I was having trouble trying to plan for the mid season byes. I could not visualise how it would be affecting my team. A few weeks back I came across the bye planner for the NRL version of SC and so I started tinkering with that and adapted it for the AFL to see if that would help me. I mentioned it in the “Round 11, 12 and 13 byes” thread and others asked to have a look at it. After receiving positive comments there I decided to put this up in its own thread for easy access for all as a tool that may be useful for working out your team, who they are playing each round and how it fits in with the upcoming byes. I have also added in the draw and team lists just for checking out basic stats of players by team, age, height, weight etc. I am not an excel wizard by any stretch so suggestions for improvements will probably be beyond my capabilities... at the moment. Maybe next year I can make it better.... Hope it may be useful to some of you. Click on the link below... http://goo.gl/PCsL0 Cheers, S.
Nice work Stevo. Gives me a headache just looking at it. Hope to put it to good use soon. Appreciate the gesture to help out the greater TS community.
Cheers bro. Appreciate your work. You are the reason behind the concept of this great site and why members keep coming back for more | ts
I actually think you're better at Excel than you are letting on Stephen Excellent work, and good team haha
This is awesome. Great work. Can we be greedy and get the same sort of thing for dreamteam? PLEEASE !!!
That was a very good idea. I've replicated that in my own spreadsheet and thinking of doing it for expected score for each round.
Hendy I agree. Certainly provides some dilemmas to overcome. MPP's are gunna be very important me thinks!
I would agree, I also believe I will be accepting at least one donut in round 12 and 13. You will have to sacrifice a proper team in order to avoid it.
Looks very nice mate! Makes me realise just how much I need to get both the ticker, and the team uploader into TS for 2012 though!!
many thanks for the generosity stephen247, very much appreciated amigo. Good luck for SC 2012 regards chels
When I read the OP I was thinking "yeah yeah...we've all done up a little spreadsheet to keep track of things big deal" But wow, that is great! If i could be so bold to make a suggestion to make it even better. Rather than have a different colour for each position make them all grey. Then colour code the type of player based on price eg. Premium (red), Mid-range (blue), Rookie (green). Carry this over to the bye columns. This way you can see at a glance if all your premiums are having the same bye week.
Hi all. Many thanks for all the positive feedback already guys. Makes me feel good that I decided to put it up. It’s good to be able to give back to the TS community. @Guesswork – I’ll see what I can do over the weekend... but no promises. @SCSS – hmmm, your spreadsheet seems very interesting... @ Hendy & guesswork – that’s why I tried to get this thing working. I needed a visual representation of what was happening to make it real. @Fairybread – I’ll add it to a list of possible things to try...
Yep great work stephen247! I've been using one from another site I won't mention but your one is a lot more detailed
this is awesome. thanks so much. this sort of thing was one of the big things that originally kept me coming back when i first came across TS. Good on you for sharing it mate.