Judd and the Carlton Salary Cap

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Lucas, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And on the issue of the day, well done to the AFL for wanting to clamp down on third party deals. But as for Carlton being able to continue this Judd-Visy charade, let's not allow it.

    I'd be happy if all of these arrangements were made public, and then the clubs as a group decided which ones were fair enough (players fair trade) and which ones were significant breaches of salary cap conditions.

    I suggest Judd-Visy-Pratt was always one of the dodgy ones, and considering that Scully is going to be stolen from Melbourne because they can't do a dodgy with Reach or Kaspersky or whoever, that's just a crock.

    Judd fair enough he can stay at Carlton but he needs to play for less, or Carlton need to find that room somewhere else.

    end rant.
  2. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Judd getting 200k a season for what he does is a joke , Visy had a kids clinic last season or the season before, all the school kids expecting to see Chris Judd speak, nah no sign of him, so what's he doing for 200k a yr?
  3. AndrewY

    AndrewY New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good rant Lucas, though I am not sure letting clubs self regulate will be the answer. Probably a clear and unfudgeable set of rules, audit and enforcement.
    I think the big issue will be arrangements already in play eg. Judd and if they can be stopped at all.
  4. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Get over it stripey boy. The pies just wouldn't do whatever it took to get him. You all think that you wave Collingwood in front of them and they'll come running. You won a premiership. Be happy and stop whining about losing out on the best player in the league. Nah,na na, nahhhhh.....
  5. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Richo, Daicos, Hafey & M.Roberts coming to a footy clinic at the local footy club speaking of clinics.
  6. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Melbandy, happy to not get him if it involved a wooden spoon and bending over to stop Essendon winning one for the first time in a generation.

    Frankly Carlton's wooden spoon in 2006 was a tragedy of epic proportions. Only percentage separated them from the Dons, but what a fully sensational thing it would have been for Sheedy to own a wooden spoon. Still, good things come to those who wait, and I'm fully expecting restitution on this matter in little over 12 months!

    Personally I bid no ill will to Judd, I think he should get what he is currently getting and more.

    Thing is this deal stinks. And I'm sure Collingwood has plenty that also stink, so let's get all the dirty linen out there, and deal with it at once. You can't just say because it was a past deal that it's OK.

    You can say, fine you got away with it in last year's salary cap, but this year the rules have changed and it's now illegal. Sort it out.
  7. TopHeavy

    TopHeavy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm with you on this Lucas. The AFL are doing everything they can to facilitate Scully leaving the Dees when they should remain impartial. They're like the bloody ATO. I'd feel pretty p!ssed if I was an Eagles fan too as it's simply a double standard.
  8. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm surprised Lucas. Carlton? Surely with their impeccable record in recompensing their athletes they would never stoop to anything that could be construed as dodgy?
  9. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Judd playing agent provocateur also saying "I didn't leave for the money" is very much appreciated by AFL HQ.

    Of course he didn't just leave for the money, but I'd suggest he got a bigger pay packet from Carlton + Visy than he did at WCE. Plus then got a "spiritual leadership role" denied him by Cousins etc.

    On the reimbursements of Carlton players TiB, it's pretty much guaranteed that Greg Williams Constructions will be back in business if the Judd-Visy deal falls apart.
  10. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    3rd party deals were always something that the AFL were going to have to get rid of. I mean, if Judd wouldn't have come across without the Visy section of the deal- then it's obvious that it's manipulating the salary cap.

    That said- that's done- it's in the past now, let's just ensure that no more of these atrocities are developed for any other star moving forward.
  11. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from walesy on July 14, 2011, 15:04
    That said- that's done- it's in the past now, let's just ensure that no more of these atrocities are developed for any other star moving forward.</blockquote>

    Judd's deal was done, but if it continues to pay for the next 5 years, then no the issue is not done in the slightest. It can still allow Carlton to manipulate the salary cap, just as a similar arrangement say with Darren Jolly and Channel 9 would do the same. (Though at least Jolly turns up and earns his money - even if wooden and stupid in the charades)

    I would suggest the AFL forcing players to renegotiate these deals as part of the new EBA they will be required to eventually sign.
  12. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No Beat the Best this week Lucas?
    My forum item wasn't usurping I hope. It was supposed to focus only on this round and complement your weekly feature. Still, the forum bit smoked out a few of the otherwise silent top 10, 3 at last count. One suspects there are even more who are regular visitors to TS.

    Also, my comment on Carlton was dripped in vitriol - thought you might notice and get a smile.
  13. Juddy earns Visy a hell of a lot more money than most people think, but I will admit he doesn't do much for it. They use his likeness in a lot of ways like their latest attempt with a recycled paper made jigsaw puzzle of Juddy. Cards, posters and memorabilia to name a few add up...

    Third party deals should be made public but disallowing them will just make them move away from football, and pretend it's not happening. Do you think the Bulls could have stopped Jordan making his Airs and the hundreds of variants? If they start trying to stop players from accepting sponsorship payments the players would claim it had nothing to do with the club and take the AFL to court
  14. boydshow

    boydshow Guest

    Did the AFL rubber stamp the Judd deal when it happened, or was it originally under the table?
  15. Whyt_ee

    Whyt_ee New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    hahaha if you were Judd you wouldn't be complaining!

    At least it was made public.

    How many players never pay to eat or never buy clothes from "gift cards/vouchers".

    If your good your good!
  16. Bundybastard

    Bundybastard New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Whyt_ee on July 14, 2011, 21:40
    hahaha if you were Judd you wouldn't be complaining!

    At least it was made public.

    How many players never pay to eat or never buy clothes from "gift cards/vouchers".

    If your good your good!</blockquote>

    Gezz that was an insightful comment " if you were Judd you wouldn't be complaining"

    No shit moron
  17. donatello

    donatello New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Still can't get the rant from John Elliott bitching about Essendon breaching the salary cap out of my head whenever I hear Carlton/Judd/Salary cap in the same sentence.
  18. donatello

    donatello New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Then there's Williams/Bradley/Kernahan!
  19. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think an external audit needs to be conducted.

    Quite simply, the salary cap is there for the clubs to pay the players for playing the game. External sponsorships are a different thing. HOWEVER, if that external sponsorship is in any way, shape, or form arranged by anyone having anything to do with the club, it can easily be considered a conflict of interest for the people involved, and an illegal payment under AFL salary cap rules.

    Furthermore, if an external payment such as a sponsorship is made available to any given player as an "enticement" or "incentive" to remain at a particular club, or to change clubs, then surely said payment must be viewed as corruption of the highest order, which is illegal in anyone's book!

    As for Judd in particular - I think he's a traitor! Yes, the Eagles had some problems, but its often said that "attitude reflects leadership", so does this mean that Cousins and Judd were the reasons behind many of the Eagles' problems - quite likely in my opinion. A good leader has control and respect, clearly neither Cousins or Judd had either of those, where-as Darren Glass has been able to get everything back on track! Both Cousins and Judd are fantastic players, but horrible leaders.

    So, no more illegal payments, and no more token captains.
  20. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hate to say it - but it all smacks of endemic corruption to me.

    Any other sport and we'd be pointing and laughing and saying "That's as dodgy as hell". Judd on a significant third party agreement with the philandering price-fixing cartel that is Visy/Pratt yet similar agreements now wouldn't fly.

    Add to that the AFL's payments to Folau and Hunt - what salary cap?

    Its dodgy and its corrupt. I don't care what team you follow - this is something that should transcend club loyalties and cause serous concerns for all footy followers (and esp. to Melbourne fans)

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