<img src="http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=bullshit&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=W1cq9-yNHJyAsM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vfxtalk.com/forum/locking-job-offers-t22606.html&docid=4yWUhUkI1Y_qJM&w=347&h=233&ei=dg4pTvapJ-KMmQX42tyGDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=446&vpy=596&dur=1000&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=183&ty=110&page=1&tbnh=153&tbnw=176&start=0&ndsp=41&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:0&biw=1677&bih=949" />
AndrewY, yeah you can name 2 emg in the Midfield. If only one is required, you get the lower score of the 2 players selected as emergencies.
No change in the teams updated on afl.com.au If it was a training fitness test he needed to pass, did that need to be announced by 5pm, or can they withdraw him still right up until the bounce?
Obviously he could be withdrawn right up to the team sheets handed in (90min before bounce) I'd say really unlikely now that he's already in Gold Coast. Why travel if not to play?
Judd will play. No way Blues will rest anyone now that they look like dropping out of top 4...particularly vs Bombers. @Lucas - agree on Pendles as well. If they were going to rest him he'd be in Melbourne with his feet up and a can of Melbourne Bitter.