RIP Silver Fox

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Len, Apr 11, 2023.

By Len on Apr 11, 2023 at 11:26 PM
  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Terry is being cremated at 5pm AEST tomorrow, Tracey and I will be rasing a glass to a loyal friend and a genuine gentleman.


    The last time we managed to share a drink together was 9 years ago, when he gave up two days of his time to show Tracey and I some wonderful "roads less travelled" photo opportunities in southern Thailand.

    We captured some amazing images we would have never otherwise had the chance at, but more important by far the chance to spend quality time together.

    RIP wontok.

    Bandit has some plans to ensure he remains a part of tooserious within the FA

    We will need to find permanent replacement coaches for his teams in TS Addicts, ORFFL as well as here.
    @TheTassieHawk is assisting interim in the FL.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Len, Apr 11, 2023.

    1. graeme
      Unfortunately I never got to meet the silver fox - my loss. Would like to share one, of many, memories.

      Back in the day when many would gather in TS Chat of a Friday evening, TiB and I would chat about food and wine - it probably bored a lot of people. We settled on the Pinot Cup for meetings between the Warriors and the Cows. We also agreed the menu - good NZ pinot noir with corned beef (or, as TiB insisted, silverside) the protein accompaniment of choice, He advocated for brown onion sauce, I championed hot mustard sauce. Typically, we never agreed which was preferable.

      This Friday evening will be a special bottle of Pinot (from Central Otago) and corned beef. Might even give the brown onion sauce a try. Could be a few tears. RIP TiB.
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    2. walesy
      Holy shit, I've had this on the screen for the past two hours and am still in a bit of shock. TiB has been a regular in this place, since before it was cool and then well after it being cool. 15 years now I reckon, enjoying his work around the place. From his thoughts on anything and everything, to the Hornsy and TiB rivalry of years past, he has been an integral part of what has made this a great place to exist in.
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    3. anthak
      I’m still very sad about this news.
      My family don’t hear me talk about many of my “online” friends, but Terry in Bangkok they knew about. He helped us out with a few real life things several years ago.

      Thanks for sharing these details, Len! Will definitely be in my thoughts this week.

      In regards to a replacement in the ORFFA, I wrote to Bandit a few days ago to ask if there was a way that we could all jointly manage his ORFFA team for the rest of the season, and then look for a replacement after.

      TiB had set up his team for the season and it would be good to honour that. It feels strange to me to replace him so soon. However if it’s too difficult logistically, then fine to find a new owner for Whitsunday sooner.
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    4. JoshyC
      I don't know what to say other than RIP a great man. He is a bit of legend in my books, so will be raising a glass or 2 tonight for him.
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    5. graeme
      Well TiB the Fickle Mistress pinot is slipping down a treat. Thought about the time you spent in Thailand and made a warm chilli sauce instead of the brown onion you favoured, or the mustard sauce I have always made. It was bloody good and may become the go to sauce for silverside.

      A Port win would be a fitting finale to a tough week.
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    6. Iain
      Tragic news, vale TiB. Had some great chats over the years. One of the good ones.
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    7. Tylo
      graeme just pointed me to this thread after I noticed he'd taken over TiB's team in the Addicts. I'm a bit shell-shocked. I knew he was an older guy and none of us go on forever but it's hard to fathom him not being around. I absolutely concur with him being an integral part of what's made this place great. He had a wit and humour that was unique and always made me smile to read. I remember with a lot of joy the days before the ORFFs and the plethora of supercoach sites, when this was the place to discuss tactics and trades and watch TiB and graeme banter about food and wine. I hope his memory is kept alive here and I hope his family know he will be missed. I hope he knows he will be missed.
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    8. shaggs2
      he wasnt that old , RIP
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