TS Super Leagues 2012

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by TerryinBangkok, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Forum topic "How Competitive is your TS league" pretty much required reading in order to follow this. It will also help if you have some idea how the Donors team and the Expats team works. Thought it worth a new thread as cannot tell where it will go.

    The power of collective thought is truly an amazing thing. Here are a couple of small ideas for the pot following the State of Origin theme.

    TS-Vic Metro, TS-Vic Country, TS-SA, TS-WA, TS-NSW/ACT/Tas, TS-QLD/NT.

    Leagues should be finalized one week before the start of the season BECAUSE, each league will then have enough time to nominate their own State of Origin team (using names above). Players in teams confined to state of birth (NT can have rest of the world). Coaches determined by their domicile for the 6 months prior to season commencing. The State of Origin teams would then form part of a super league (called TS-KEL, in honour of our man whose brain explosion started this). The Super League would look something like:

    1. TS-Donors (UCantBeTooSerious)
    2. TS-Expats
    3. TS-Better Half (Jo to coordinate a girls only league and team)
    4. TIS-Vic Metro
    5. TIS-Vic Country
    6. TS-SA
    7. TS-WA
    9. TS-QLD/NT
    10. TS-Cream (a team and a league comprising this year’s top 1-50 SC teams who are TS members).
    11. TS-Milk (ditto, 51-100)
    12-16 Reserved for any other good ideas thrown up in this thread and/or the possibility of some of the stronger states being over-subscribed and having 2 teams. An alternative is to invite ‘others’ to submit a team (FanFooty, YSCC, etc.).

    If you really wanted to get serious about it, we could also have a parallel TS-Clubs with 16 leagues (TS-Hawks, etc.), each league nominating a team for TS-Clubs type super league (wonder if SC will wake up to the fact that we now have 18 teams and expand leagues accordingly?).

    Da rules: if any of these teams should snag a monthly, it goes to TS.

    For it to work effectively, suggest we need some walesy magic to create dedicated Friends groups (like they have on Facebook) for both leagues and teams. Each league/team appoints a coordinator/volunteer who has familiarity with the workings of TS. This would allow for the anthak style of democracy to be conducted in-house and not clutter up the Forum (plus other folks can’t see what they are plotting). Player Profiles in the Stats would likely need to include the player’s state of origin to avoid the odd dispute.

    Thoughts anyone?
  2. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon it's a good idea
  3. BleedingPurpleAndWhite

    BleedingPurpleAndWhite New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As I live in W.A would this mean (if I got chosen of course) that I would get into the W.A League or so so?
  4. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from BleedingPurpleAndWhite on July 23, 2011, 14:53
    As I live in W.A would this mean (if I got chosen of course) that I would get into the W.A League or so so?

    Nah, you would contribute to the WA team.
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You could apply to join the TS-WA league and select your team in the normal manner. You and the other members of that league will also put together a State of Origin team for WA and enter this in the super league.
  6. BleedingPurpleAndWhite

    BleedingPurpleAndWhite New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ah, cheers Terry.
  7. Rex_Go_36ers

    Rex_Go_36ers New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is there any requirements that we'll need to qualify for a league (in my case the QLD/NT one) or just the first 16 who then make that State of Origin, like is there a certain position we need to crack to qualify?
  8. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thats a genius idea Terry!

    I'll sign up now for WA. And I nominate Sex on the Beach as our starting ruck!!!! (assuming they're fit)

    Is there going to be a bit of a conflict of interest if a couple of people are "members" of multiple teams (such as donors, a state one, and the better halves)?

    As for the extra teams, may I suggest a couple of novelty teams? (last year in my league there was a team with just players related to other players - so the Selwood brothers, the Roo cousins, etc - it did surprisingly well!)
    Maybe break the expats into regions if there are enough people (Asia, Americas, etc)?
    Maybe a couple of phone book teams - the A-K and the L-Z (just throwing it out there).

    Again Terry, genius idea mate!
  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow - great ideas. I can't get my head around it properly yet though.

    And also, on the donating the prize &#36; to TS. it's the obvious way to go... BUT, (something I have recently realised about donor team) if a team that wins any prizemoney is someone's second team, or under a false name, then it would probably be ineligble to win. I would presume that anyway.
    Does anyone know for sure?
  10. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Anthak, strictly you are correct about the second team thing - its stated pretty clearly in the rules

    Only ONE registration is allowed per player. Multiple entrants may be disqualified.

    However, reading through the official rules, it doesn't actually specify if this relates to an email address or an actual person or group.

    I'd say "to hell with it", how many people are actually likely to win anything, let along two things with different teams???
  11. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    When I was 8 in my first year of SC i entered about 5 teams, I didn't get disqualified or ejected from the competition so I think it would be safe to put it under the same name as one of our original teams.
  12. BleedingPurpleAndWhite

    BleedingPurpleAndWhite New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah it should be right.
    This is a fantastic idea to really get TooSerious about it next year and the monthly to TS sounds a good idea to keep this site running. The thought you have put into this TiB is really great and people like you is what gives the site more opportunities, as does everyone else in their own way contributing and helpingothers. These Leagues will really expand it too.
    Just an idea that another tab could be added to the site for all the achievements that people on TS have accomplished e.g winning the overall, winning the top leagues, leagues in top 20, highest score in the round winners etc
  13. J_in_Japan

    J_in_Japan New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nice idea Tibby,

    I'm in for sure with the Expats; or the Hawks for that matter.
  14. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Talk about picking up the ball and running with it. William Webb-Ellis would be proud of your work TiB!
  15. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Sainter on July 24, 2011, 10:56
    When I was 8 in my first year of SC i entered about 5 teams, I didn't get disqualified or ejected from the competition so I think it would be safe to put it under the same name as one of our original teams.</blockquote>
    I realise that it's possible. But I reckon the prob will come when prizemoney is won. They would surely do a check to see if the prizewinners have more than one entry.

    And 1st year of sc when you were 8! That's awesome! You are definitely too serious!
  16. frostylane

    frostylane New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Some great ideas happening - would leave to join a league with Jo and the girls.
  17. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am in... awesome idea

    How about another league for those of us that supported Fitzroy and South Melbourne, who are now devoid of a team to support (still to this day can't bring myself to support the Lions)
  18. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good work TiB. I'm in for SA, plus a recent donor so keen to jump in on that as well.

    @BleedingPurple; I like your idea of the 'bragging' tab as well.
  19. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Superleague sounds good but would be probably quite difficult to differentiate Vic Metro players from Vic Country.

    Can the AFL bring out State of Origin guidelines for each player in the season guide?

    I'm still of the opinion that we should only enter one team per person, and that these special S.o_O teams would end up being a novelty.

    Let's be honest it would be a complete fluke if they won anything, as you are stuffing your team from being able to use half the players at best.

    I'm thinking Tas would struggle to get a team up most weeks, as would NSW/ACT, QLD or NT.

    Maybe Allies, WA, SA, Vic Country, Vic Metro might be the only teams that could take the field.
  20. J_in_Japan

    J_in_Japan New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I may have it wrong so please correct TiB but I understood the concept as a league full of teams whose coaches are from the particular state/region.

    Or is it as Lucas suggests that we choose a team of players from a particular state/region.

    If you could clear that up that would be great but I think both concepts would work although as Lucas indicates, the crossing of borders would be difficult particularly in VIC.

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