Trading Plans from now until Rd 24

Discussion in 'AFL' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A while ago there was talk about planning the series of trades through to the end of the year - does anyone want to share their current plans?

  2. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Only have 3 trades
    I sit 3rd, 2nd, 5th, 5th & 14th (around 100th, extremely tough) in my leagues. Only 5th on percentage in both of those 2 leagues and versing bottom 8 sides in the final 3 games in both and 4th position and 3rd position in those leagues verse 1st, 5th and 12th & 1st, 8th, 10th in those leagues so I'm basically cemented in the top 4.
    With 3 trades I'm considering just going all-out and downgrading Z.Smith to David Hale this week or next, and using the 170-210k in finals to get an extra premium in fwd/back (with MPP to switch to MIDS) So I have an extra premium on every line by Trading my midpricers. etting Hale will open up MPP with Lobbe/Hale which means I already have another premium forward means I will only need a premium back and mid with my final two trades. Might do it, or, I could go to J.Tippett rather than Hale giving me about 400k, which means i could trade my midpricersto get 100+ scorers in my reserves for cover.
  3. 22nd_best_on_Field

    22nd_best_on_Field New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ sainter..
    Got to say after re-reading the first half of your post 3 times I’m still no clearer as to where you are on the ladder in the respective leagues...and now my head hurts! Im in a similar boat, have 7 trades left and am looking at the idea of downgrading smith from R3 to free up cash to add depth to the list, but to who is the question? Apart from hail, who I like but only for the MPP FWD benefit (which doesn’t help me), who are the other cheap options that are still going to get a regular run in the firsts to allow for R3 coverage for possible injuries/byes to R1 and R2 come finals?
  4. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Current Team - Trades Left 8 – Cash $129,500 - Going for personal best overall position rather than league

    Def - Deledio (mpp-bye rd 19), H Shaw, Enright (bye rd 22), Gibbs (mpp-bye rd 23), Goddard (mpp), Broughton, Lower [Bench - D Stanley, Puopolo (bye rd 17), Toy]

    Mid – Pendles, Swan, Boyd (bye rd 20), NDS, A Swallow (bye rd 21), Heppell (mpp-bye rd 24) [Bench – Prestia, Mzungu, Wallis (bye rd 20)]

    Fwd – Franklin (bye round 17), Rioli (bye rd 17, hopefully back in rd 18) Goodes (mpp-bye rd 19), Harvey (mpp-bye rd 21), Chapman (mpp-bye rd 22), Sylvia (mpp), N Roo, [Bench – Darling, Breust (bye rd 17), Richo (bye rd 21)]

    Ruck – Cox, Griffin [Bench – Bailey, Keeffe]

    Player byes to come
    Round 17 Rioli, Franklin, Puopolo, Breust
    Round 18 Nil (Port Adeliade)
    Round 19 Deledio, Goodes
    Round 20 Boyd, Wallis
    Round 21 A Swallow, Harvey, Richo
    Round 22 Enright, Chapman
    Round 23 Gibbs
    Round 24 Heppell

    Planned Trades
    Rd 17 – downgrade breust (possibly Talia), upgrade Lower (possibly Fisher) - leaving $140K or thereabouts
    Rd 19 – upgrade Heppell (possibly S Thompson) - leaving spare change

    Team by Round 20 – trades left 5 – cash left $0

    Def - Deledio (mpp), H Shaw, Enright (bye rd 22), Gibbs (mpp-bye rd 23), Goddard (mpp), Broughton, FISHER (LOWER) [Bench - D Stanley, Puopolo, Toy]

    Mid – Pendles, Swan, Boyd (bye rd 20), NDS, A Swallow (bye rd 21), THOMPSON (HEPPELL) [Bench – Prestia, Mzungu, Wallis (bye rd 20)]

    Fwd – Franklin, Rioli (hopefully), Goodes (mpp), Harvey (mpp-bye rd 21), Chapman (mpp-bye rd 22), Sylvia (mpp), N Roo, [Bench – Darling, TALIA (BREUST), Richo (bye rd 21)]

    Ruck – Cox, Griffin [Bench – Bailey, Keeffe]

    Leaving 5 trades to cover donuts due to injuries/resting/suspensions/Griffin getting dropped for Sandy or finally to cover 5 starting 22 players with byes from rd 21 to 23.
  5. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm 3rd, 2nd, 5th 5th & 14th respectively
  6. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Sainter - Hale has a bye this week, unless you think z smith will plunge in price I would hold fire until round 18 at the earliest
  7. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Z.Smith>>J.Tippett would make my rucks look like this;
    Cox, McEvoy, Lobbe, Bailey, Tippett? Should I do it to free up a lot more cash then hold the 400k for finals?
  8. taminater

    taminater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ok i want some advice. Currently top in both leagues just on percentage. $180k left in bank, 8 trades left. no where near overall so forget about that.

