The Wang Game

Discussion in 'AFL' started by whips, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I’m an ex-Wang boy, a footy fan and a racing fan.
    Today was meant to see the running of the Wangaratta Cup. They abandoned the meeting on Thursday due to torrential rain.
    Last night was meant to see the running of a NAB Cup fixture but someone forgot to tell Essendon.
    I write this because I really feel for my ex-community and for all country towns feeling the effects of flooding.
    This should have been a great sporting weekend for Wang. A metro person reading this may not appreciate the importance of these types of weekends for a country community. They’re huge – socially and economically.
    The Essendon FC disgusts me. The term ‘amateurish’ springs to mind but that would denigrate the many amateur football clubs who would have made it to the game ‘with bells on’. Prima donna pieces of shit might be more apt.
    Conversely, the St. Kilda FC deserves the highest praise for delivering over-and-above the call. Growing up in Wang, I can honestly say that I didn’t know one St. Kilda supporter. I genuinely hope that the club’s efforts can change that. They’ve earned the respect of the town and hopefully that grows into support.
    Moving forward, I hope Racing Victoria and the AFL can build a great weekend next year. Extra financial support will attract better horses and greater crowds to the 2013 Wang Cup. Essendon FC might even chip in as a gesture of good will. Nah, doubt it.
    A St. Kilda vs Sydney or Collingwood match would see a return of one of the Reid boys to North East Victoria but St. Kilda should be the star attraction.
    Then again, if Essendon couldn’t make the 230km trip to Wang, how would Sydney travel three times further? Because they’re a professional outfit, that’s how!
    Looking forward to it already. Should be a great weekend.
  2. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Harsh words. Not sure the Bombers deserve that.

    My understanding is that their flight wasnt able to land. Hardly something they would have forseen. Did they make an error in judgement of trying to fly there on the day? Maybe. But all clubs try different things all the time. Just because it didnt pan out doesnt make them "amateurish" IMHO

    So I think to say that they couldnt or infer that they wouldn't make the trip is incorrect I feel.

    I dont think there is any team in the AFL that doesnt go out of its way to get to regional and local communities to help promote the game and assist football and the communities in general.

    Now, I am in QLD and I must admit not totally up to date with all info so if there is something I have missed please let me know.

    Dont want to start an argument but you have teed off pretty hard against EFC so sounds like maybe you are just not a big bombers fan??
  3. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is there a chance Wang gets a match in the final round of this year's NAB?

    Collingwood v St Kilda would be a worthwhile contest given they have both been recently there.

    Essendon and the AFL (who approved the travel as late as yesterday) are to be ashamed of themselves. Should certainly have seen the weather and decided on bus travel, even if they needed to get accommodation arranged at the last minute. I'm sure someone could have pulled the strings.
  4. AndrewW

    AndrewW New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great point Lucas, it isn't listed as a potential venue for the final round (Potential Venues: Etihad Stadium, Simonds Stadium, Blacktown International Sportspark, AAMI Stadium, Patersons Stadium, Metricon Stadium, Manuka Oval, VISY Park) but hopefully the AFL could make an exception
  5. Gonaddz

    Gonaddz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Anyone have a link to the Blues V WB game??
  6. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think Hirdy's explanation of things clear up the thought process that they were going through.

    In all seriousness though they probably should have just done the road trip. I dont think the whole short preparation for next week holds much water for the NAB cup.

    However, I still dont see why Essendon should be ashamed of themselves. The only reason to be ashamed would be if they deliberately avoided/missed the game.

    They asked something of the AFL. The AFL gave the go ahead. (they probably should have rejected the proposal anyway, based on my reasoning above)
  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Apparently no-one at Essendon can read a weather forcast, and then when it all goes wrong, it's because the AFL said it was ok to be dumb...
    btw, wanna flip a coin for the win?

    I agree whips, it stinks and it's inexcusable.

    We drove down from Sydney to go to the game, so yes, I am definitely invested, 1400 kms and 2 nights accommodation meals etc for squat.
  8. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The points have been awarded to St Kilda, as they should be.

    The coin toss not the greatest idea I ever heard that but thats how the AFL rule book for the NAB Cup is written up. I guess they have put something in the rules as a contingency. I think in this case though the points should clearly have gone to the Saints and that has been done. So kudos to the AFL.

    @Lenh191 I think you have missed my point. I wasnt saying that the blame should be shifted to the AFL. (Although they do seem to make or allow alot of dumb decisions IMO) I just think they should probably have denied Essendons request in the first place. I did say that I didnt think Essendon's reason for flying was that valid anyway.

