ROK - yes/no??

Discussion in 'AFL' started by anthak, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Goodes is currently in my team, but if he isn't going to play midfield to start the season, i will get rid of him, and possibly trade him in later if he does shift into the midfield.

    On ROK v Goodes
    I would advise everyone who is waiting to decide based on NAB cup etc., to put in Goodes, simply because he is more expensive, so regardless of which of the two you pick, you can still afford them
  2. BJ

    BJ New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would have thought Goodes was renowned for bottoming out. Last year he started at just over 600k and dropped straight to under 400K by round 9. After stabilising (at which point we all got on board) he had his trademark second half of the season topping out at just over 550k in round 19. Certainly some of this trend can be attributed to him being forced out of the midfield into a forward role which he looked awkward in, but he certainly has shown this characteristic in the past. In 2009 he dropped from 575k in round 3 to 483k by round 7 (nearly 90K) before shooting to 616K by round 12.
    I definitely think whether he gets midfield time will determine the severity of these troughs, but talk of him spending majority of time in there could be wishful thinking. Sydney still have a problem at CHF, and Goodes fits the mould in terms of size and athletic ability (If only Coaches played SC!). If Sydney have increased their depth anywhere it is in the midfield with Jack stepping up, Hanneberry,Rohan, Kennedy all a year older, and particularly if ROK is over his injury. Sydney may have to play Goodes forward. I'll watch the two closely, but if ROK seems fit and his penetrating left foot is back, I'll take him to start with and look to Goodes as an upgrade when he dips.
  3. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Goodes started $509K same money as Rooey ROK was $550K from memory had them both and was burnt badly by the time they dropped they were not worth trading to an average player knowing they can fire and losing a trade as well I've had ROK every year and last year was his worse by far...Goodes I can understand with position change but ROK was just a crap performance. I belive from my gut as a Swans supporter that the year before his first 1/3 of the season was crap then when he got a sniff of a possible move to Hawks he fired till the end of season but when move never happened he stayed and never really got going..Even told a fellow Swans supporter that I hoped he was cleared too another club for a gun pick as if his hearts not in the club then neither with the on field commitment as seen in the scores.......So for me it's a fat NO for ROK this year (I hope I'm proved wrong) and yes for Goodes if he is going back to the midfield
  4. BJ

    BJ New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    His starting price last year in SC $607,200.

    As a Swans supporter, who do you think can make his own that tall centre half forward role for Sydney and release Goodes into the midfield, which we all want to see?

  5. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My bad on price might have had $609K in my head, just turns them into 3rd degree burns lol. In short no one stands out Jessie White can lead and mark but not a CHF and Bradshaw also with age no CHF. I've been at games where ROK was used in this spot and turned the game but we are all yet to see how "Horse" thinks and runs this spot. We seem to have a lot of depth in mid/small forward and as I said in earlier post ROK could have been traded for a young CHF bodied rookie imo.
  6. sean

    sean New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My 20c on that question of a tall half forward ... Might not actually be worth 20c :)

    Once Bradshaw got injured last year, we never seemed to get the structure right from there. Goodes up there was a waste, and thank god they let him back in the mids...

    I'd like to think ROK's season was more about injury last year - but he wasn't himself. They seemed to play him in a tagging role a lot last year.

    That's probably one of the biggest things to look for in the next few weeks. If ROK fires I'd love to see him back at CHF - and we all know he's a gun when he's at his best.

    Outside of that ...

    White might come further along, hope so, though he hasn't impressed yet, and seems more groomed for full forward.

    You'll laugh but Ted Richards could slot in - He's underated for my money, and I really like his work effort - though he needs another 10 kgs in that role ... probably more suited along the wing.

    Grundy is a good solid possibility - I remember his debut was up front and he did great, though plays a lot up back now. He'd be worth a shot.

    Out on a limb I wonder if Seaby might reinvent himself down forward for some game time (assuming Mummy's full strength after his injuries and still number one). With only three interchange now I wonder if we are going to see a big change in the ways Rucks are rested and used - imagine Seaby and Mumford swapping between Ruck and Forward duties on the ground most of the time and it could be pretty cool. Might free a Jesse White to move more to CHF....

    And actually Rhys Shaw played a half of footy in the forwards last year and looked pretty good... maybe ???

