All TS leagues seem to be full so have started another one for people who want a competitive league : [TS]RUSerious code 439189
Wow, that's a lot of full! Nice one Taynath! Also brings up 16 leagues full. That's 288 dedicated coaches signing up just days after SC opened. Warms ya heart, doesn't it!
[TS]Bronze League (code #439130) My thinking behind this one is now that all you WAY Too Serious folk have joined up, some of us 'up-&-comers-but-not-quite-there-yet' could band together. I see there is Platinum & this is Bronze! Maybe for coaches who finished 10,000- 50,000 last year?! (I finished 36,000). My apologies if there is already another similar league thread already up- but there should be enough of us to cover a few leagues, right? Please don't join if you consistently finish top it REALLY that fun just to whip us all week in week out?? - start up your own, (another) Gold league. Or, perhaps you could start Silver....or Aluminium or Tin, (if you are ranked a bit lower). I dunno....just trying to find some similar competition. Good Luck All!
Joined RUSerious on my second account, didn't have enough for all the ones I was planned to go in D: Joined as Deadly Medley.
Guys, I've just created a new league and I'm looking for 10-14 serious players. TS SilverShoes - Inbox Or Friend Me For The Code!
I've already joined a TS league- 2nd yearers. Can I join another league or is it generally one TS league at a time? cheers, don.
Don - join all the leagues you want to mate I'm sure there's a Tigers league floating around somewhere that you could join, and if not, why not make one???
Joined RUSerious League, there's only 2 spots left. Amazing how quick these leagues fill up. It's about the fifth one that I've tried to join.
Leagues are fun and promote really help to lift the level of engagement, so jump in as many as you are interested in!
Runci and GZella, hold tight and I'll flick te TS SilverShoes code your way tomorrow as I cannot inbox on iPhone. Cheers. PM Me if anyone else wants to join TS SilverShoes.