seeing what difference good trades make

Discussion in 'AFL' started by TheTassieHawk, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak - hopefully there will be more of a spread than you think - if not you should surely get a few draws in league play unless a few have made early trades!

    Has anyone put out a reminder via the pysche out box to the bottom teams to set captains, vice capitns and emgs, and move adelaide players and heppell to the bench as non emgs, it definitely cost you all a top 5 league ranking 1st round, not helped by my 2368 not counting due to my accidental withdrawal (which may or may not have opened the door to the rogue Channel 4 News Team side)????

  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yeah spuin about that. prob would have been them that got your spot...

  3. eckie79

    eckie79 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TheTassieHawk on March 31, 2011, 23:45
    not helped by my 2368 not counting due to my accidental withdrawal (which may or may not have opened the door to the rogue Channel 4 News Team side)????


    Yeah that wasn't good at all! Are you still in the 2nd Div league, cos I noticed not long before Round 1 lockout that you weren't in that league anymore either...
  4. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Eckie - as the takeup was 0 besides myself I DELIBAERATELY pulled out of that prior to the Thursday night lockout (even though I then saw that league entries remained open til Friday night lockout) but my team is running in another league comp and could do very well thanks to Sixx's amazing pyshic powers (lol!).

    If you wanted to look me up my team ID is 244786(Team Name = TheyreOff&Trading) but I will most likely send you an occosional message or post in this forum regardless!

    Are you similar to myself and Eckie (as above) or are you swinging the changes (ie bringing in GAJ and Curnow), playing (for example) Richardson and Toy as POD's this round?

  5. eckie79

    eckie79 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I ended up not making any trades and basically went with the same team as last week, bringing in Swallow and Harris, and Prestia (I think). I played Channel4NewsTeam and came away with the win.

    I will paste the league weekly update tomorrow (during my lunch break).

    If I searched your team, that would only give me your entire squad wont it? As opposed to your actual team for the round?
  6. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TheTassieHawk on March 31, 2011, 21:43
    this week hibberd as def / heppel as mid (as per last week) - changes to 22 - ins = swallow, harris, matera - outs = bewick, pittard, richardson

    def = lower as d6, duigan as d7 (toy as emg, otten, hibberd)

    mids = swallow as m5, harris as m6, (bewick as emg, conca, pittard)

    fwds = krak as f6, matera as f7, (darling as emg, richardson, prestia)

    I actually switched toy with duigan and got caught with toy as the GC sub, lower and krak also subs for their teams so relatively happy with my 2274 (4612 pts overall) but imagine i wil have dropped back a fair bit behind the Trading Games leaders
  7. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from eckie79 on April 3, 2011, 20:50
    I ended up not making any trades and basically went with the same team as last week, bringing in Swallow and Harris, and Prestia (I think). I played Channel4NewsTeam and came away with the win.

    I will paste the league weekly update tomorrow (during my lunch break).

    If I searched your team, that would only give me your entire squad wont it? As opposed to your actual team for the round?</blockquote>

    eckie - seraching my team will give you my round score/rank and overall score/rank but this should be the same as teams within the league as well?
  8. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It seems 2 teams in the league are not selecting thier Cap's. Team, Swallow and team PerfectSquare. Is there some way of letting them know to do this.
  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    defintely try postign soemthing in the psyche out box if you haven't doen so already !!!!
  10. eckie79

    eckie79 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Thunda on April 3, 2011, 22:53
    It seems 2 teams in the league are not selecting thier Cap's. Team, Swallow and team PerfectSquare. Is there some way of letting them know to do this.</blockquote>

    I just posted again in the psyche out box for those guys to pick their Captains...really annoying considering where we are currently sitting in the overall league rankings.
  11. eckie79

    eckie79 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Round 2 update:

    So far to date we haven't had any draws at all in the league, which is pretty amazing considering we all had the same starting squad of 33!

    We dropped 3 places in the overall league standings to be ranked 14th out of 37934, with an average score of 2283 per team.

    This week saw 5 teams end up with the same highest team score for the round of 2320. They were Casey Crushers, Have You Hird?, Baron VonGinas II, SaintsBoys and NTthunda.

    They were closely followed by anthak II and bookie who both scored 2314.

