Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TerryinBangkok, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. TN

    TN Wanderers

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sainter....don't take things to heart and no need to apologise. Everybody has their own style and the last thing you want to do is lose that passion you have. Life is a continuous learning experience and you can either let advice (and sometimes criticism) get you down or you can learn from it. This is the kind of site that will take you under its wing, but also help steer you in the right direction. I can sense you are already taking the advice onboard and I'm enjoying reading your comments of late.

    Keep your chin up, get into the feel of how this site works and don't lose your passion. The fact that you chose to take part in this site over some of the rubbish your read on other sites, says alot about your character, so keep contributing, learning and enjoying.
  2. clackerz

    clackerz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've seen and read worse on other SC Forums - really.

    I think (and I'm coming in at the end of all this, and didn't see the live chat), but it seems just a matter of finding the right way things are done here, and where posts/threads should be put.

    Forum Rules? Well a good idea, but you'll find they're not really read and you still need to moderate forums.
    As a site gets more members, more popular it becomes necessary to moderate and guide others - its just life around forums.

    You can (and not sure if it can be done in this platform) have sections - so Trade Talk, and Rate My Supercoach, Player Chat, Team Chat etc, etc.

    BTW - love the thumbs up/down, but it all gets confussing as the original thread/discussion point gets lost, and you'll find the up/down becomes blurred and possibly skewed as people just skim over comments and click an option.
    If it can be sectioned again like above, maybe the topic doesn't get lost...
  3. Dirty_Whorks

    Dirty_Whorks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @sainter. Well done mate. Fair cop. Clearly taken it on the chin and moved on...
  4. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Just wanted to take this opportunity to apologise again to Sainter and the TS community. I, more than anyone, had a hand in this blowing out of proportion. I can be rather curt and abrasive with my comments, and I put my hand up and acknowledge I was out of line.

    I was genuinely trying to help/inform/educate, but did a piss-poor job of it. Apologies.
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Geez Hornsy, you sound like Charles confessing to steroids. Nobody on here will love you any less for honesty. Think Whorks sums it up nicely; the issue given fair airing, Sainter has had some input, contributions on the main page getting lots of love, so perhaps, unless walesy wants closure, we can all move on?
  6. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sainter is doing a great job, and even his cheering in a close game can be enjoyable.

    Most of the time in live chat we are cheering on our own players in our Supercoach team, rather than consistently bagging one team over another, though yeah it happens on occasions.

    I reckon some Magpie fans might have got a bit annoyed when there was a chorus of support against our team, but in the end I reckoned I should harden up. Problem is a lot of people can give banter but can't take it. I try my best to do both!

    On the raising of multiple threads, you can just ignore them, which is what I do from time to time.

    Sainter, though, from what I see really wants the answers and a discussion. When you flood the thread with your own thoughts, it diminishes the chance for others to take their turn.

    I'm really guilty of this in some areas because I'm keen to share. I guarantee that's why I'm in the 1500 position in SC rather than top 100, which I'd probably be if I listened rather than typed!

    So probably the only advice here is timeless:
    seek first to understand, then be understood.
  7. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is this all over someone saying something about Dane Swan?? Jesus just as well us Sainters dont get fired up in chat everytime someone calls Milne that R word or whatever loosly thrown away term they use that day!!
  8. Hendy

    Hendy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My two cents.
    To be honest, having a controlled community is alright as far as finding relevant information on SC but from my point of view I like a little banter (not ridiculous like on other forums).
    I became a complete addict to this site last year, due to Ben and his shenanigans. I may not post often but am on here everyday, I look forward to the regular topics (Round Review, Best Buys and Captains Choice)but its when some creative topics pop up mid week that I get the most enjoyment.
    Im not saying let the site become a free for all, just that we put up with Ben for an entire year and now that he is gone we are probably jumping on any little thing that pops up.
    Coming from someone that has too few trades and such a terrible team, an off had comment that results in an educated response is absolutely excellent.

    Like when I abused Cloke earlier this year, only to have Lucas point out that he is the number one contested mark in the league....

  9. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cloke number one contested mark.... I have learnt something today

    I too am one that likes a bit of banter, however there are always lines that get crossed, so provided we acknowledge those, move on and get on with the topic at hand (which is bitching about how crap our SC teams are going (Dirty Whorks and Impromptu excepted!)) the world will be a happy place.

    Every site has its heroes and villans, and the odd princess who needs to take a spoonful of cement and harden up a bit, however it needs to be said that we don't have a large amount of any of that on here.

