Last minute changes also known as who stuffed up

Discussion in 'AFL' started by FunkSoulBrother, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Changing my team again (tweaking as I wrongly thought I was doing) between Thurs and Friday has cost me the best part of 150 points. Still to be determined.

    Pedlebury out and Selwood in was a big blue.

    Mckernan to the bench in favour of Buckley also.

    And forgot to tweak Foley out of the team (LOL)

    Any other stories. Surely I am not the only one!!!!!

    Oh how I wish they had locked us out on Thursday :(
  2. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm with you with the Foley part, flipping the coin between Foley and Cotchin but the gamble didn't pay off. Still got good hopes for him though
  3. chugguar

    chugguar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    spent some time tossing up between Dawes and Yarran. Decided to leave the extra cash in the bank and stick with Yarran. Hmm bad choice. Hopefully Yarran will pick up!
  4. chugguar

    chugguar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    oh and also trading in Selwood at the last second for Priddis. But that may not be a bad move just yet.
    I am playing two blokes who have Petrie on the field!
  5. yt

    yt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i traded selwood for judd
    and put duigan on bench and lower on field
    pretty happy with those two changes
  6. Drifter74

    Drifter74 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    a for b, c instead of d, and put e on the field instead of f.

    Could go on forever, but cant see R.Roberts anywhere in my team so it's so far so good!
  7. Morko78

    Morko78 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Took Rioli out of my other halfs side and replaced him with guesss who?...Browndog. Now I have to bring in rioli- waste of a bloody trade!
  8. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Also made the decision to go for Yarren instead of Dawes in favour of having a few $$$'s in the bank - and almost stayed with Gibbs score as VC using the loophole, but got cold feet and put the C on Swan with about 5 minutes to go Friday evening!!!
    But ended up sticking with Gibbs VC score in DT which ended up as a small bonus.
  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    just put this in the blog section, then saw this thread...

    Friday evening panich before lockout saw me throw a few of my major plans out the window… and it doesnt look to have worked out too well!

    The lack of a cheap ruck, saw me trade out JTippett and JFraser for ZSmith and …. wait for it …. Seaby!?!?

    All weekend I have been regretting it, and then when I found out Seaby was the sub today I was shattered and still am.

    I think I would have been better to keep to my original plan and cop a zero in round 1 (which friday night seemed ludicrous). I am missing Frase already even though he hasnt played yet…

    Over the last few weeks i played around with a few options in the ruck, but I was deciding out of Sex on the Beach and Sandi/Fraser. I had decided to go with Fraser, and with both options I wanted JTippett as R4 to save a trade when I want the mpp link with Petrie (after the planned tradein before he gets to his 3rd game).

    At lockout on Friday – the reason i couldnt change to my other option of sex on the beach, was because Foley was the player i needed to downgrade to gain the $$ to bring in Cox. and Foley had already played . I wasnt prepared to change my whole team around to bring him in, so i went with (who i thought was) the best option with my $$ avail.

    but now it looks like i may need to waste 2 or 3 trades to get my rucks looking how i would like. or just sit and hope my current lineup does the job required.

    I feel as though this has wrecked my season already! But I think i may be being a little dramatic. haha.

  10. I put Foley in in the last few days before lockout, but also Curnow and Tapscott so I guess they even out. I have Yarran as well So I'm looking at downgrading Yarran to a Rookie and putting Tapscott on the field then upgrading Foley to Swan. I learn from my mistakes, and think aggressive trading will be a key
  11. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Anthak you might not want to hear this but Cox looks like he is in for a massive night. Goldstein was late withdrawal for North so now i don't think they have a ruckman now!!!!
  12. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Looks like I made a major stuff up in one of my Ultimate Footy leagues then mate - wanted to take advantage of Warnock's good score and debated all day on Saturday who out of my starting rucks to leave out, either Goldstein or Leuenberger - ended up leaving Leuenberger out with a minute to spare before game time Saturday night - now got egg on my face!!!! Damn rolling lock outs, should've just set and forgot for the weekend!!!!
  13. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lol that sucks mate. Don't worry I lost all Internet on Thursday morning and couldn't make any changes to any of my teams. So had to roll with what I had already done, and in those fantasy draft leagues was stuff all, so not expecting big things weekend. Hoping to have Internet back up early this week but in mean time stuck on the iPhone and it's bloody annoying to do much!!
  14. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well you'd probably be interested to find out that atm you're 51 in front of NRD in the Ultimate TS Legends league, so not bad considering - i'm a mile behind Dizzy's Diamonds - and that's not even the league I stuffed up in!!! Still in with a chance of winning my match up there despite my error - but it'll come right down to the wire!!!
    Not sure what's happening in FF leagues, about to log in and check.
  15. Smarch

    Smarch Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A couple good and a couple bad, switched up my rucks and brought in Warnock (yay), but also switched out Cotchin for Foley and Bartel for Boak, I know a silly move but wanted a POD and was hoping Port would be a one man team. didn't switch Foley out either which was just silly.

    Worst was brining in Yarran for Knights, points hurt, but looking at Yarrans game I am not sure how the experiment will go. May get some confidence against the kids next week, but long term looks to be a struggle.

    May take an agressive trade down option for Yarran if still not looking the goods next week and switch Boak for Swan like a previous post, but that would be last resort.

    Have to love 2 months of analysis going out the window in the last 1/2 hour before kick off.
  16. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Smarch
    Wouldn't give up on Boak too early mate, had a bit of an interupted pre-season with knee problem early, then having appendix out - can only improve on Saturdays effort where he only spent 79% TOG - expect that to build a bit more and for him to hit his straps over the next couple of weeks. Honestly still believe he'll push 100+ average this season.
    As for Yarran, looks like it was a bad result for many of us - I also got hit hard by Connors being sub, so it's not a good start for me!
  17. Smarch

    Smarch Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the heads up on Boak, in Sydney and it is hard to get any highlights besides the Swans. Mostly looking at keeping him but Yarran is worying me, more a thought of how to redistribute any funds saved from a downtrade.

    On my poor start just have to keep hoping that everyone has a bad sub experience through the year to even it all up. Still going to pull down a win in my league but a poor start to build on for overall myself.

    Forgot to mention the fact I switched in Johncock (for another POD) for Hurn, but could really go on all day, silly bugger!
  18. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There's plenty of upside on Boak, so no need to jump off the bandwagon. He was also up against the Pie's midfield which doesn't bode well sometimes.

    One thing I was glad with is getting Tapscott over Yarram. Tapscott looks like he's going to be a beast this season
  19. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Suffered a case of the last minute changes myself. Happily though, they all came good.. :D

  20. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Smarch on March 27, 2011, 21:16
    Forgot to mention the fact I switched in Johncock (for another POD) for Hurn, but could really go on all day, silly bugger!</blockquote>
    Funny how we all seem to get those last minute nerves just before lockout and throw those well researched plans out the window - one day we all might learn our lessons (as if)!!!!!!!
    Swore last year and all through the pre-season that i'll keep my nerve - ha!!!!!!
  21. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well I ended up with touch under 2100. Overall pretty happy as most my mod rangers scored 80 or more but got killed by Foley & Yarran. Vince, Boak both showed really good signs and think they will only improve and Gray was pretty promising, especially considering the lack of high scores elsewhere in the fwd line. Can't believe I got sucked into Goodes over Rioli though in the last dew days before lockout.

    Will take a good look at my squad but so far even though I'll be off the pace overall a touch I think theres an incredible amount of improvement in my guys from their scores this week..

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