Haha blues backline is still solid and Jake hasn't been scoring lately even when the weagles win. It's probably an irrelevant trade anyway, either he or Roberts will get cut at the end of the season.
Congratulations to @Tylo for taking out this years final. It was close fought, the final margin being 3 points (1226 v 1223). On reflection (over a decent NZ Pinot) a critical point of the competition can be seen in posts #258 and #262. Tylo picked up Brent Daniels after I traded him out for Tom Papley. My Sydney bias hurt me; Paps is injured and Daniels scored 195 in the final, I had to watch on as Yeo and the Gov slowly overhauled Tylo's deficit going into the final game. That happened in the dying minutes. So, well done Tylo - you had a brilliant year.
WOWEEEE!!! What a granny - one for the ages! @Tylo sneaks home with an epic 200 from none other than Brent Daniels of all people (who would have thunk it) to take the chocolates in a well deserved flag win after a season of dominance where he led from the first round. @graeme was very unlucky and had a terrific season also. well done to all coaches for the year. squads are now locked for all until next season. have a good summer and see you next year.
Cheers @graeme. It doesn't get much closer than that! Quality game befitting a grand final. I was pretty happy to pick up Daniels but I wasn't expecting him to hit the purple patch he has over the last few weeks.
I was telling Graeme this.......somehow TiB would've thought it hysterical that he got beat by a measly 3 pts in the big one. That kid could never take a trick !!
sorry mate, the pool is not open until 9pm tonight - it is open every Tuesday at 9.00pm until the first bounce of the round per the rules. this has been reversed