For those of you who are taking note of the byes when constucting your team, you might be interested in this handy little app. Simply drag the Footynerd! link into your bookmarks. Go into your team and then go to bookmarks and click the app. Could be very useful when trying to determine those pesky byes! Not mine but one of my mates put me onto it
@margas Tested and works in most browsers - you might have trouble with IE. It works on Safari, Firefox, Crome by all accounts.
To get it to work on your iPhone or iPad, after following the instructions on footynerd go to your bookmarks and follow these steps: 1. Edit bookmark 2. Name the bookmark something like "bye overlay" if you like 3. Copy the following: javascript:var%20b=document.body,d=new%20Date();if(b){void(z=document.createElement('script'));void(z.src=''%20+%20d.getMilliseconds()%20*%20d.getSeconds()%20*%20d.getMinutes());void(b.appendChild(z))}else{} 4. Delete the current URL and paste the above in it's place 5. All done! Go to your SC or DT team page, select bookmarks, select "bye overlay" and away you go! Also works when you're selecting players too Hope this helps
The URL doesn't seem to show completely, I'll break it up just keep in mind it's all one line with no gaps: javascript:var%20b=document.body,d=new%20Date(); if(b){void(z=document.createElement('script'));void (z.src=' ?t='%20+%20d.getMilliseconds()%20*%20d.getSeconds ()%20*%20d.getMinutes());void(b.appendChild(z))}else{}