Polec vs Conca vs Gaff vs Krak vs???

Discussion in 'AFL' started by sean, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Gaff is a few down on my watch list. Haven't totally discounted him but need to see a lot more.

    Mzungu, Heppell/Hibberd, Callinan (mostly re price and DPP) are ahead of Gaff and Conca for mine.

    I am trying to steer away from the pricier rooks at this stage and use more $$ on the field. So this also steers me away from Polec although I think he is a OK pick. (just doesn't fit my strategy)

    Considering that Otten, D.Swallow (both high rook price) harris(on field after bye) and also Knights at 240K are all locked in my team (barring incident/injury). I think thats enough spent there and I need cheaper rookies to fill. Otherwise I will be sacrificing Prems.

  2. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would spend some more time considering Polec if I were you FSB. Let's just compare Polec with Knights.

    At their start prices, Knights ($237k) needs to average 49 to hold value and Polec ($168k) needs to average 35. Is the additional $70k spent on Knights really going to be worth it in the long run? I don't think Knights will be a keeper and I just don't see Knights averaging more than about 80. Polec on the other hand I could easily see average 70-75 in a Brisbane midfield that doesn't have much pace elsewhere.

    I guess that it comes back to my view that rookies are always more valuable than midpricers, if the rookies can be guaranteed of games. Polec is one that I am very comfortable with in terms of getting picked in 2011. I'm not touching a player at Knight's price level this year.
  3. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah..there's merit in what you say.

    I probably haven't put enough though into Knights per say. I just went straight to him and locked him in based on gut feel only.

    Too busy evaluating every other player with a slide rule and never really considering leaving Knights out.

    I have really been shuffling hard to get the max amount of keepers in my team and the extra $$ could go a ways towards sorting that out.

    Will certainly relook at that! Especially considering that I thought Polec was a pretty decent pick anyway. Certainly ahead of a few other high priced rooks for mine. ie Gaff and Conca

    Cheers Jason
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from FunkSoulBrother on February 22, 2011, 22:19
    Gaff is a few down on my watch list. Haven't totally discounted him but need to see a lot more.

    Mzungu, Heppell/Hibberd, Callinan (mostly re price and DPP) are ahead of Gaff and Conca for mine.

    I am trying to steer away from the pricier rooks at this stage and use more &#36;&#36; on the field. So this also steers me away from Polec although I think he is a OK pick. (just doesn't fit my strategy)

    Considering that Otten, D.Swallow (both high rook price) harris(on field after bye) and also Knights at 240K are all locked in my team (barring incident/injury). I think thats enough spent there and I need cheaper rookies to fill. Otherwise I will be sacrificing Prems.

    I agree with this. not on Knights, I dont have him.
    But out of the4 this topic is about. They are pretty much midpricers, and I can only see room for one of them - and thats Conca for me, because of his late bye.
  5. Bossarello

    Bossarello New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I will give Krak more time to shine. I agree he didn't look great last week, but the boy can play. They didn't recruit him to play in the VFL in my opinion. Hope I'm not wrong!
  6. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm not sure about Krakouer, as said before I wouldn't be counting on much more than regular 60s.

    The issue is all about midfield and structures.

    Can Krak play in the midfield for a large part of the game? If so he will average in the 80-90 range and be a steal.

    I doubt it. I think when he plays (which won't be every week) he will be there for forward pressure and a quick run in the mids.

    I be thinking 75 max ppg.
  7. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We're yet to get a really good look at how much the time away from afl level has affected Krak, if at all. Give the relatively strong sides fielded by both the swans and the pies this week, and the fact the games are back to full duration, hopefully we get a good look at Kraks fitness levels.

    If only he was a a bit cheaper, he would almost be a lock.
  8. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I personally think Krak is perfectly priced.
  9. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The price is not the big issue.

    Im sure we all (most anyway)had him locked in prior to even the teams opening up for selection.

    I bet plenty went straight to Krak and put him in at 200K. as soon as they could edit their team.

