2024 TS Addicts "Rules" Thread

Discussion in 'tsAddicts SC Keeper League' started by JoshyC, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Updates in red and red strike through

    Teams and squads

    • There are 10 unique teams in the league
    • Each team will have squads of 20 unique players at a maximum at any given time in season proper and finals
    • There are 12 players starting on field:
    o 3 Defenders
    o 3 Forwards
    o 5 Midfielders
    o 1 Ruck​
    • There is 1 emergency, who can be from any position and if required to replace a non-playing starter, will score full points regardless of whom they replace
    • This leaves 7 reserves
    • Auto emergency is active
    • Rolling lockout is active
    • No captains

    League settings
    • Home and away regular season starts Round 1
    • Each team plays each other twice in the home and away regular season
    o 18 games in a season​
    • No home and away games are played during the bye rounds where 4 or more teams are on a bye, these are the Opening Round, and Rounds 3, 12, 14, 15 and 16. This means no trading or free agent access for any coach per the Key Dates below
    • Final ladder position for the home and away season is based on:
    o Premiership Points, then
    o Total Points Scored
    • The Premier will be the whoever finishes the home and away season with the highest ladder position
    • Finals format is top 4

    o Original Page-McIntyre system over 3 weeks starting round 21
    • Final ladder position post the finals series is based on the outcome of the finals

    Pre-season draft
    • Draft order is based on the final ladder position
    o For teams in the bottom 6, this is the end of the home away season
    o For teams in the top 4, this is based on where they finish in the finals
    • Before each draft starts, all coaches must cut their squad back to a maximum of 15 players. The delist cut-off date/time will be set each year in advance of the draft
    o Delists are not final until the defined delist cut-off time, up to this time they are indicative and can be changed by the respective coaches.
    o Coaches have the option of delisting more players than the minimum number of players required
    o Any squads still holding delisted players in their lists at the time the delist window ends will be administered and the players cut and released to the pool. Delists previously posted by coaches will be deemed final
    o Any coach who has not posted their delists at the time the delist window closes will have their squads cut without prejudice by having any retired players removed firstly, then their lowest scoring players based on last season average.​
    • The 2 sides who finish on the bottom of the ladder each season receive the first 2 picks of each round as priority picks through the entire draft
    o Each round of the draft, the bottom 2 get the first 4 picks
    o Last gets 1 and 3, while second last gets 2 and 4
    o Then 13 and 15, 14 and 16, and so on up to the point their squad is full
    o This means, like it does for everyone, they have the option of delisting more than the minimum number of players required, and will continue to receive priority picks each round​
    • Tanking is against the spirit of the competition and will be dealt with swiftly and severely
    o The Commish has the final say on decisions protecting the integrity of the competition at all times​
    • Draft format is linear, and not a snake draft
    • Each draft pick will have a 6 hour time limit between 6am and midnight. This the maximum amount of time each coach has to make their pick for that round, after which they will be assigned the highest average scorer from the previous season per the TS stats page by default
    • In order to keep the draft moving, any coach who was auto picked in the last round will be immediately auto picked for again in subsequent rounds, until they check back into the draft via messaging the draft thread. They will not get a further 6 hours.
    • Any coach assigned a default player per the above has the option to delist that player at any time throughout the draft and replace them with a player of their choosing, so long as that player is still available, regardless of the status of the draft (they do not have to wait for their next pick)

    Player movement
    • Coaches must post the names of both the player/s being delisted and the player/s being acquired for all trades and free agent access via this thread http://tooserious.net/forum/threads/tsaddicts-player-movement-thread.91146/
    • First in best dressed rule applies to free agents. The coach who first posts the names in the thread above is deemed to have acquired the player
    • The cutoff for all trades and free agents each week is the first bounce of the first game of each round. No player movement is allowed during a round
    • The free agent pool opens at 9.00pm AEST/AEDST on the Tuesday following the completion of the round. This also applies in rounds where football is played on a Monday or Tuesday
    • No trading or free agent access is allowed for any coach not playing that week
    o This includes the bye rounds listed above, the end of the home and away season for teams not competing in finals, teams eliminated during the finals, etc
    • Access to the live free agent list via the TS stats page can be found here http://tooserious.net/forum/stats.p...gueTeamId=FA&tsLeagueId=15&sort=ave&desc=desc
    • For inter team trades, 3 non-participating coaches approvals are required, or 48 hours without objection, then the trade is deemed complete
    o If there is an objection we discuss it as a group​
    • Draft picks are not permitted to be traded
    • Multi player trades are permitted, so long as the squad limits are observed at all times

    o Check with the Commish via PM if in doubt

    Active bye rounds
    • This season will consist of
    3 rounds where home and away league games are being played, but 2 or more AFL teams have a bye
    • These are rounds
    2, 4 & 13
    • Unlike previous years, no extra player top up will be available to coaches
    • During these rounds, all coaches will be allowed to increase their squad sizes to a maximum of 21 (1 extra player) once the free agent pool is open for that round
    • Coaches are expected to bring their squads back to the maximum number (20) prior to the first bounce of the next non bye round, else the last player they bought in will be cut without prejudice - these are rounds 5 and 17

    Key dates
    • Inter team trades - open NOW until the first bounce in the Opening Round, then closed until
    9.00pm the following Tuesday (11/03) per the Player Movement section above
    • Delists due -
    28/02/2025 @ 6.00pm AEDST
    • Draft starts -
    02/03/2025 @ 6.00pm AEDST
    Round 1 H&A starts - 13/03/2025 @ 7.30pm AEDST
    • FA Pool - open from the end of the draft until the first bounce in the Opening Round, then closed until
    9.00pm the following Tuesday (11/03) per the Player Movement section above
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025
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  2. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  3. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    • No play during the bye rounds....

