Strategy for Round 7 league game

Discussion in 'AFL' started by PwnSC, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. PwnSC

    PwnSC New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys. Long time reader. First time forum poster.

    I know its a bit too early to start thinking about Round 7. However, it is the round where SC league games start up again. Now, Round 7 for me is crucial for me to win as I need to get bragging rights over my upcoming opponent (don't we all? In SC, there are no friends! haha!)

    Now I just need a bit of advice/strategy tips during this multi-bye period in order to upgrade and get another premium (or even two) to make my team stronger (and to cover the loss of my collingwood players due to their Round 7 bye).

    My team:

    DEF: Goddard, Deledio, Gibbs, Grimes, Otten, Duigan, Lower, D. Stanley (GCS), Batchelor, J. Toy

    MID: Swan, Pendlebury, Montagna, J. Selwood, Heppell, Curnow, D. Swallow (GCS), Harris (GCS), Bewick

    RUCKS: Sex on the Beach + Z. Smith, Keefe

    FWD: Franklin, C. Rioli, Pavlich, N. Riewoldt, Higgins, A. Krakouer, Tapscott, Darling, Richardson, Matera

    I currently have $21,400 and I'm averaging a score of about 2271.

    My opponent mainly has gone a different strategy with mid pricers and rookies. With about 3 or 4 premiums.

    I'm thinking of getting Chapman (since its Geelong vs. Kangas) into my midfield to cover the loss of Pendles and Swan and to activate MPP. Would this be possible? Will I need to start chipping away now and increase my bank money in preparation for the trade pre-round 7? And who to upgrade, downgrade and when? Will it be possible to get a second premium before round 7?

    Any thoughts are welcome. Cheers guys.
  2. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good team (and bloddy close to mine). Still got a number of players to fatten up a bit, although Krak, Duigan and a couple of GCS boys will be ready R7 / R8. If you're preared to take the rishk on missing out on cash, then Chappy + rookie for Krak + Duigan might not be bad timing pre R7. Wouldn't do much more though, as the balance is pretty good. Remember, you only get bragging rights at the end of the season when you win the league...there are 2 places at the end of the year, first and not first. Nothing else matters.
  3. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    PS...go into the Stats page and look at the salary calculator for the players you're thinking of trading. That will tell you if you'll have enough for your trades unless someone performs significantly better / worse than expected.
  4. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Spot on Corks - wait for the cows to fatten and check things out via the stats page.

    And you'll need to weigh up if it is worth sacrificing 100K in order to nab an early trade into a guy like Chappy.

    If Duigan keeps playing, for example, then he may well keep going up beyond $300K. And If he reaches $350K, then it makes a massive difference in terms of the trades you can make.
  5. PwnSC

    PwnSC New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep, I've been mulling over the stats page religiously. I'm thinking if Krak spuds it up in the ANZAC clash, then he'll be on the chopping block to hopefully gain some $$$

    Only reason why I need to win this round is because if I lose, I won't hear the end of it. EVER. Plus, he's been dissing my GnR strategy. lol. So need to teach him a lesson
  6. LiQuiD_SiXx

    LiQuiD_SiXx Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i think a good early move you could make (and this one that im considering also) is after Round 6 to downgrade Otten and upgrade Krak.

    Otten and Krak should hopefully be around $260-290K

    downgrade Otten to Hibberd who will be on the bubble if selected this week = +$186K
    upgrading Krak will give you $446-476K so you could aim at Rioli, Goodes, ROK, Sylvia or Stevie J (each would have had a bye already)


    you can go the other way and downgrade Krak to a forward rookie on the bubble and aim for a Broughton or Enright down back

  7. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from PwnSC on April 20, 2011, 12:33
    Yep, I've been mulling over the stats page religiously. I'm thinking if Krak spuds it up in the ANZAC clash, then he'll be on the chopping block to hopefully gain some &#36;&#36;&#36;

    Only reason why I need to win this round is because if I lose, I won't hear the end of it. EVER. Plus, he's been dissing my GnR strategy. lol. So need to teach him a lesson </blockquote>
    You should be using your GnR strategy to set yourself up for later in the year. If you lose this match, you can shut your mate up by winning the GF later in the year.
  8. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    eagles - good call - GnR works best over the long haul.

    If you can do a legit upgrade in the coming week or two within the GnR strategy, fine. But otherwise hold until the time is best and then fly past your mate and win the league.
  9. kitkat

    kitkat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you feel like sacrificing some growth with your rookies, see which combination of downgrade/upgrade rookies on your team could give you a Brisbane midfielder prior to R7 - Rockliff, Redden, or Power. Brisbane are playing GC in R7 this would guarantee a 120 - 160 score from either of those 3 players imo. However this could harm your team down the track though by missing out on potential moo&#36; by culling a rookie too early, as well as there being no clear downgrade targets available, and using 2 trades. Another option to consider is a sideways trade, and Montagna stands out to me, his B/E this week is 164, and at his current av is set to drop 60k over the next 3 rounds. With the way the saints have been playing so far i can't see Montagna averaging more than 100 this year. Trading Montagna to Rockliff will only cost you 1 trade and net you a further 90k for the kitty, which could then be used to upgrade Krakouer after R6.
  10. mo_cheeks

    mo_cheeks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi there,

    Great post. I've been in the same frame of mind. If you guys would care to share some thoughts it would be much appreciated.

    Cash in hand: &#36;266k
    DEF: Shaw, Heppel, Goddard, Grimes, Duigan, McKernan, Markovic, Lower, Toy, Pederson,

    MID: Swan, Boyd, Curnow, Gibbs, Boak, Selwood, Libba, D. Swallow, Harris

    RUC: Sandi, Cox, Z. Smith, R. Cambell

    FOR: Franklin, Higgins, Reiwoldt, Harvey, Krakouer, Richardson, Matera, Goodes, Tapscott, Darling

    I reckon my MIDS are ok and the cows there will keep on for a while before I can get a good upgrade.

    I'm thinking (post round 6 when Krak earns some) to use my cash, plus downgrading Matera to someone like Mzungu with the hope he'll get games after Rnd 13 or another Rookie who can earn now, and trade Krakouer for Chapman.

    This will blow my cash though, and my DEF is what really needs some work. I'm happy with Duigan, but now Lower is sketchy after missing last week, the bye this week. Pedersen was on ext bench but didn't get a show, Markovic etc need to go soon or I'll start to feel it week to week.

    Also conscious that I need to offload some carlton players later in the season.

    Any thoughts?


  11. HotPiesColdDrinks

    HotPiesColdDrinks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just having a quick look, you are right, you do need to strengthen your back line. I don't know when you want to try and make a move, but I think you need Gibbs into defence, which would require switching him with Heppell. Then when the timing is right, bring in someone like Deledio in defence.
    You need Gibbs and another premium defender I think to make your defence a bit solid. Chapman would be handy, but your forward doesn't look too bad.
    I would try address your weakness first.

    That's just me though.
  12. mo_cheeks

    mo_cheeks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers, gibbs was down there but I dubbed them thinking I can take better advantage of heppels increase in defence. Anyway good point to focus on the weakness. I'll look into what moves I can make.


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