Saint Kilda players muck up... again

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Ruddy, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That was a funny old final round in 08. That fourth spot was up for grabs for pretty much every single team from 4th-8th from memory, and yet just like a set of dominoes, each team progressively fell in order and failed to snap it up and it was there to be had by the 7th team who grabbed at it with both hands.

    It was one of those rounds that got you thinking "does anyone want it?". Not too dissimilar from Essendon and Hawks "fighting" for that final spot in the 8 in 09. Each had chance after chance to cement their spot as the 8th team and time after time they continued to lose.

    Funny how the game plays out some times.
  2. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  3. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    AMazing they dont mention that he called the Saints and asked for 2 signed jumpers for his silence. I wouldnt read into it too much, id be worried if the club didnt look into everyone after the trip. Just making sure nothing else can come out at a later date. Probably also just another vendatta from the Herald Scum against us... Amazing how much mud they will sling at people when one their major sponsors is an opposition newspaper..
  4. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The saints for a while have had a reputation as a boring and highly structured team, built around what appears to be one of the strictest and well disciplined club ethos' in the league. Maybe they have just been to strict on the players and now they are "acting out" a bit after it didn't lead them to the success they wanted. A bit like those teenagers who are never allowed to do anything and then go wild when they turn 18 and escape their parents.
  5. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Getting better and better!

    <blockquote>THE AFL's most powerful player manager last night admitted he had "inappropriate dealings" with the girl at the centre of the St Kilda nude photo scandal.

    <blockquote>The Herald Sun witnessed Mr Nixon leaving the girl's hotel on Tuesday at about 7.15am.</blockquote>

    Call me cynical, but you don't visit someone before 8-9am...and with Valentines day the day before, what's the bet he stayed the night?

    Anyone at the club who hasn't had a stab yet?
  6. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    "Anyone at the club who hasn't had a stab yet?"

    Very good call spud. This is all just so pathetic now. Clearly the message isn't sinking in.

    If the allegations regarding Nixon are true, and it would be fair to say that there have been plenty of untruths to date in this saga, Nixon should be ashamed of himself.
  7. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This isnt a StKilda issue now, its an AFL issue that a AFL PLAYER MANAGER can go and do these things. It has nothing to do with StKilda. Why arent they mentioning the hundred other players he managers?

    What gets me is the Herald Scum post the photos all over their site, yet they wont publish the audio and videos. Double standards much. It might show their precious little girl who they pay money to in bad light...
  8. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Very true buddy, no arguments from me.

    Unfortunately for the club though, he is the player manager of the players that were involved in the photo scandal which is a really poor look.

    Interesting how the story broke just after the Saints first game...I wonder if the media had been holding onto it?

    StKildahunter, I'm very surprised that her having audio/video tapings isn't a police investigation in itself, as I'm fairly sure it is illegal to tape some without their express permission. Though that issue won't sell papers, the Nixon issue will.
  9. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yea the Herald Sun would have been holding off so they could publish it as soon as we won a match.. Have a look at superfooty, not one mention of StKilda winning a game on the front page... I dont think they could live with themselves if they published a positive article about us.,..
  10. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    skt, while St Kilda are paying for her current accomodation, how can you say that this isn't a StKilda issue?

    I don't think that the poor girl has much credibility, and she has already admitted to lying on more than one occasion and is under police investigation for credit card shenanigans with Nixon's card also.

    But it all just smells rotten, and the smell clearly isn't going away any time soon.
  11. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Probably the two of them were playing with Karl Stefanovic's stabby thing.

    AFL hits a new low. Feel sorry for the saints. This girl is playing everyone off a break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if she blackmailed Nixon with Riewoldt tapes and these were given to the Herald Sun by the lass.

    Grubby the lot of it
  12. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Crazy Vossy will be counting his lucky stars that this issue will take precedence and take the focus away from his sides dismal performance tonight.

  13. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alright it has as much to do with StKilda as it does with everyother AFL club, here is what i wrote in reply to, well im assuming it was you spud? on bigfooty. It probably sums up what i meant best.

    <blockquote>How on earth does Ricky Nixons dealings with her have anything to do with the StKilda Football Club? You could say he brings shame on Hawthorn, Collingwood etc. He is a player manager of hundreds of AFL footballers, not the StKilda Football Club... </blockquote>

    The money we are paying for her accomodation is a completely seperate issue in my opinion. Ricky Nixon doesnt work for the Saints. They have no control over who he sees or doesnt see..
  14. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I didn't even put two and two together mate hahaha. Didn't know it was you who responded! Small world eh?

