TS Super Leagues 2012

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by TerryinBangkok, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mine is probably wrong having read back through the thread again J.

    But I still think the concept of actually putting a S.o_O team in a league would be interesting, and fairly equally strong if it was the 5 divisions shown above.

    Would be nice to know who you can choose from though for each state team.

    Thomas would be an interesting one. Drouin I would say would be borderline both Metro and Country these days. Only an hour's drive from Melbourne flat stick on the freeways.
  2. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The most straightforward means of differentiation is what rooks played for Metro, Country, etc. After that admittedly it does get a bit harder. However, if someone is willing to do the leg work and add SoO to the Player Profiles, that should resolve the issue. The thought has occurred that; if kids from the Geelong Falcons play for Vic. Country, then anyone who started their career in this fertile ground can be regarded as Vic. Country.

    SoO teams would indeed be a novelty, just as the current donors team is a novelty and, to some, possibly a distraction from the main task at hand. However, if people want to do it and it draws new members to TS, then perhaps it is worth it. IMHO, certainly a better option than a public league.

    It may well be a fluke, no, let's say highly unlikely, that a SoO team would take out a monthly. That is why other "novelty" sides are suggested for the super league. A team put together by the current TS members ranked 1-50 might get flukey. Based on this year's competition, there is a dearth of class FWD and, more recently, DEF. However, there has been many good options in MID. In this area at least there would be an interesting breakdown on a state basis.

    As for struggling to get a team up most weeks, perhaps the best solution is to fill in the missing SoO information first, so then we can better assess how the numbers fall and what is realistic. There is ample time to do this before next year and I am happy to take on at least some of the burden, provided there is sufficient enthusiasm from the community to see it through.

    Thanks for the input Lucas and let's kick it around a bit more.
  3. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He who types fastest posts first!

    Just to go back to J's question.
    The concept is that we have a league or leagues based on the coach's domicile 6 months prior. So you have 16 teams from people who live in, say, SA. They build their individual teams in the normal manner, from any state. That league then does something quite similar to the Donors Team. They collectively form a team to represent their league. However, that team can only include players who started their careers (or birth if you prefer) in SA. The team representing their league goes into the super league.

    On the question of dual entry and eligibility for prizes, I am with Lucas on the principle of one coach, one team. Nonetheless, I am confident that amongst 16 coaches, someone could convince the wife or hubby to lend their name and email for forming the super league entry. That, under SC rules, should be legit. Bit more tricky for the Expats as current rules state that you must be a resident of Oz to play.
  4. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And my deepest sympathy Lucas:

    Dale Thomas represented Vic. Country U16 in 2003 and U18 in 2005. He was recruited from Gippsland Power.

    The Abletts also from Drouin.
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just waiting to see if Hornsy can be distracted by some of the ideas in here.
  6. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great concept TiB.

    Would be very keen to get involved if it goes ahead. And being someone predominately confined to home due to a back injury, I would certainly have the time to help coordinate an SA team if I manage to make the cut.

    Reading through the posts in this thread, it seems to have generated some strong interest already.

    Will certainly be keeping a close eye on developments mate.
  7. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Daisy is dEfs a Vic country boy

    Lucas one way I see dividing it up from metro/ country is the railway lines with suburbs such as cranbourne pakenham lilydale broadmedows the boundaries of the metro area if u get what I mean
  8. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    yep, if you're on the vline, you're country.

    As for the concept as a whole- let me get this straight.

    Is this an idea of setting up a swag of different teams akin to the donor team this year, and have them battle it off in a battle royal league?

    *love* the idea, just worried that the management of said teams will be a logistical *nightmare*!! :D
  9. Jet

    Jet Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm a little confused also.
    So the WA team which would be 1 team managed by (anthak no doubt) with say 5 WA people who all discussed and agreed on players trades etc then that team goes into a 16 team league? Vic team of Lucas, walesy etc and so on and so on.
    Would work really well as long as all teams had access to all players...
  10. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jet, there's no way I'll be facilitating the WA team mate! As fun as it is, the donor team is taking enough of my time.

    I love this idea though TiB!
    I'll definitely be in the WA league.

    Jet, do you reckon there's only about 5 of us. Surely we could rummage up 16 for a WA league.

    And it would be heaps of fun working on a WA SoO team for the super league too. I'm looking forward to it, if we can get it off the ground.

    But I'm also a bit worried. As walesy suggested, it sounds like it could be full on logistically.

    I remember reading on another page about some ideas about how to do the decisions without clogging up the forum. Im not on Facebook so I didn't fully understand, but it sounded like a good idea. It could also be done in the state league psych out, but better to get it happening on TS to get more hits for the site.