    PNG Raskols, CrownJulz the 2nd and BuzzII both scored 2290, Blackest Caviar scored 2275, TassieHawk's TheyreOffAndTrading 2274, Bird is the word 2270, Team Ramrod 2250, and Channel4NewsTeam 2205.

    Dofaperfectsquare scored 2147 and Swallow This!! scored 2086, both of whom it appears haven't been selecting their captains each week, costing both them and us as a league valuable points. If anyone knows who these teams belong too, can you please tell them to select their captains this week!

    Overall, I am leading the league for total points scored over the 2 weeks to date, with a total score of 4699, very closely followed by Have you Hird?, Casey's Crushers and SaintsBoys on 4696.

    A majority of the teams have scored over 4500, including TassieHawk's TheyreOffAndTrading which has scored 4612 so far, with only BlackestCaviar (4483), Chanel4newsteam (4398), Dofaperfectsquare (4127)and Swallow This!! (4066) failing to do so.

    That's a wrap for this week. I know I have a few trades planned for later on in the week, and i'm sure there are plenty of other people that have the same idea as me.

    And remember guys, if you know who Dofaperfectsquare and Swallow This!! are coached by, get onto them to pick a captain for once!

    Thanks. :)
  12. SaintsBoy

    SaintsBoy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Now's the time where I think most teams will be using one maybe two trades to try and cash in on some rookies to make the flexibility easier later on in the rounds.

    Be good to see us up in the top 10. Hopefully with everyone ontop of the captain choices and emergencies we can.

    Fair to say Rioli out for a week is a pain in the ass! Look forward to seeing what the other coaches can do.
  13. Julz88

    Julz88 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think the other interesting thing to note and maybe good to include in the weekly write up is who has made waht trades (though some rounds this may be a fair few!)
    DofaPerfectSquare made two trdes last week. Montags for Watson and Prestia for Tapscott.
    Channel4news team also traded out j.brown but i dont really think that team is worth mentioning.
  14. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Me thinks this would be a good format to do again next season, I know it's a long way of. Was thinking we could set it up with hard core TS players, my mouth is watering already. What do we think ppl's.
  15. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sounds good thunda. I would be in for sure
  16. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    hey guys

    given the amount of chatter in other forums about trading for libba, tapscott and curnow - and given that we started NONE of these - i thought it woudl be worth talking about here given the startign Trading Games structure.

    libbas bye is the Rd 4 Superbye - BL, STK, WB so unless he is traded for bewick you would be short of an emg (montagana, libb, bewic on the pine) that Rd but is prbably worth the risk with his JS looking OK

    tapscotts bye is the Rd 5 Superbye - SYD, MELB, WCE so unless he is traded for darling you would be playing 1 forward short (goodes, syvlia, darlign, taspcott al; out) that rdound - of coruse with his JS probably the best of the 3 you woudl proably look at taking a 0 or making a pre-Rd4 or pre-rd5 trade in the mids to open mid/fwd MPP and switiching either Sylvia or Goodes to the mid bench.

    curnows bye is rd 8 - carlton only - so Judd and Curnow will be on the pine that week - which doesn't seem as bad as the above but is balanced with his JS being questioned by some - but he even may be worth an upgrade or downgrade by then anyway!

    does anyone else have any thoughts, insights on the "BIG 3" for those of us giving them soem consideration?
  17. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Shenanigans on March 30, 2011, 14:12

    Backs: Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, H.Shaw, Grimes, Otten, Lower (Duigan, Toy, Hibberd)

    Mids: Swan, Judd, Montagna, Conca, Heppell, Bewick (Harris, Pittard, D.Swallow)

    Rucks: Sandilands, Cox (Z.Smith, Keeffe)

    Fwds: N.Riewoldt, Franklin, Rioli, Goodes, Sylvia, A.Krakouer, Darling (Matera, Richardson, Prestia)


    this might be handy for anyone who wants to add their 2c re:- libba, tapscott and curnow
  18. Julz88

    Julz88 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Food for thought TassieHawk. I hadn't even considered the byes when thinking about trading them in! Still leaning towards bringing libba and taps in i guess. but more thiking time needed!
  19. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i am feeling two trades coming on. Gotta get those gun rooks in i feel. But need to to some stategising about how to manage Tappy in with the byes
  20. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good point Tassie, but took the risk on the guns/cash cows.

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