need ruck help

Discussion in 'AFL' started by skiddy, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. skiddy

    skiddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    looking for ideas for 2nd ruck spot have cox sandi bailey & vardy.ranked 45th overall don't have many trades left but want to keep trying for top prize, rucks scoring high this year so who's best value and going to ruck for the rest of the year,is it jolly,mcevoy or goldstein who will score best with job security
  2. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Imo, you can't go wrong with either Goldstein or McEvoy - both have been in top form and have been pumping out good scores all season.

    The bonus with McEvoy is he has had his 2 byes now, where Goldstein still has one to go in R21, first week of SC finals.
  3. skiddy

    skiddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    will McEvoy be saints no 1 ruck for the rest of the season, following north i should get goldstein but the bye & McIntosh return is putting me off
  4. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Would be surprised if Big Mac wasn't Saints best ruck until end of year. The only hope is Gardiner, and with the way Big Mac is going you wouldn't bother.

    Goldstein has McIntosh and the bye so yeah McEvoy has some good credits in the bank on that one.
  5. 22nd_best_on_Field

    22nd_best_on_Field New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    the other 'darkie' i'd throw up would be griffin as a POD to claw back points on top 44 teams, He is a lock for games given sandi's injury, has posted 4 100's in a row (including 160 this week) and given you said your almost out of trades it would allow you to put some money in the bank to be more flexible when future trades come into it - one thing i keep running into this year is injured premiums keep going down in 1st quarter of a game so they post a score of 8 points and drop 40k right before you need to trade them so some extra cash in the kitty helps get the right men in.
    just a thought and well done on a top 50 performance thus far! out of interest how many points off 1st are you?
  6. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Honestly can't see McEvoy being usurped as #1 ruck at Saints - he's proven himself time and again this season, and if Ross is stupid enough to put anyone ahead of the big Mac, then he deserves to be sacked.

    In fact, same goes for Scotty at the Roo's - Goldy has proven himself as a superb ruckman that a team can be built around, no way can anyone justify pushing Hamish ahead of him now - having had both Achilles operated on now puts him in the 'play with caution' basket - surely he'll only ever be Goldy's support from now on, not the other way around.

    Also, the bonus with Goldy & McEvoy is they are both capable in front of goals, so when they do have support from another ruck in their sides, they'll more than likely spend time up forward when being rested from ruck rather than being benched.
  7. Western_Demons

    Western_Demons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jolly is looking pretty tasty around that 370k mark... Could be straight swap for smith?
  8. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    McEvoy...... Will be #1 ruck for rest year.

    Gardiner is set to play VFL this week (hahaha ill believe it when i see it)
    No bye to come which means you can gain ground on those with Goldy, Jamar, Mummy etc thaty still have one to come.
  9. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wish I picked up McEvoy last week... Went up like 40k if I can remember correctly.

    His scores over the last 4/5 weeks have been awesome!!

    Sandi sitting on my bench gets annoying and I just want to offload him.

    Other options could be Mumford and Jolly for mine
  10. skiddy

    skiddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    to 22nd best on field i am 578 behind leaders which seems a fair way but if i can keep picking the right captain you never know just can't afford to keep picking bailey as my 2nd ruck whilst griffin is appealing i'm keen to move this week and with McEvoy taking on port think i will go that way and hope for the best, thanks guys
  11. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am thinking about finally getting rid of Sandi this week, and not so keen on McEvoy at a price of $495K. I have Cox plus the Petrie/J Tipp thing as well, but prefer Petrie as a fwd given his relative consistency vs the brain shredding highs and lows of Buddy, NRoo, JRoo, and Goodesy.

    Soooo;....which is LEAST likely.(i) Griffin gets dropped <again> on Sandi's return, or (ii), Lobbe gets the flick when Roger Ramjet Brogan returns? Help please.

  12. graeme

    graeme Guest

    would appreciate your thoughts on a ruck improvement strategy.

    I have Cox, Ryder, J. Tippett and McCauley. In the forwards I have Petrie so lucked into the MPP. One forward I want to upgrade is Darling. I would like to bring Lobbe in. I have 6 trades left.

    Should I trade out McCauley or Darling for him. What I cannot get my head around is how to best use his MPP status. Am leaning towards trading Darling as that maximises his use.

  13. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Chels...see my post immediately before yours. I've played the MPP thing a bit with Petrie/Tippett and in my view Petrie is best up forward, and I only pinch hit him in ruck as a short term measure. I'd leave Tipp and McCauley on bench, and have 2 gun ruckmen. This maximises your $ in play, but you still have Petrie as a back up in the event of injury.

