Potential Expat League ~

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Simonoz, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Krak mentioned above as expendible is of course N. Krak ex-Port.

    The choice of Lynch as a FWD rookie may pay off eventually. He had a good NAB and almost ended up in my team. Distrust of R. Lyon dissuaded me in the end. However, it seems that the coach is now starting to change his thinking given the Saints poor form. If only he would listen to Lucas and move Roo to DEF, bringing in Lynch to FWD - might be enough to turn it around for them and Neil could have a secret weapon.

    Let's see if we can run this discussion to over 20 pages and walesy might even consider giving us our own expat's league discussion page. Was supposed to be somewhere to write up summary results from TS league rounds, but haven't found it yet.
  2. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Snoz? Hahahahaha............come on Tibby!!!!

    The funniest part of this chat right now? Not even sure Neil is reading the advice LOL

    So Terry, I'm gonna hold Otten based on your advice....b/e of 12 is the ONLY thing keeping him there. Sadly I'm thinking of moving big Charlie Dixon, who as good as he WILL be, aint much of an SC scorer....and bring in Prestia, who looks good for 70's weekly and opens up the MPP door to the mids.

    Thoughts ?
  3. HanoiHawks

    HanoiHawks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @snoz. No, definitely reading it all and soaking it all up. Just waiting for the round 4 teams to make any noise. But yes, Stratton has to go, obvioulsy (shame as he looks the goods - hope they don't bring Schoenmakers back) and will probably have to ditch Krak N. as he's been utter pants. Will wait and see if injuries wreck any more damage to teh team
  4. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Back at home following 2 days in remote parts having water very forcefully thrown at me. Could not find an Internet cafe open in the sticks, so did not get my tips in, have no cover for Lower or Duncan, and..... no trades!

    May as well stick with Otto until Pedersen gets the numbers up. They can't ignore him forever. Don't know enough about Prestia, but MPP always handy. Charlie was supposed to turn into Mckernan for me (opening up MPP with lester in DEF), but of course that didn't happen. Still, GC might just take it up to Melbourne.

    Will be interested to read what Neil finally decides on.
  5. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    UGH.....Snoz seems to be sticking Tibby !!!

    Um....water thrown at u ? Que ?

    Listen mate, in the future...if u have trades or benches you want to be done and know u cant get online on Thurs nite of Friday - I'll do it for you...just let me know in the future. I jumped on quick to pull Lower out, could've done yours as well.

    I ended up taking Charlie down for Prestia, the MPP helped plus Dion scored as much as Charlie in one game as he did in two. Yrs from now though we'll be talking of Dixon like we do of Nick Roo now.

    Neil....well....Tibby & Snoz want to know want trades you pulled out before lockout :)
  6. HanoiHawks

    HanoiHawks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry but I do think Snoz has stuck now. Take comfort in the fact that a nickname is usually a form of flattery.

    Anywya, I went with Gibbs and Pedersen. I'm quite well stocked with cash at the moment so went with Gibbs and took a gamble on Pedersen (after reading wrongly that he was in the team for Nth), but that's gone bad. I'll keep him in though now for awhile. So I still have a fair bit of cash for next week to finally get rid of Mzungu

    @Terry. What's your job mate? There's nothing better than headng out to the sticks in SEAsia is there? I'm now with family (kids and all) so rarely get the chance to do it any more. Very jealous.
  7. spm67

    spm67 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HH - couldn't agree more, there's some great times to be had in the wilds of SE Asia especially on work time :)
  8. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ahhh.....Simonoz, formerly known as snoz, is back :)

    So Neil....Stratts for Gibbs, thats great...perfect move. Who did you move out for Pederson?
  9. HanoiHawks

    HanoiHawks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @simonoz ...... I got rid of N. Krak. Even with Pedersen not scoring this week I'm not losing much there. Am also thinking of getting rid of the Collingwod Krak as well. He's a bit overrated.
  10. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Water. Water thrown at me is the annual Songkran Festival in Thailand. Goes for a week. Every house on every country road has a drum or a earthen jar out the front and they ambush passing cars and motorbikes using a plastic dish and/or water pistols, hoses, etc. It is always held at the height of the hot season, so the water is not all that unwelcome. People drive around in their utes with a water drum on the back and pull up at these houses and exchange fire. Talcum powder is mixed with water and splattered on the faces of those who can't escape. It is a lot of fun, but makes driving very dangerous and you get the usual mix of drunken idiots who dance in the middle of the road and grasp at women's breasts pretending to try and powder their faces. Up side and down side, but generally up in the sticks it is all pretty friendly. Bangkok it is war.

