2023 ORFFA round 4 review

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by That KI Guy, Apr 12, 2023.

  1. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    From the pen of @snoz

    Charlie’s Opening defeats Mount Beauty
    Nareewillock defeats Marble Bar
    Venus Bay defeats Lovely Banks
    Wagga Wagga defeats Larrikin Lagoon
    Waikikamoocow defeats Iron Knob
    Gundagai defeats Whitsunday
    Gariwerd defeats Wineglass Bay
    Foul Bay defeats Birdsville
    Cradle Mountain defeats Dunsborough

    We play Fantasy Football. It isn’t real…..its fantasy. For a lot of us, it’s somewhat of an escape from reality.
    A platform to forget the world’s troubles, meet some friends and play a game of chance.

    TS started out in 2010/11 or thereabouts. It was a chat-based site – it didn’t have all the bells & whistles is has now.
    A bunch of random dudes taking supercoach way too seriously from across the globe chatting about this & that.
    There weren’t many of us in those embryonic days, but it was fun. A guy in Melbs could chat to a guy in Auckland,
    who could chat with a guy in New York, who could chat with a guy in Bangkok, who could chat with a guy in Sydney & Adelaide.

    Most of us have never met – but we have been chatting for 10-12 years. For me, I’m probably closer to you lot than most of my friends back home. Mainly because we interact weekly, monthly, yearly. it’s a very special place with special friendships, history, camaraderie and jocularity. And then we have a week like this…….Terry, aka TiB, one of TS’s original rat pack. We lose one of us. A very good friend to all, a very close friend to others. Someone I’ve never met but feel his passing like I would a best mate back home. Its brutal, it just sucks. And its terribly sad……….

    TiB was instrumental in starting ORFFA not long after the other mob ORFFL had begun operations.
    Here was this guy in Bangkok, or as he’d like to say “A Tib amongst all this Asian population is as happy as a little piggy poo”,
    recruiting Graeme out of Auckland, myself out of NYC together with his best mate Len out of Sydney amongst others.

    All thru TS chats. All strangers from far & wide. All coming together to skip reality and venture into fantasy land.

    We’ve just lost our quirky little smartass out of Bangkok. Quick with his wit but also with a heart of gold. One of the good guys.

    RIP my friend and thank you personally for getting me involved so that I was able to cultivate so many friendships on this site
    over the past decade. You will be forever missed mate.

    For this week’s review, I’d like you all to take a moment to comment below on a memory, on an interaction…..anything that
    warms the cockles of your heart or just makes you smile when it comes to TiB.

    I’d also like to propose that herewith, the ORFFA Premiership be renamed the TiB Cup. Its only befitting one of the TooSerious OG’s.


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  2. graeme

    graeme Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thank you @snoz - encapsulates a lot of the reasons why I enjoy TS, and especially FA, so much.

    TiB had an understated sense of humour, often of the self-deprecating variety. These from our last email exchange typifies that:

    "I have just come from my diabetes specialist. She would indeed not be in favour of my sugar coating anything."
    "I continue to exist and love and put food on the table. I did not feel old prior to the operation, but some of the bounce has gone. I have taken to mentoring intelligent young people and this gives me joy."
    "I won't be coaching my team this year, I shall be cajoling them."

    Thank you for everything TiB, RIP
    • Like Like x 8
  3. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well said @snoz

    The man was a gentlemen, and genuinely wanted the best for this place. He was one to offer counsel to me as Commish on many an occasion, and his wit was something that like fine wine, you appreciated the more you sampled it.

    Like fine wine, he was not to everyone's taste either, but that was OK

    I'll miss our exchanges Terry, especially the trade conversations where we both thought the other was taking the piss, the banter was brilliant.