    Also, TiB, sounds good re your ideas on 1 team per person, and using a relative etc for SoO teams. That way if a SoO did win something TS could get the $$$.
  11. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm seeing two ideas forming here:
    1) What I believe to be TiB's original idea that the SoO teams are made up by coaches from each state, and using only players from that state. This seams great, but means for us WA guys we loose out on all the main captain options (Judd, GAJ, Pendles, Swan, etc), although we do score Sex on the Beach! This may end up being a bit harsh, so...
    2) I see the other option being that coaches from each state make their own teams from the full league (as with the donor team), and we compete on a state-based coach v's coach ideal, rather than the quality of the players from each state.

    I see option 2 being more "fair", however we then need a total of 16 (or 18) Anthak's to manage each team. Based on the above, I can see Anthak putting in the (greatly appreciated) time to manage the Donor team, but not the WA team, which means we need to find other people to manage the other teams.

    Great idea - but we still need to work on it!

  12. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I apologise if I am not being clear.

    First up, it was not my idea originally.

    That out of the way, try to look at it like this:

    You form a league (when it opens next year). You call it TS-WA (or TS-Sandgropers, if you prefer). Using the Forum, you elect an Admin and recruit 16 coaches. The 15 coaches "Friend" the Admin so he can contact them again when SC opens next year. This needs to be wrapped up now as people drift away from TS during the cricket and pre-season. When SC opens next year, the Admin submits his normal SC team and creates the TS-WA League. He then mails the other 15 to advise them that the league has been set up, and the code. The other 15, when they have finalized their normal SC team, enter it into this league as one of their 5 league options.

    Have fun.

    Then, and only then, if it happened that other States also jumped in and formed leagues of their own along these lines, then there is the potential to create a Super League where the various States could go head to head, along with Donors, Expats, etc. To make it interesting, State teams would be comprised of state of origin players only. If this ever gets off the ground it will be determined by how popular state (and team leagues) are subscribed. Happy to take on the Admin role for the Super League, but the chances of it happening are, quite frankly, slim.

    If it doesn't happen various states can still have fun using their overall league rankings for bragging rights.

    I will kick a few off in the Forum and see how we go.
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon the Superleague will happen.

    If you build it they will come.

    TS-States will make up I'd be conservative and say 4 teams. Expats is another 1, Donors another 2, Platinum will get a gig.

    We created so many other SC leagues which makes me think that the other 8 leagues won't be that hard. Certainly we could put in a league for well supported teams around here - seems like Saints, Sydney, Pies, Bombers and Blues should get a quorum.

    The big thing is getting the league vs league concept going.
  14. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the words of wisdom Lucas and a touch of moral support. That is enough for me to try and build.

    I also think there is enough on TS for a Ladies League and am just hoping Jo will pick that up and run with it.

    Have kicked a few off in the Forum. Hopefully Swans and Woodsmen will kick start their own topics. If it doesn't happen by next week, I will do it, but it is better if they do it themselves because then the Admin is identified.

    If by the end of this season there is sufficient groundswell, we can then lay plans for the Superleague and that promises to be a lot of (serious) fun.
  15. KissKiss

    KissKiss New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Id love to jump in on the old Fitzroy/South Melbourne team though i doubt there are that many of us around
  16. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Terry - I'm with you entirely, and I think you've been pretty clear in everything you've said (which I guess means that I didn't make myself clear - d'oh).

    The individual state leagues is perfect, along with donors leagues, expats, better halves, and the more heavily supported teams (as Lucas mentioned).

    My issue is with the super league, and the SoO teams. While this is a good idea, I think it would be more competitive if each state selected a team from all players available, and bragging rights went to the best ranked state at the end of the year, rather than each state selecting players from their respective states and bragging rights going to the state with the best available players (as I said above, WA is short on most of the superstar mids, but we do get a pretty good ruck combo!)

    Basically, a coach v's coach rather than player v's player idea. But if it gets shot down, I'm happy to be part of this either way.
  17. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    KissKiss - An old RoyBoy here mate so there would be at least 2 of us interested.
  18. KissKiss

    KissKiss New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Kel - Bandit was interested as well I think
  19. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Super League sounds awesome to me

    For e.g, with the talk of missing out on a lot of premium MIDS (in W.A) - I think to make it easier, we could make it that any players that started their career in the West (Freo or WCoast) can be selected, like Chris Judd, who started at the Eagles to add with where they were originally born (state of origin).
  20. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think that Supercoach Talk would/possibly/could put together some teams for the Super League if it comes down to needing a few more spots filled up.

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