lost supercoach points

Discussion in 'AFL' started by way2serious, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. way2serious

    way2serious New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey all, just something i have taken note of this year is how many points I have wasted sitting on the bench. Has anyone else bothered with this?

    Each week i have checked where i could have improved my points just from making correct bench and captain deciscions and I thought half way through the season and it is interesting enough to share.

    So anyway through the course of 12 weeks I have lost a total of 1177 points!!!

    Now i know you can't always get it right, like when prem's go down injured and i know supercoach has always been and will always be a game of "if only's" but 1177 points... it's massive.

    Now I am also right out of contention way back at about 5000 but these points would move me right into just under Dirty whorks :)
    now imagine if DW had those extra 1000 points. that would put him 600 clear of everyone else (a massive gap). But as i said these are all "if's".

    Anyway thought I would put this up as I find it interesting how many points you can lose to basic bench and captain selections. Hope you have also enjoyed the read... and also i have had a total of 12 players get subbed off or start as sub :( grrr they are what i hate most!

    1177 points!!!


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