  7. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Sean we think the same and I agree with your thoughts and agree that Teddy with some bulk would be the pick. When ROK plays his best his skill over rides his small frame and he fills the spot well and I hope like all Swans supporters he regains his form of 09 (fingers crossed). Will be interesting to see how Horse runs Mummy/Seaby/White/Bradshaw. Looking forward to see how K Jack fires this year and I'm expecting him to go to the next level this year in the absence of captain Kirk and is one of the key players in the future of the club (Very real chance he'll be in my mids).
  8. sean

    sean New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ crew - Yep on Jack - he's a deadset lock for me in mids barring injury - he will be one of the stars for the year I reckon.

    I wonder if Andrejs Everett coming in could free someone like Grundy up forward perhaps? They must have some kind of plan for him to bring him in ...

    That said I don't think we'll see a lot of Bolton this year at all so maybe we'll need him in the backs ...
  9. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yes Bolton not looking good tragedy about injury as he's a very underated backman (All Aus for a reason)..........Gunna be a big hole to fill Eski/Shaw to go up in possies because but yes fails to allow Reg to go forward with LRT back and Teddy to float
  10. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I usually wait for the inevitable swing with both of these guys, and pick one or both up when they bleed a bit of coin.

    This year is proving a bit tricky though, as they are already starting at a relatively lucrative price and perhaps not much more than what i was hoping they'd fall to.

    Can definitely see myself getting at least one of them into my side early, potentially even both depending. But would like to see a few games and where both are being used before making the call, as having them thrown into the forward line, amongst other factors, seemed to cause havoc to their scoring last year.
  11. aj

    aj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah ROK was a lock for me too, but comparing their ages and expected positions, I've thrown Sylvia in for a few weeks to see if I can get used to the idea
  12. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Man I've had Sylvia ..........Done my far king head in GL with that AJ. Having said that he'd probally shooot 150 against me lol.
  13. Wiggles

    Wiggles Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I got burned by ROK last year and because he and Goodes are similarly priced I think i'll start with Goodes. The clincher for me was Goodes is more capable of going super huge with his scores and is more likely to be a factor in close games. SC scoring is heavily weighted to the last quarter in close games and if it's close Goodes will be on the ball and could score massive.
  14. CJ22

    CJ22 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't understand the anti-Goodes talk atm. Sure he has bottomed out in the past, but he was 500-600k. This year is 450k. Hasn't he already bottomed out? I think if you're gonna get him u r gonna get him now while he is underpriced. The only question for me is role as obviously we need him to get time in the mids to get those big scores.

    I started with ROK and have been leaning off him. He is getting to that stage now where he is one of the older players. Last year carrying an injury and I saw him doing some tagging type roles. I think midfield time has to be given as a preference to their younger players. And with a new coach, past favourites can be forgotten.

    So atm, I think I will start Goodes.
  15. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For what it's worth, both are fossils - 30yrs old +

    Not a zone where improvements are generally made.

    That said Boomer Harvey smashed the critics last season

    All I'm saying is both players are still a reasonable risk.
  16. soups

    soups New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    for me its really a case of picking one of the following -


  17. silacious

    silacious New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah goodes burnt me last year i had him from start when he was 600K and dropped to under 300K before i dumped him.
    I have him so far but i hope the new coach has him in Midfield and not in forward line
  18. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    What I like about both players is that if you salary predict them on Average Against, neither look like they're really be getting any cheaper through the year.
  19. Noggin

    Noggin New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am a massive ROK fan, but I am with Spud in 2011 - neither ROK nor Goodes in mt first-up squad as they are unlikely to churn out consistent points early, especially with new coach and young blood pushing up @ the Swans making their roles uncertain. But I will look at them very closely as early trade option, esp. with F/M options - same goes with my beloved Boomer (Lucas) who helped me to a league GF win late 2010
  20. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Walsey makes a good point imo I will be a very interested spectator to see how Horse plays these 2. Depends how much of Roos has rubbed onto Horse. If we run bad early could change the whole structure of the team ..........Belive it or not Spangher has a lot to do with it!. If he cements a spot in the back line then Reg could be the CHF we need freeing Goodes + ROK to "float" and score well.

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