    The issue is he is looking like maybe not the revelation that we hoped for.

    I for one would be back on him in an instant if he shows the form we were hoping for.

    But for now he's out of FSB's
  10. JMac

    JMac Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is slightly off topic but still involves Krakouer. Am considering one of two combos, Kinghts & Krakouer or C Dixon (GC) & Goodes.

  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jmac, prob should start another topic for that one - but FWIW Goodes all the way!

    <blockquote>Quote from spud on February 23, 2011, 16:22
    If only he was a a bit cheaper, he would almost be a lock.</blockquote>
    I agree with this Spud. He was in my plans in January, but when I saw his price, I had to say no. I just dont think he will score enough to rise enough. Some of the expensive 1st round draft picks are already too exxy IMO - might as well be mid pricers. So Krakouer is not in my plans.
    That said, if he plays in the midfield and starts getting 20+ possessions a game over the remaining preseason games - he will be quickly found a spot for in my team.
  12. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    When considering Krakouer, you must keep in your thoughts his ability to deliver a random big score... As was demonstrated in the WAFL last year. This is often the key to a great rookie (well semi-rookie) buy... As the big score stays in for the three rounds, creating a precious early cull.... as opposed to the slow burner.

    I think Krak has that ability... So could be worth the few extra dollars, for if the timing is right, he may deliver a few extra dollars
  13. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    But the problem with Krakouer, is he hasn't really shown anything at AFL level. At the WAFL level he was probably easily the best player in his team, shown by the fact that he could get 30+ and kick 4 odd goals (or whatever his stats were). At Collingwood, there simply isn't a spare 30 possessions, or 4 goals for a non-midfielder to get.
  14. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Ruddy on February 24, 2011, 13:46
    But the problem with Krakouer, is he hasn't really shown anything at AFL level. At the WAFL level he was probably easily the best player in his team, shown by the fact that he could get 30+ and kick 4 odd goals (or whatever his stats were). </blockquote>

    Spot on Ruddy.

    He just didnt even look interested in the NAB cup game. Maybe he was just having a bad day but I thought his body language etc didnt look good.

    So like everyone I will be happy to jump back on if he suddenly looks like hes going to light it up.
  15. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    But all he needs is that 1 game in a blown out game against poor opposition, for Bucks to say... Alright then, let's give him a good run in the middle. We may see a lot more resting of key players when the game is blown out than previously before due to the new bench restrictions. More NBA style resting, even if it is in the forward pocket, .... and therefore more time in the middle for 'fringe mids'. They will have to do it at some stage with Krak. You don't recruit a player to your club with his troubled history, and then decide to leave him out.

    At the moment Krak isn't in my lineup, but fully understand why he is in others.
  16. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If the game is blown out, then SC scaling will reduce his score. While they didn't recruit him to leave him out, they also didn't recruit him to replace any of their stars in the midfield.
  17. PumpyChowdown

    PumpyChowdown New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    129 SC points for Krak tonight. Very tempting.
  18. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I must admit. Krak looked a he'll of a lot better than he did thenfirst game.

    Was good in close and seemed to be able to getbwhere the Footy was fairly easily.

    Has come back into my calculations.

    Now I know I did jump off him pretty quickly after the first effort but it could have been an aberration. On last night it would seem the he could average around the 75 to 80 mark..

    But I am not 100 &#37; convinced on what his role will be in a full strength team. Is he even in the best 22. I would say yes but he's not a lock for them yet.
  19. BJ

    BJ New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yes, Krak has to be back in calculations, at 200K he's barely above rookie price, and for that you get 100 AFL game player, a proven SC scorer (albeit at WAFL level) who could possibly go huge one round. Not in my side yet, but very close, especially considering the dessert that is the SC forward line this year. For those not following Collingwood too closely, he is probably competing for a spot with Blair and Dick (if he can get fit) rather than Davis or Didak.
  20. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just had another look over BJ's desert (see above)

    I am needing a 200k odd player to fill an on field position there. But all round that price theres not a lot.

    Krak maybe the punt I have to take

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