    With regard to the weather forecast - A poor weather forecast doesnt necessarily mean you cant land a plane. Hird indicates that both he and Danny Corcoran sought assurances from the airline and the pilot right up to the last minute and were told all was ok. Not sure what else they could do in regard to due dilgence on the flight side of things.

    What would be said if the plane had mechanical failure and had to turnaround or there was a huge incident on the highway and the bus didnt arrive on time?
    What happens if the team bus crashes on the way to the game and players are injured?
    What happens if the grandstand catches on fire during the game and everyone has to evacuate?

    These are extreme events and probably unlikely to occur but they could happen.

    I do feel sorry for Wangaratta and those with tickets to the game (especially if they travelled long distances and had to pay for accomodation also) but again this wasnt deliberate.

    Events of any type. Sports, concerts, whatever are all subject to cancellation and delay to circumstances such as travel delays, extreme weather events, power failures etc

    Its easy to be critical in hindsight. If the plane lands as it was supposed to it's a non issue.

    My whole point here is that this was not something that EFC or AFL or anyone else would have wanted to happen so I think that the tone of some of the criticism is bit harsh. Thats all.

  9. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon that the AFL/Essendon should offer something for on those affected. Ticket refunds are squat compared with things like accommodation. No wonder Essendon couldn't find any, because all the country folk really keen on seeing AFL talent latched onto the opportunity.

    I think it would go down well for the Bombers to give away country memberships for free for anyone who bought a ticket and applied for one. Would cost them bugger all in the long run and would almost help them break even as a PR move.
  10. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i'm not sure of the time frame the bombers were working with but this was poorly handled surely they could have landed somewhere else closer than going back home and bused it from there delay the game for a couple of hrs or something. and agree lucas bombers need to make this up to all who made the effort to get there
  11. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Boohoo Bombers, a 6 day turnaround! Dont hear Saints complaining about having to fly to Perth next week after playing at Wangaratta on weekend.

    Trying to blame lack of accomadation is just ridiculous, how long have they known about this game. Not to mention fact they had accomadation already booked....

    I agree Lucas, Saints/Pies would be great if it went ahead up there. I hope we go to AFL and offer to be team that plays preseason game there next season.

    The fact they flew out on MATCH DAY and only hours before the game is ridiculous. NAme any other elite sporting team that would even consider doing that. Hell its a 2 1/2 hr bus trip if that. To catch plane, they would have been sitting around and all that for 1 1/2 hours by time u load bags, go through check in, fly the 30mins etc. It was just the Bombers trying to show off their money.

    They should be forced to refund every single person that made the trek up there, paid for accomadation.

    All i can say is its great to see Saints getting praised from everyone (well not some Bumbers fans, somehow we are to blame! go figure) and Essendon getting flogged from pillar to post.
  12. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As I said on Twitter - Bombers have been spoiled for far too long playing indoor footy, just can't handle a bit of rain!!! :p
  13. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Clearly Essendon's Assistant to the Travelling Secretary is George Costanza.
  14. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wasn't the captains name on the Costa Concordia also James Hird?
  15. Hmm, this clearly isn't the St Kilda pre-season guessing game I assumed it would be.

    Carry on...
  16. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The really disgraceful part of all this is the EFC is asking supporters to make massive contributions towards their new facilities while spending thousands of dollars on unnecessary flights...

  17. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I do believe the Saints played with themselves when the Bombers didn't come to the party.
  18. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I was overseas in NZ on the weekend but let me say that the rain that flooded Wangaratta and many other parts of Victoria certainly dumped on NZ too.

    I agree with you and your sentiments entirely.

    When there is hot weather forecast, the AFL, coaches, sports medicos, etc. all plan for it and bring ice vests and stuff like that. When there is severe flooding forecast for NE Victoria and you are planning to fly to a football match in Wangaratta, that is just plain stupid. My take is that EFC are hiding behind the "professional" opinions of pilots who promised that they would be able to land rather than taking responsibility for a decision to fly that was ultimately theirs and theirs alone. Weak as piss from EFC in my book.
  19. Hendy

    Hendy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's not as if this was a freak storm, it had been reported all week.

    Why not just avoid the risk and take the bus, they wouldn't have saved that much time and from what I've heard they spent most the flight throwing up due to turbulence.

    Im just glad that we went out and played (risking injury).

    Hopefully one Essendon supporter decides to defect due to this.. maybe even two.
  20. Fairybread

    Fairybread New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For the OP to say that Essendon doesn't care about country communities is is just total crap. Essendon were the first club to embrace travelling all over the country. Sheedy and the Bombers were visiting country communities since the 80's and before other teams ventured out of the comfort of the Melbourne suburbs. The Bombers have been doing it ever since.

    So last weekend didn't go to plan. That's unfortunate, but hardly worthy of the vitriolic words of the OP.

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