    In your case perhaps lose Ryder for McEvoy or Griffin ?
  14. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In light of Brogan retiring at end of season, Port needs to get game time into Lobbe, so I can't see him being dropped in a hurry.

    Further supporting this is the fact that Port drafted Lobbe on the strength of his performances as a key position forward at junior level - so i'd expect Primus would continue to play him when Broges is fit - gives an extra marking option up forward which is needed!
  15. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey Guys,
    What would you do if you had Petrie as ruck 2 with no link to forward line?

    My forward line is "complete" but as someone mentioned very frustrating with p*ss poor performances from NRoo, JRoo, Didak, Sylvia and the like!

    Should I trade Didak to say Lobbe to open up the link?

    Or should I just upgrade Petrie to a better ruck (ie McEvoy or maybe even to Jolly to make $) seeing Petrie has the rd 21 bye and after last week I can't rely on Vardy to fill in for Petrie again! (4th Ruck is McCauley not playing - 1st ruck is Cox)

    Any ideas appreciated!! Cheers :D
  16. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    McEvoy for mine, averaging 130 over the last 3-5 weeks, and when Garidner returns, I think Gardy will be moved up forward, or McEvoy could play more forward either meaning more goals/ same amount of ruck time....Hopefully on't affect (Gardiner) McEvoy's scores
  17. 22nd_best_on_Field

    22nd_best_on_Field New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from homerj on July 6, 2011, 18:34
    Hey Guys,
    What would you do if you had Petrie as ruck 2 with no link to forward line?

    My forward line is "complete" but as someone mentioned very frustrating with p*ss poor performances from NRoo, JRoo, Didak, Sylvia and the like!

    Should I trade Didak to say Lobbe to open up the link?

    Or should I just upgrade Petrie to a better ruck (ie McEvoy or maybe even to Jolly to make &#36;) seeing Petrie has the rd 21 bye and after last week I can't rely on Vardy to fill in for Petrie again! (4th Ruck is McCauley not playing - 1st ruck is Cox)

    Any ideas appreciated!! Cheers :D</blockquote>
    Your FWDS ain't done if Dud-ak is still getting a run on the park!
    Definitely look to get lobe in the FWDS as it gives you more flexibility with fwd-ruck link open, as poor as didak has been means he is now worth nothing though so do you have another fwd rookie worth 200k that you could turn into lobe? didak IS hugely talented - but has just been spudding it up so has ability to turn it on closer to finals as he will want to earn his spot for september action!), so if I had him I'd look to keep him on the bench and upgrade a rookie if possible?
  18. 22nd_best_on_Field

    22nd_best_on_Field New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from skiddy on July 6, 2011, 14:27
    to 22nd best on field i am 578 behind leaders which seems a fair way but if i can keep picking the right captain you never know just can't afford to keep picking bailey as my 2nd ruck whilst griffin is appealing i'm keen to move this week and with McEvoy taking on port think i will go that way and hope for the best, thanks guys</blockquote>

    If I was in your position I'd be looking at which ruckmen the top 50 do and don't have and try and get in a POD - doesn't matter if you score 3500 every week if the 44 blokes above you have the same 22 on the park, you'll never catch any of em. Gotta get some left field blokes in now and hope they turn it on!
  19. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What's wrong with McEvoy's price? I have him, and if I didn't I'd be looking to trade him in, he's at 495k for a reason, it might seem a little over-priced for him, but he'll most likely go up in price again this week with a B/E of of only 57, if he gets his average of 105 (should easily, taking on only Lobbe in the Ruck) then he'll jump another 20k.....I reckon you should get him, has no byes remaining and will be Saints #1 Ruck 'til Gardiner gets back, Gardiner has a "chance"of returning to the VFL this week so Macca still has another few easy weeks as #1, and even when Gardiner gets back I think he'll play well and should hold the #1 ruck role with his form...
  20. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ha ha Dud-ak! Love it! He's not on the park, have resigned him to the bench after weeks of spudlike patheticness.

    My forwards are Pav, Buddy, J Roo, N Roo, Fyfe, Goodes, Sylvia with Dudak, Howe and Richo on the bench. I also have Mzungu/ I Smith in the mids I can swap with Dudak.

    So bit of a glut of forwards, not sure if bringing Petrie into the mix will really help as would mean putting one of my starting 7 on the bench.

    So worth upgrading Petrie then to another ruck 2. Have prob enough cash to get McEvoy only 5 trades left though. Worth doing?

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