    Yeah, I had to go and check up on some of my researchers working in a national park up on the Burmese border. Very pretty spot. Took the family and set up the tents.

    Thanks for the offer Snoz - hopefully it won't happen again. I had phone range but it was restricted for emergency use only and you could only dial emergency numbers. Good way to hold onto your trades. Will cost me a few SC $, but that's okay.

    Good move getting Gibbs (currently knocking up a decent score - at least until the great SC "equalizer" at the end of the game). Pedersen will be a good pick up - just hope you have cover until he gets on the ground. Agree on the Collingwood Krak, but suggest you wait for a bit as he will slowly accumulate some value and he is currently playing. Might be a couple of others to move on first and Krak around R7.
  11. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How did we all get on this week gentlemen? I managed to knock out a 2377 (more luck than judgement, I'm sure) and jump into overall top 1000. Very happy with that. And 23 trades to go..... who hoo! :-D Just need to sit tight for a couple of weeks and I have my fingers crossed it is all going to come together nicely.

    Starting to think that Curnow is a keeper and not just there for cowing out. Will be interesting to see if he can keep his stellar start up for the rest of the year.

  12. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well done Bill.
    Our team slipped 1 place to 55 which should not be a cause for worry. I had around the 2150 mark, while Marty (whose team I help run 'cause he is in the deep sticks) had a 2222. Given I was away and played with no bench, taking the hit on Duncan and Lower, have to be satisfied with that.
    Can't seem to be able to view others scores for the round - how did everyone go?
  13. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I haven't been able to see the other league member's scores either. Suspect it could be a function of the "bye round".

  14. ELeviathan

    ELeviathan Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    2259 for me - still worried about Johncock, and played Harris ahead of Swallow and McKernan ahead of Batchelor. Not too bad I guess.

    This week will be interesting, particularly if Richardson and Krack are dropped
  15. ELeviathan

    ELeviathan Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Terry - I lived in Burma between 1994-1997 and used to love Thingyan (Songkran). Absolutely full on in Rangoon!! Hope you avoided an ear infection.........
  16. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hard core GnR team hit a boring 2280 this week.

    The one downside with this strategy is the first 6-7 rds are sooooooo boring. Same prems, same rooks...put em out there and hope for the best. Ho hum.....

    Tibs off getting water thrown at him and picking up ear infections ~ sounds more fun to me.

    This upcoming round and the next are going to be killers me thinks....partial lockouts, squads announced over 3 days, going in blind to the late games in the rounds....ugh.

    In trying to nail down days/times for team changes and getting totally confused....(and yes I know it doesnt take much to baffle me) I've decided to just stay awake Thurs thru Sat this week and throw water at myself :)
  17. easty01

    easty01 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>I've decided to just stay awake Thurs thru Sat this week and throw water at myself</blockquote>

    Sounds like Songkran is going international :p

    2327 for me with Harris on-field ahead of Swallow - very happy with that (and also with keeping away from the trade button for another week!).

    Memo to Malthouse and Scott: Krakouer & Richo are required this week as part of my DAS program (Donut Avoidance Strategy), you know what to do.

    Sounds like good scores coming in, kudos to Bill for that 2377 and Tibby, Songkran sounds awesome - just added it to my to-do list...
  18. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good scores easty & Bill - anything over 2300 good for that round. Anyone taking the pause in league battles to do a bit of quiet trading? I plan to do a bit of house cleaning on Hunt and Dixon (looking at Pedersen and Pitt). Time close to up for Krak, but need to retain MPP in any trade.

    Went GMR at the start with the declared intention of having some fun this year (don't think 'fun' managed to fit the Lucas profile for TS). So I understand your boredom. By R16, many people's teams will be the same old, with GnRs targeting the same trades. I will hopefully still be enjoying myself and will try not to let my scores slip for the benefit of Xpats league.

    Spent 3 months working in Burma, mostly up in the dry zone (Sagaing, Meiktila, Chauk, Pagan, Magwe and Shwebo), but also managed to get to Loikaw in Kayah State. Love the place and the people. Pity about the dregs running it.

    Songkran. This year 3 young (14-16) ladies decided to take the tops off while dancing on the back of a ute. Made the front page (no photos) and the prudes were outraged. Said ladies fined about &#36;20 each. Not sure if it can still be found on U-tube.
  19. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    PS. Sweating on Dawes at MRP - could stuff me up big time.
  20. justin

    justin New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    sounds good
    no other aussies do it in sihanoukville

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