The Ideal Team

Discussion in 'AFL' started by GeneralHodge, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. GeneralHodge

    GeneralHodge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thought I'd start a thread of who people think will be there ideal team that they are aiming for.

    So who will be the best scoring players in each position?

    By the time my team is fully upgraded I expect it to look like this;

    Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, Broughton, Grimes, Enright, Lake

    Swan, Judd, Selwood, Pendlebury, Hodge, Ablett

    Sandilands, Cox

    Riewoldt, Franklin, Rioli, Goodes, Chapman, Didak, Pavlich

    Players in bold are already in my team. I do wonder what round would be a realistic target to get a team similar to this.

    So what's your ideal team?
  2. lezyeoh

    lezyeoh New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pretty similar General. Im thinking cross instead of ablett. But have to see how ablett performs.

    Not sold on Dids yet either.
    But pretty much the same.

    Not sure what round is realistic really.
    The more I think about it, I think it may come down to bench/captain selections that have a bigger say in the overall winner.
  3. Matty_C

    Matty_C New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The team that I planned on having seasons end was very similar to that. The only changes are:
    - Enright's spot is up for grabs and will be the last back upgrade used to pick up whoever is in the best form or at the best price.
    - Hodge could become Dal Santo/Montags/Cross if not performing adequately at upgrade time
    - Goodes to ROK (50-50 either way really)

  4. Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, Broughton, Grimes, Enright, Newman

    Swan, Judd, Bartel, Pendlebury, Harvey, Chapman

    Sandilands, Cox

    Riewoldt, Franklin, Rioli, Goodes, Pavlich, Dawes, ROK

    So far I have 15 of them, hopefully 16 next week
  5. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For mine, Bartel, Harvey and Chapman are too lightweight in the midfield Blue Believer.

    Dawes is a risky keeper but I can see if he starts firing he could get there. Probably less chance of him doing this than Jack Riewoldt though to be honest.

    ROK started like this last year. Just a casual warning.
  6. Still early days yet so I'll see how they pan out, but I'm hoping if I need to trade them out I can straight swap with the cash I SHOULD have spare by then. Bartel and Harvey I started with too. I also have Higgins but he's a bit more unsure again than those you listed. Thanks for the heads up on ROK too, I'll leave him for one of the last I think
  7. coolo

    coolo New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You already have 15 Premiums. Wow fair effort to fit them in to the salary cap! Well done
    I rekcon Montagna instead of Hodge. Before R1 and R2 I felt he was one of the ultra premiums this year and hasnt delivered yet but is very capable of picking on a big show. Ablett i wouldnt have as GC will struggle for points this year and they cant protect Ablett like Geelong did so a Swallow or Cross I think is the go. Apart from that good work
  8. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He's got the prems in the salary cap because he's gone with underpriced ones. That's where by going light weight (i.e. under 110 for midfield) he can get into trouble.

    I figure top 15 mids will all be over 110 and probably won't include Bartel, Chapman and Harvey.

    Could be wrong of course.

    I'm trying to fit prems who will definitely be in the top collection of mids, def, fwds, ruck from the outset and hopefully not have one of those awkward straight swaps to have to do, they can get ugly.
  9. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Blue, I have had ROK last 2 years and although he can belt some out he often left me, like a quickie in a drunken stupor....unsatisfied. Have decided to seek a more fulfilling relationship with my M/F's.

    Many of your team are also in a long term relationship with me.
  10. Unfortunately I lack the magnitude of grey matter that people such as Lucas, Walesy etc exhibit so I try to make up for it by taking a few more risks. Yeah I was all against ROK in the PS due to how tired and slow he looked but since the real stuff's started he has picked up his game a bit. Probably the last or second last upgrade on the list I think. Unfortunately though I don't think that many of the other M/F's are particularly safer. Chappy has injury worries, Pav seems a bit off, Sylvia should have been pumping out 110+ for years if he'll do it now, Goodes can struggle in FF, Harvey is a bit old and NM seem to be struggling this year, so options are seeming a little light for me. Death or Glory this year, probably by round 12 too...
  11. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Grimes is not premium yet, not by a fair margin. Unless he hits out some much bigger scores he won't be in the top 7 DEFs this year on his current average.
  12. Drifter74

    Drifter74 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lucas I think Coolo was referring to the original post regarding the 15 Premiums/Keepers.

    Note that if you are going for leagues, Hawks have Port at the 'G' in Round 21 and GCS in Round 24.

    Top 7 forwards Franklin is a given, Rioli fast approaching.

    Top 6 mids Hodge is borderline with a couple of others but that draw could sway me once overall inevitably falls by the wayside.

  13. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is it wrong, but I haven't settle on my final team yet this early in the season. Trying to keep an open mind.
  14. Drifter74

    Drifter74 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thunda nothing wrong with that as long as you have an idea of what you are aiming for.

    I'm not going to nail myself down to a 22 that might have an NDS instead of Montagna, or Hodge instead of Ablett etc as you are probably splitting hairs picking one over the other and chances are I'll just go with whoever might be cheapest at the time, how a price fall might work in with byes or how many players I have at the time from a certain team.

    What I've done is listed a squad of around 40 which I will strictly not trade anyone in outside of this group to avoid me - as I've done in previous years - of lowballing on my premiums or chasing last weeks points.

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