    She appears to be a devious little mite. She seems smart and sly enough to have said something along the lines to Nixon of "Meet me at dawn on Tuesday as I have found more images" or something to that extent. Knowing full well it was Valentines day the previous day, she could have called the Herald Sun and said "be here around this time, Nixon stayed the night and is leaving shortly"

    This way it looks bad for Nixon, the media have photos, and Nixon will need to make up a story as he can't come out and say "I was here to collect more incriminating evidence" so he's on the back foot.

    If she's as hell bent on revenge as she appears to be, it's a possibility. Who knows?
  15. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That's fair enough skt. I don't like the saga one bit, pretty sure everyone around here would prefer to watch AFL than this walking headline. Just a pity that we have to watch it on delay!
  16. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    haha yea small world.. thats the id i used to use before i changed it to StKilda :p
    After i replied and saw your post here i put two and two together...

    As for you point in your last post i totally agree, wouldnt put it past her. You cant trust anythign that comes out of her mouth as she has constantly lied and even admitted that...
  17. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Her twitter account is going to be very interesting to say the least. And while its not st kilda's direct fault, all I think of is the line "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

    Nixon in trouble, saints if in videos could end up as collatoral.

    The worst thing for st kilda is that this and the Lovett saga ain't going away soon.

    TBH it is slowly starting to mirror the west coke eagles off field dramas.

    Lucky for st kilda, Lyon is a strong leader as is Roo - despite the fact lots of people believe the siege mentality is a crock. Maybe thats the only thing getting the team through it mentally.
  18. aj

    aj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>How on earth does Ricky Nixons dealings with her have anything to do with the StKilda Football Club? You could say he brings shame on Hawthorn, Collingwood etc. He is a player manager of hundreds of AFL footballers, not the StKilda Football Club... </blockquote>

    With our history I'd say about the last club on your list there would be Collingwood. The only current player of his he let us have without trying to screw us so badly that we couldn't come to terms is Leigh Brown and even then it's because nobody else wanted him.

    And I mean nobody.

    Nixon hates us and we all hate him. This is well documented - you only have to go back a couple of days to see his latest cheap, public potshot at us. And considering the content of that crack, all I can say now is 'lol'

    What ties Nixon to the Saints in this latest episode is how he and St Kilda teamed up against the girl in December. St Kilda and Nixon are and will continue to be seen as allies in this affair.

    Incidently, Heath Shaw's drink driving and Didak's lying about it generated something like 34 pages of coverage in the Melbourne press in the first day or so. Thankfully nobody got hurt, yet 2.5 years later, people still like to use it as evidence of our cultural problems

    @StKildaThunder: Welcome to life as a Collingwood supporter ;)


    Question though: if you have a promising teenaged son who looks like getting drafted, what do you say now when Tricky Dicky comes knocking at your door?
  19. jo

    jo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Question though: if you have a promising teenaged son who looks like getting drafted, what do you say now when Tricky Dicky comes knocking at your door?</blockquote>

    Eyes off my daughter?

    The whole saga has been badly handled from start to finish. The Saints handled the situation poorly from the outset. They gave the issue so much air that it would have been a lucky accident for it *not* to become an issue for them.

    They would have been better off at least looking like they were investigating whether or not the players met the girl for the first time at the school and then making a song and dance about giving the players... sensitivity training or some other waste of time that would be hard to spin as a negative in the media whilst making the club look proactive.

    You don't ever attack the victim and they never actually made clear that she wasn't a victim.

    And then the photos thing... My word. Wheeling Roo out there to that awkward press conference with his set lies err lines about how he'd just gotten out of bed and it wasn't a posed shot? Either make like you're telling the truth or say nothing. Telling stupid lies only makes it look like you're hiding a bigger story.

    An then the incident in NZ where the club should have been keeping such a tight leash on the players but instead they just ran with "at least the school girl doesn't have the money for a ticket to follow us".

    Ricky Nixon's just behaved like an idiot. All his behaviour does is keep this whole train wreck in the news...
  20. Credmi

    Credmi New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wonder if Mr Nixon will have any issues in regards to supplying alcohol to a minor?? He has admitted doing so!!

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