    Delidio, H Shaw, Goddard, Gibbs, Fisher, Broughton, Hurn. (Toy, Lower, L Thompson)

    Hodge, Montagna, Pendles, Swan, Selwood, Heppell. (Prestia, Gaff, B Jacobs)

    Franklin, Rioli, Goodes, Pavlich, N Roo, J Roo, Petrie ( Mzungu, T Lynch, L Dalhous)

    im thinkin about trying to get in Priddis and ROK for heppel and prestia, ill just need to make another 200k by downgrading someone in the next few weeks. that will then leave me with 23 guns and 5 trades left for finals. am i better off keeping the cash and sticking with 22 guns then just do sideways/ small upgrades with my remaining cash for teh finals?
  9. The_General

    The_General Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm looking to hold of on trades this week. apart from mzungu I've got premiums in every position. Will have a look at picking up a fallen defender premium in the next few weeks to cover lids' bye, scotland and gibbs as well as enright's.

    Adcock looking cheap, but has the bye with lids and needs to produce a big score first. Other options might be birchall in a few weeks.
  10. taminater

    taminater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    oops forgot rucks.

    Cox, Sandi, Keffe, J tippet
  11. NCJS

    NCJS New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Currently hovering between 30th-50th overall in the past month. My weakness is R2 with Smith but im unsure what to do. About 20k short of Mcevoy this week and i want to avoid the double trade just to get him. I have the Petrie/Tippet link with Bailey emerg. as well.
    6 Trades left, 150k in the bank.
    Is it worth holding out a few weeks and bring in Sandi and hope Zac can fire some shots?
  12. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yes, this week he just has to take on Vickery in the ruck unless Browne/Graham come back. It's not as if he's against a first-class ruckmen so surely he'll top 100. May be getting sore and tired from jumping into bigger bodies all season long so might have a break soon enough. He won't be able to go from his last bye in round 9 to round 24 so he'll have to have a rest again at some time.
  13. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    8 Trades left. 2nd in my cash league. Will go into the first week of the finals with about 5/6 trades left
  14. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great position to be in DC
  15. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ NCJS - Assume your R1 is Cox?
  16. adeelite

    adeelite New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree with DC.
    I'm top of my league a game clear so only need to win one more to guarantee a top 4 spot and the double chance.
    From experience you need at least 5/6 trades for finals because players get rested all over the place.
    My advice is do what you have to do to lock in a top 4 spot and then leave as many trades as possible for finals.
    If you can't make top 4 then scrape into the finals with trades left. Most other teams burn all their trades to make the finals, especially the teams fighting it out for 7th and 8th possie.
    I have 7 trades left and will be keeping them until after the bye and going nuts then.
    It's gunna be a hard three weeks to stick to my plan
  17. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll ask for some advice here as well as it would fit this topic.

    As I am one of the few genius' who left Cox out from the start this season I have been planning on trading Petrie for Cox at Rd.21. However, looking at the value of both these players and predicted movement I am tempted to do this trade now to save some cash. This would leave me with Jolly, Smith and Vardy in R2,R3 and R4 for the rest of the season.

    Wondering whether people think this is a good calculated decision or I should hold off. I have always planned on this trade but am just thinking of doing it sooner as the difference between Petrie and Cox may get quite large.
  18. NCJS

    NCJS New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ 82asch

    Yes sorry, Cox is R1
  19. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tough call as you could really make up some ground with a good choice - Shame you can't pick up McEvoy with a single trade.

    Considering your overall position I am not gonna offer any advice - you will see from my post I don't even have Cox in the ruck! Have you seen the rucks by the numbers thread in the forum? - Best of luck!
  20. 22nd_best_on_Field

    22nd_best_on_Field New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from NCJS on July 12, 2011, 13:32
    Currently hovering between 30th-50th overall in the past month. My weakness is R2 with Smith but im unsure what to do. About 20k short of Mcevoy this week and i want to avoid the double trade just to get him. I have the Petrie/Tippet link with Bailey emerg. as well.
    6 Trades left, 150k in the bank.
    Is it worth holding out a few weeks and bring in Sandi and hope Zac can fire some shots?

    Have you got any one on the fwd bench that could be turned into a premium with a 150k investment? Thinking if u can't go straight to macca and want to avoid the double trade then maybe swing Petrie into R2 and upgrade a fwd bench into a premium fwd?

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