In earth shattering news, and in honour of our dear friend TIB who was born and raised in Junee, and is in a truly wierd coincidence now where we (Tracey and I) have bought and settled, the Marble Bar Misfits will be permanently renamed as the Junee Jaguars.
Very cool @Len , love happy coincidences. Which, BTW, leads me to ask if you have sampled some decent red wine lately?
There's the selection of a Geelong player for the Lilacs Just need to find a Richmond player for the Nuffers.
What are our list sizes meant to be? I’ve currently got 26 players with 3 draft picks left. Are we supposed to finish with 28 or did we increase to 29, I can’t remember
Thanks. The spreadsheet has my pick 100 as well, but that will get me to 29 players so should be inactive.
This is what I have for live picks, assuming @Bandit has updated any trades recently as I have not, will try to get them sorted tomorrow night after we settle in Venice.