    Fair shout to Sainter for the acknowledgement, now let's move on

    Walesy and Jo, keep up the smashing job with the site, and to all the mods and contributors, thanks for making this place AWESOME (to quote The Miz)

    Now can we get back to the serious discussion about how my missus loves big Cox.
  10. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    yep, reckon moving on is the way to go. I think it's funny that it was around now that Ben was busting heads last year- I guess like the media, when trades are running low, we gotta discuss something! :p

    As far as posting rules, it's unwritten, but generally i like the flow of:

    Week review- discussing the weekend that was- the good and the bad.
    Bestbuys- here's where the trade talk for next week move into full swing on the main board.

    That said, we always have the forum, which is pretty much around for whatever you want to talk about! Perhaps if we moved it to a traditional forum structure it would work a little better to achieve that result?

    The round underway post for last minute whatevers and the happy or hurting post for general lighthearted wingeing about how you're going so far!

    And finally, the live chat- this thing is always going to be tough to moderate, but the overall idea that we're all grownups, so surely if someone is annoying you, a gentle reminder works well- and if not, then walesy gets to lay the smack down!

    To conclude- We've all learnt from this and I like to think that next time (and I guarentee that there will be a next time) - that we are all better at dealing with it.
  11. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    a traditional forum structure would be awesome and extremely useful for navigating too! :D
  12. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And with more then 10 posts per page :D :D
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey StK Thunda,

    I reckon I've mentioned Swanny on the steroids/EPO/blood doping more often than anyone. Swanny himself and NJ Brown joked about it while in Arizona and back home. No way Swan would be on the gear with how he's joking about it but I'm fine to keep up the joke.

    And on Milne, I've decided after tirades last year to let the guy go.

    It doesn't mean I think the cops did the right thing in that situation (he might well have benefited from a fuller investigation that might have completely exonerated him), but it's not his fault for this.

    Maybe St Kilda's, I'm not sure how high up it went, but it's done now - a bit like the Beams/McCarthy situation, which from what I've heard was circumstantial (e.g. witness to a crime, but got smeared).

    So yeah I will still have a crack at Milne for being an agent provocateur, but I'm not using the nickname again.
  14. Hendy

    Hendy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd love to know how many times that has been added as a nickname for Milne, only to have Walesy remove it.
  15. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good discussion, highlights the quality of this place and desire to keep such quality intact.

    Agree 100% with taking a deep breath and reading over what you've typed before hitting submit. Hell I need to do it as well.

    I still would like some signature character limit for forum posts if possible.
  16. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Haha Lucas just saw your sig - I like it!
  17. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Lucas

    Who really knows what happened. Couldnt believe a word that cop said last year, seemed extremely suss it came out during the week of the Malthouse saga, and just happened to be on Eddie's channel... Im sure Collingwood/Essendon/Carlton havent covered anything up.

    I dont think what Swan said on twitter was very smart at all and would have thought he was smarter then to say he is too smart to ever get caught. Nothing funny in drug cheats or drug testing.. Just cos he says it doesnt mean he isnt using, look at Ben Cousins he never tested positive once (not saying Swan is a drug cheat at all, just stating a fact)

    Im all for banter or bagging opposition players for what they have done on the football field, or if they have been found guilty off field (eg Stoked On Coke, Krakwhore, Cab Basher Hurley)

    Oh and i will continue to call Dane Swan a seagull :D

    <img src="" />
  18. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ah damn it didnt fit in properly :p
  19. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So long as he gets enough chips each week I will be happy
  20. jo

    jo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Keeping up the level of discussion is important. It's something that separates TS from the pack and, I feel, that if conversation is too broken up with 'thumbs up, thumbs down' trade stuff, it really makes it near on impossible for discussion to flow.

    To fix that, how would people feel about an thread that opened up Monday or Tuesday every week that was exclusively for trade advice? People can choose to do the thumbs up/thumbs down in there (as naff as I think it is) or they can seek decent trade advice that's actually helpful but... all of that can be pretty much contained in the one thread and if there's any up/down funny business hitting other threads, they just get deleted or community moderated out of sight?

    The thing is, there have always been new people around here and when people are new, they tend to come in and sound a little out of step with the culture of the place until they find their groove. Along with the high level of chat that goes on here, one of the best and most noteworthy aspects of the community has always been that it's open to all (hence no exclusive forums for those who have been highly ranked) and newbies tend to get brought up to speed rather than the level of the conversation dropping. That doesn't happen with naming and shaming or people getting their knickers in a twist.

    I have hated seeing this going on. Really. I hate that people might feel intimidated to join in lest they inadvertently break some unwritten but generally understood rule. I get why but... ick!

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