    I'm assuming this only refers to rds 12-15.
    As the AFL have gone with this absurd Rd0 crap and byes for only 8 teams in Rds2 3 5& 6......then I can't see us getting 18 H&A games unless we play 2-3-5& 6.
    This being the case, then I would suggest maybe bringing our 23 man squads back to 18 (via de-listings), taking our 5 picks in the PSD (to help cover for players missing in Rds 2 3 5 &6) and after Rd 6 is completed, every team will need to de-list 3 players, prior to Rd7, to bring us back to 20 players as per the rules...... • Each team will have squads of 20 unique players at a maximum at any given time
    .and we continue on as normal......
    Some teams will be hit harder than others for sure, but at least it gives coaches 3-4 weeks from now to organise trades and the PSD to help ease any pain....

    The Dropkicks currently have 15 players of our 23 who will miss at least 1 of the games in Rd2-6......
  4. graeme

    graeme Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Do we need "Rolling lockout is active"? I am ambivalent but would prefer a set and forget at first bounce of the round. Not sure if there are any rounds over extended periods (i.e., greater than Thursday to Sunday).
  5. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    you can always just set and forget, but the option is there to make changes throughout the round for coaches who choose to
  6. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yeh i am working this out now, i published these rules before the AFL went bonkers... we are definitely starting R1 (miss OR) and playing through R2-6.
    I would like to keep the 18 H&A + 3 rounds for finals meaning we would also have to play through R12-13 and finish the H&A season after R20, playing finals R21-23. Alternatively, we take a month off skipping R12-15 and shorten finals to 2 rounds, playing H&A to R22 and finals R23-24. either way, i am thinking about a solution to allow coaches coverage.
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  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It has always been a rolling lockout, it's a pain when you miss one, but no more of a pain you would experience when you get screwed by late changes
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  8. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    rules in red updated in OP
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  9. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pretty happy with most of that. I have 2 whinges.

    First, I'd rather ladder position was based on points for, either as the main criteria or at least after wins rather than percentage. Not sure why it was changed. It just seems fairer given that we have no way of influencing what our opponent does.

    Second, I'm concerned priority picks will encourage tanking toward the end of seasons. ie coaches deliberately not picking their strongest team. An issue that has any even greater effect if we're using wins and percentage for ladder position. Imagine someone missing out on fourth by percentage because another coach has tanked the last round to get priority picks.
  10. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    agreed on point 1 - rules updated
    re point 2...given point 1 this should not be an issue but a couple of thoughts on tanking - firstly we have all been playing together a while, so there is trust a plenty here, but i take your point on and will monitor but i doubt very much this will occur. secondly, it is critical we try to even out the comp so i think this is worth a trial, even if just for a season or 2...and can change it down the line if it is not working
  11. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fair enough. As long as everyone understands that it's not in the spirit of the comp then we should be ok
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  12. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I’ll put something in the rules for fidelity
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  13. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's question time......regarding trades pre-season.
    I have already de-listed my 8 players so my squad sits at 15.
    If I now trade in a player to make 16, do I only use 4 picks in the PSD OR do I need to remove one of my current players, so my squad remains at 15 and I take 5 picks?
  14. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll defer to @JoshyC as Commish, but at the time of the draft, you can only have 15 players.
    Therefore, any additions before then need to be taken into account. Basically mate, if you trade in a 16th
    player now, you will have to delist one further player before the draft.
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  15. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks.......makes sense :thumbsu:
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  16. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    assuming you are trading a draft pick for player here...correct?

    as the rules state exotic trades are permitted so long as squad limits are observed meaning you can trade odd numbers of players (say 2 for 1) or even draft picks and player/s for player/s, but the key is that maximum squad numbers need to be observed. so in this example someone will end up dropping a player anyway lol.

    if it is a single pick for a single player, then thinking this through you would only have 4 picks in draft remaining, while the coach you are trading with will now have 6. your squad will sit at 16 while theirs at 14. so i think it makes sense that you would not have to drop a player, else you would have to take the final pick in the draft to top up to 5 picks.

    if there are no objections, i will amend the rules around draft pick trading and squad limits to clarrify this
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
  17. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey @JoshyC........I've never come across that scenario in any ORF league before. At the time of the draft, all teams
    should be at 15 players, all teams must have 5 picks. During the draft that can change when 'live' trading happens, but
    every league has the same rule, must have at least the min squad amount (in this case 15) at the
    start of the PSD.
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  18. JoshyC

    JoshyC Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    understood, but how would the draft picks work where by after a pick for player trade, choppers has 15 in his squad but only 4 draft picks? does he get the last pick in the draft? or just the ability to dip into the pool post draft without having to drop a player?
  19. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He doesn't only have 4 picks.....he has more than that, whether they are used or now.
    Let's use the 5th place team. Draft picks are 5-15-25-35-45-55-65-75 etc...."Live picks" just depend on his squad
    size at the time of the draft. Remember not all teams will have the same number of picks, based solely on squad
    size after trades & delists prior to the PSD.
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  20. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry for starting all this, but if I trade in a player for a pick prior to the PSD, then I'll have 16 players and 4 picks, having delisted the 8 required players previously......
    I believe as it stands every one must take 5 picks, so the only way I can achieve a pick for a player and to remain at 15 players and 5 picks, is to delist one more player making it 9 delistments and my 5th pick would then be taken at #35, if there are no other trades.....
    I think I got that right....:)
    • Like Like x 2

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