almost there with the PSS players. just 4 blokes left being pesky. dont think anyone drafted them anyway, so all teams should be able to add all players now
okie doke all done. every PSS player and every mofo is in free agents and ready to rock for season 2025
It looks like we have two phantom players. Groote Eylandt @YAD69 has 29 players on the list, as it has done for a few years now. Hughenden @Batfink also has 29 players on the list right now. I suspect this is because players weren't removed from the list in TSL, but have been retired / delisted by AFL clubs, then when the site season roll-over was performed those players remained, but disappeared. I suspect the solution is to completely clear the team in TSL and start again. If not, then the nuclear option is probably to delete the team and recreate it from scratch. Can any admins offer any other solutions? @walesy @TheTassieHawk @insider We also have Blanchetown @martyg and Bueng Kan @choppers with only 27 players in the squad.
If you want to be able to keep teams past history, game scores, ladder positions etc accessible in TSleagues I would highly recommend not deleting them altogether. In the Triple F two of the teams have a phantom so will end up at 31 instead of 30 post draft. When you do the manual count it is 30 so no biggie. One of those is my team and I can’t recall if I tried the full “clear team” but if I did it didn’t work. It is up to you guys what you want to do though.
So you're saying I should keep my finger off of the little red button? No Nuclear option? Yeah, I've manually counted the players, and there are only 28 on the list, and only 28 available for team selection, however when I want to do a quick check I now have to actually think (and I don't like thinking any more than I already have to!!!). Thanks TTH. Appreciate the feedback.
Looks like the footy gods have smiled on us. Do we now play through rounds 2, 3, 4, 13 (with two teams having byes in each) and skip rounds 12, 14, 15, 16 (with four teams having byes in each)? That gives us 20 rounds, so 3 for finals as usual. Obviously the Ess/GC game at the end of the season wouldn't count for us.
I think I need to change my team name to "Personal Reasons". First Jamara, now Hollands.... when will it end?
This has been the limpest start to any AFL season , now it clashes with the start of F1 season. WTF AFL
Sorry, updated now. We were originally going to do that, because of the way opening round screwed everything up. Now its 1-11 on, 12 off, 13 on, 14-16 off (Mid Season), 17-21 on, 22-24 finals