    I'll manage the Warriors for the next couple of weeks... will reach out to a few of you to get thoughts on MSD etc

    It now seems the right place to announce a couple of things

    Going forward:
    • This weeks round will be changed to be the TiB memorial round (actual title still a work in progress with @chris88 and @Jen)
    • From next season, the round that falls on the anniversary of Terry's passing will be in memory of TiB
    • The ORFFA premiership will change from to The Terry Cummins Trophy. Those who win this fantasy thing we play are only here because of Terry. He was the one that stepped in and helped stand it up, he was the one (with @Len ) and kept it going when Xenomorph disappeared off the face of the earth. it is only fitting that the premier of the year etch their name next to one of the founding members of ORFFA (and TS for that matter)
    • This weekend, I suggest we all raise a glass to our mate Terry, regardless of if you knew him well or you didn't, this comp would not be here without him
    Oh, and because Terry would not want this to be all about him.... The Spelunkers posted 1593 this week.... you can all get stuffed!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
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  4. Jen

    Jen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great work @snoz

    I didn't know Terry personally but when I came on board as never having done anything like this before and also being the first female coach in this group, he was there ready help and encourage me and maybe to try and point me in the wrong direction.

    His loss will be felt throughout this group as well as throughout all of Too Serious.

    Rest In Peace Terry
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  5. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Like most of us here, I thoroughly enjoyed my chats with TiB. He gave me a clip in the conversations when he felt I needed it, but most of it was just good hearted banter. He was a ripper.

    We never had the chance to meet but it wasn't until more recently that I learned that was because of a simple misunderstanding.

    During one of his trips to Melbourne for a hospital stay, I asked him which hospital it was so I could come and visit. He declined to give me the details saying he didn't want me to go to that effort. I assured him it was no trouble but he held firm. We discovered some years later it was because he thought I lived in a different city and didn't want me to go to the bother of travelling that far. He was aghast when he realised, not because we didn't get to meet mind you, but because "it would have been nice to have someone to bring me a cheeky red".

    Vale, Terry.
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  6. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Also, lovely words @snoz . Great stuff, mate.
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  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Very well said, Snoz! Lovely and fitting.

    Ive got so many memories with TiB…. We had more than our fair share of disagreements, but also lots of fond interactions, helping each other with things, and lots of trade negotiations. There was usually very little BS in trade negotiations with TiB, we reached agreement quickly on simple trades several times.

    He was a cheeky bastard quite often. I think Graeme mentioned recently that it was often difficult to tell if he was serious or joking… I felt this too, but early days I often assumed he was serious, and in more recent years I felt he was almost always joking!

    A funny moment last year was when I put Josh P Kennedy up for trade. TiB (jokingly) offered Josh J Kennedy for him. I contacted him privately to take him up on the offer, but he declined.
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  8. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Will openly admit that @snoz had me in tears with this.
    A beautiful summary and reminder of what this place and its people mean.

    Terry was a top shelf card, his sense of humour really appealed.
    We had many discussions about how KI could rid itself of its feral cat scourge and Terry had some quirky recommendations including this beauty:
    Prefaced with: "perhaps KI needs more Vietnamese migrants?"

    Deep down though, I got that Terry was a fierce fan of the environment. He was a free-thinker and was genuinely excited about what our little island had been achieving in the feral control space.

    And of course he was a Power supporter.
    Perfect combo.

    An irreplaceable human whose wit will be sorely missed.
    Summed nicely by the PM attached.
    Vale Terry "Superdry" Commins

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  9. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Terry’s presence on Too Serious and as a coach in several leagues including the ORFFA will be sorely missed. Thanks for the fantastic Round 4 Review @snoz and to yourself and other ORFFA coaches for sharing their memories of Terry.

    Since the establishment of TooSerious TerryinBangkok has been one of the most active members, not just in terms of quantity of posts but also his level of engagement with fellow members, making TS a better place.

    Holding a TiB memorial round each season and naming The ORFFA premiership The Terry Commins Trophy are great ways to honour Terry’s significant contribution to TooSerious in general and more specifically the ORFFA.

    Vale Terry
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  10. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    RIP legend, you are still missed frequently
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