Which Threesome would you choose?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by ChiefRussell, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. ChiefRussell

    ChiefRussell Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I know the pointlessness of rate my team threads, but wanted feedback on which threesome of players people see scoring more this season...

    Threesome 1: Swan, Dangerfield, Krakouer
    Threesome 2: Pendles, Rioli, Prestia

    The way I see it, I expect Pendles to be seen by opposition clubs as to be more 'taggable' than Swan and more likely to be tagged after his Norm Smith performance. I like Dangerfield's contested possession rate, but his disposal efficiency worries me. Prestia has looked to be one of GC's better kids thus far, but then again who does Krakouer replace in the Pies GF side?

    Too many questions...and I have looked at it too much. Thoughts anyone?

    Oh, and as a P.S...Deledio vs Bartel. I expect Jimmy to score more, but Deledio has dual-positioning. Both essentially the same price. Anyone care to weigh in on this one also?
  2. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thread title was misleading!!!
    I came here ready to discuss the talents of Angelina Jolie, amongst others, but obviously not.

    Both look like strong options mate.
    Threesome Option 1 has the benefit of a perma-captain choice and no doubt the highest scorer of the 6 players mentioned.
    Dangerfield is a good player but I would rate Rioli above him.
    Krakouer has shown good signs but I want to see how he goes with Didak in the side and just how many points didak takes off him.
    Prestia has looked good, but evaluating the GC rookies is tough.

    Of the options - i have Swan over Pendles, Rioli over Danger, and am torn on the Krak vs Prestia

    Structure wise, i reckon option 1 has 1 keeper, 1 mid priced player and 1 cow, while option 2 has 2 keepers and a cow.

    I'm sorry i can't give a definitive "i prefer this option" but I prefer Swan over Pendles for overall purposes, and aren't considering Dangerfield so they both have their respective cons for me.

    Lids vs Bartel - If this is for a midfield spot, then Bartel (all things considered)

  3. GeneralHodge

    GeneralHodge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great sitting on the fence there Spud :). Btw, how do you put a line through a word like you you did.

    Oh and for what it's worth, Very hard to make a decision on the two options. I would try very hard to get both Swan and Rioli in the same team. Just my 2 cents.
  4. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I know I know, it wasn't a decisive answer, but that's because I couldn't give one. Both had pros and cons, and without knowing the entire side I don't see one as being considerably better (if he doesn't have Goddard, then I'd argue the need for a perma captain in Swan would outweigh the 2 keepers vs 1 factor of option 2).

    Oh, to strike out a word put the text in between [s.] [./s] (without the .), or hit the 'S' with the line through it icon S under quick reply.
  5. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It does depend on the rest of your team structure. For me Option 1 is stronger but agree with that efforts should be made to get Rioli and Swan in the same team.
  6. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Spud... you beat me to the witty anecdote regarding the title of the thread...

    I wouldn't worry too much about Pendles being tagged. Plenty of teams last year focused their attention on him over Swan, without too much impact.

    For what it's worth, I prefer line 2.... but leaving Swan out is a tough call.
  7. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All 6 haha
  8. ChiefRussell

    ChiefRussell Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Spud and Stew - sorry about the misleading title...had to lure people into this thread somehow :)

    I do have Goddard, so the Swan perma-captain is less of an issue for me. Ideally, If I had the cash for Swan and Cyril I wouldn't have such a quandry...but, alas. Would plan to get Swan after Round 13, but who knows where his price will be by then.

    The fact that I am considering Buddy also throws a bit of a con towards Rioli, but I do like the Hawks early draw and I am reasonably confident that I can cover them in the dreaded Round 6. Rioli would be battling for the F3-4 spot, while Krak/Prestia are in the F6 spot.

    On the Bartel/Deledio front, with some moving of DP's Deledio would probably be a Defender (at the very least, he will end up there). I am leaning very heavily towards Jimmy...might make one of the 6 people to not have Lids in my side.
  9. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    whichever option has Cameron Richardson in it for mine...
  10. ChiefRussell

    ChiefRussell Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    so either of them then Walesy....that's what I thought :)
  11. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hawkins, Jolie, Diaz .........Cold hard facts mate Swan is supposed to be 1st pick and Danger and Crackhore are risky.......Danger more so imo.
  12. The_General

    The_General Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't see any reason why you can't have Swan, Pendles, Rioli, Krakour and Prestia in the same side. I know I do (throw Buddy in there as well).

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