.
    4. stripey
      I am having a complete shocker this year... so sad
    5. anthak
      I started terribly too this year. I have come back a bit over the last month, but started from too far behind

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