If you were in my shoes.....

Discussion in 'AFL' started by NumberWonGuns, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. NumberWonGuns

    NumberWonGuns New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What would you do?

    I have 3 areas of concern.

    1) I have lake as D5 and despite having played only the one game am very keen to move him on for Mohr and use the extra $$ elsewhere. He looked very disinterested yesterday and to me even at that price he doesnt justify selection over a rookie who will continually have the ball in his half of the ground. 30 just isnt good enough, no matter what price tag you may have. Do i trade out Lake for Mohr or sit tight a week and see what happens?

    2) I tossed and turned over Ledger or C.Smith as my last MID and going on yesterdays performance alone i made the incorrect choice(Ledger late withdrawal and Smith 100 odd). To me Ledger lacks scoring power whereas Smith has already churned out a ton( I know its only one performance, dont get carried away etc etc).Do i trade out Ledger and bring in Smith? Whats the JS like with the two, especially after the weekend?

    3) I have Jeremy Cameron as F9(yes, Jeremy Cameron). He doesnt seem to me like he will push out a score past 50 all year but i chose him as i didnt know much about the remaining FWD options i could have had and i liked his JS. Am now thinking after the weekend that there is better options out there who should be strongly considered. Do i trade in the likes of Hall or Milera? What is Milera's JS like? He put up his hand nicely yesterday i thought with a decent showing.

    So there you have it, my three dilemmas already in SuperCoach, gotta love this game dont ya!

    I realise i can sit tight on them and decide after another weekends performance and not get carried away after one hitout but as i have mentioned i have 3 dilemmas and thus need atleast one of these three corrected before next week otherwise making 2 trades next week and then correcting my final dilemma the following week would mean prices have all changed. So therefore would like one trade made out of the three this week atleast.

    I know i have left you with abit to think about and it shouldnt be your problem but lets be honest here, you guys are the best at what you do, so i thought, why not put it to the good people on TS!
  2. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So what happens if next week Ledger gets a hundred, Clay Smith gets the green vest and Milera doesn't get a run at all?

    What has caused you doubt your whole per season research based on one round?
  3. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Definitely sit tight. I have 3 trades planned already, but I will wait another round before even seriously considering them.

    Only one I can see as a problem is Jeremy Cameron. I never even considered him. KPP's playing in a GC (Dixon) or GWS, are not going to score high or consistent. I'd stay away, unless you would prefer a slow burning cash cow.
  4. Dekka

    Dekka Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Brian Lake, lead singer of the clash "Should I stay or should I go, darling let me know". I've had him since day 1 so I've gotta show some faith he has one good year left in him.
  5. Knucklebusters

    Knucklebusters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Rooster on April 2, 2012, 09:05
    So what happens if next week Ledger gets a hundred, Clay Smith gets the green vest and Milera doesn't get a run at all?</blockquote>

    ^^^^ What Rooster said
  6. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Clay Smith could conceivably miss R2 entirely with "general soreness". I'd love to see him out there, but wouldn't be confident at this stage of the week that he will pull up.
  7. Swalloitdown

    Swalloitdown Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lake was always going to take a bit of time to hit his straps again. You got him coz you thought he could average 85+, it maybe more like 75+. Cameron was only ever going to be a slow burn if you got other fwd rooks that did ok that's not a bad thing. As long as you have a few like Magnet, Kennedy, Bugg you should be alright.
  8. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you definitely HAVE to make 1 trade this week, then I would suggest losing Lake and leaving the rookies as is for another week at least. Check them out after next week's games and if you still want to trade, then go for it before round 3.

    As Jason said earlier re: Clay Smith, there's no guarantee any of the rookies will come up next week, except maybe the Swans and GWS rookies who've had the extra week.
  9. 2thejones

    2thejones New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wait 1 more week. I don't think Smith will be given 4 goals every week.
  10. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Why don't you use the new reversal trade feature?

    Trade them out, wait a few days, then trade them back in.. you will feel a lot better
  11. TooManyRabbits

    TooManyRabbits New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got Lake in my team and although it may seem tempting to trade him in, give him at least another round. Prices won't change so waiting won't cost you anything (unless you think you have a genuine shot at the #1 spot overall)

    If you are dead set on getting rid of him then at least wait until the teams are announced.

    FWIW, Lake is the #1 player traded out this week with 4.68&#37; getting rid of him early, yet is still on 42&#37; of all SC teams.
  12. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd be interested to know what &#37; of all SC teams make no changes throughout the entire year. Reckon there must be quite a few.
  13. J_C

    J_C Guest

    I'd agree Jason. But I suspect the majority would be people who abandon early when they realise the team they picked isn't anywhere near it, especially if they aren't in any cash leagues with mates etc.
  14. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can't believe people are trading Lake out already. He looks in good nick I reckon, so he'll come right.

    Pretty stoked I've got Dempsey BTW! Nice little backline POD if he keeps that up.
  15. sheffield8375

    sheffield8375 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm also currently holding Lake at D5. I agree that his weekend was a little underwhelming, but I also agree that the reasoning behind his investment is still sound - he's a past star, who could average 80+, and came at a bargain basement price. IMHO, give him a chance to justify his place, a few weeks to work back into it.
  16. pollypies

    pollypies Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jason, as a a bulldog what are your thoughts on Lake? I have conerns about him being caught between playing off his man (his natural game) and playing more defensive (as per the new game style) and getting caught in no man's land. I'm thinking of trading him for Suban, a POD who had 19 disposals, half contest and can kick the ball well.

    Everyone seems to be saying don't pull the trigger yet, but the advantage if you do make one trade this week, is you can use two next week for cash cows. My rookies include the underperforming Smedts, Shiel, Smith, Dickson, and Paine.
  17. Muppets

    Muppets Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've been burnt in previous years making knee jerk trades after 2 rounds of form. You don't trade players out if there put up consecutive 50's in rounds 11-12 so no need to act so hastily here. I can't see Mohr averaging within 10 of Lake even if Lake doesn't reach the heights again. That way I can't see Mohr topping out in price within &#36;50K of Lake. Even if their price ends up the same you've made 2 trades to make up only the difference between their starting prices. Not really worth it for mine. Also round 1 scores are only in the rolling average for 1 week so minimal impact on price.

    I think I just talked myself into keeping Lake.

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