BLake to CDempsey - For and Against

Discussion in 'AFL' started by GaryReal, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Many people will be considering this move pronto.
    To me Lake was a massive mistake and this wk against adelaide cld be even worse.
    Im not sold on Dempsey (nor a sideways trade) but it's worth considering.
    Bye considerations, injury-returns, who else, wait a week, etc... your thoughts pls.
  2. BlueBoysRule

    BlueBoysRule New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have Lake as well but will see how Guthrie, Dempsey and Hargrave go this week. Remember Dempsey only had 12 disposals for a very generous 98 points.
  3. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    GaryReal - I've been contemplating Dempsey as well.

    My problems with him are many - he has never been a reliable high scorer in SC. He is coming off injury. His score on the weekend was of Shannon Hurn-type ratios (12 touches for 98 points is, to my mind, unsustainable for all bar the very rare players)

    On the other hand. He has JS, he did score 98 points, he looks fit and well. He has a defined role.

    Might be worth waiting a week and perhaps re-examining the issue.

  4. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As an Essendon man, I can tell you a few things.

    Dempsey will play every game this year barring injury...he will even get weeks of opportunity to get out of form slumps (if he has any) before being dropped. So he has the JS of any player worth twice his value.

    Also he is for the most part a good user of the ball, his 98 off 12 disposals doesn't surprise me. But yes I understand on those numbers he isn't always going to get 98. But he will often get closer to 20 disposals.

    So you are looking at 70-100 ppg. IMO 80-90 a week, with the potential for a couple of 100 scores over the year.

    He could do even better than that being a young player still on the improve. But he is relatively unknown in terms of potential, all I can guarantee you on is his JS.

    FWIW I have Dempsey AND Lake, so will be looking to downgrade Lake to Mohr depending on this weeks results.
  5. pollypies

    pollypies Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What about Lake to Suban. Suban had 19 disposals (9 contested), 74% efficiecy but only scored 75. He should play in an impoving team and if he keeps those numbers, you would expect him to score better. Suban was doing OK last year too before he got injured.

    I'm trying to resist and wait another week.
  6. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What about trading Lake to any player who scored more than Lake?

    Seriously...the fact that people would be considering a swap to Dempsey based on one game is madness in my mind.

    Even when Lake averaged in the 90s, or the year he averaged 104, he would have games 50s and 60s mixed with games of 150.

    Yes, his score on the weekend was terrible, but it's his score over the year that matters.
    At the price he's at even if he only averages 80 to 85 he'll be great value as a D7.

    It's too long a season to make snap judgements 1 round in.
  7. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    this is a well considered discussion thanks everyone
  8. demonspud

    demonspud Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Midge001 on April 4, 2012, 12:41
    Even when Lake averaged in the 90s, or the year he averaged 104, he would have games 50s and 60s mixed with games of 150.

    Yes, his score on the weekend was terrible, but it's his score over the year that matters.
    At the price he's at even if he only averages 80 to 85 he'll be great value as a D7.

    It's too long a season to make snap judgements 1 round in.</blockquote>

    Very true. In 2010 he scored 38 against Geelong, and 60s against teams like Eagles and the Magpies. People shouldn't just look at his average and expect him to hit it all the time. He's a rollercoaster player (traditionally with a huge deviation of 140 points). It will be a matter if he can go on his big runs of 160s and 170s he went on with Swans, Hawks, Roos, and Blues to pump that average backup like he had in his old days, hopefully he will be given the chance to.

    He's never played well against Geelong, and only 90s against Adelaide.

    Do your research, and see what type of player your getting.
  9. The_General

    The_General Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The thing to consider with Lake is, there is no-one else down there to help him out.

    He will get the most dangerous forward week in week out now and will have to play a much more defensive game than in previous years. Let's face it Markovic isn't gonna cut it against too many quality forwards.

  10. buzz

    buzz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Back to basics for me. I'm checking out the afl video section and watching the doggies game as i missed it. Need to see with my own eyes. Only 8 possessions. Some direct turnovers, early pilot attempts at screamers, hmmmmm.
    Tom williams not likely back until round 8 so Lake's role is lock down and limits his chances to zone off and spread etc to get more points. Seriously considering dropping him this week as you always worry whats around the corner next week.
    Experience tells us to give it a week and have another look but collectively I think there is a consensus of feeling of "what was I thinking".
    Those stupid nab cup scores near the nineties fooled me. Should have realised his role. In the NAB cup cup did he have a more secondary role giving rookies the big jobs and allowing him to get some cheaper points. Can any doggies supporters answer this??? Otherwise might have to see if some of those videos are still on the afl website.
  11. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you must jump off Lake, I reckon trading down to Guthrie would net you more money overall and a similar number of points-on-field before going moo.
  12. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    the awesome trade rules allow me to swap lake for a forward.
    Im really thinking abt Rhys Stanley...
  13. J_C

    J_C Guest

    According to SC Gold, 1100 people have already gone Lake to Dempsey this week.
  14. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great...there goes my almost POD.

    I'll be going Lake->Guthrie/Mohr depending on the weekend results.
  15. caplescrew

    caplescrew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have Lake , Dempsey and Hargrave . If lake doesnt work this week I can move Smedts from my forward bench to defence and trade Lake for Kennedy from GWS if he scores big again and bank about &#36;160,000 making the most of the new trade rules. Will wait and see this week. Will also watch Guthrie.
  16. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got Lake and Dempsey.

    Lake was always a long term investment, so I'm keeping him for now.

    Dempsey has been in excellent form, seems to have improved his decision making and JS is good with a lock down on the attacking HB role. Definitely the pick of the two going on current form.

    I'm more worried about trading a rookie or two. Got Boumann and Paine on the Bench. Mohr looked solid as a rock....glad I had Bugg already.

    Anyone have an opinion of who has the better JS/scoring potential, Boumann or Paine?
  17. meataxe

    meataxe Guest

    I'll admit to not knowing much about the Bombers, but isn't this the same guy that broke his leg while jogging out on a wing by himself a few years ago?

    Has Dempsey always been on the cusp or is a sideways from Lake to Dempsey only being considered on the back of R1? Fortune favours the brave, however people, take care you're not trading into a budget Jack Grimes!
  18. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @mjcdon - neither have scoring potential! haha
    ok, paine seems more capable, bouman will be dropped very soon. paine cld be one of those collingwood kid smokeys like Fasolo...mind you, Beams and Didak to return soon.
    anyway, look to remove both by round 3 imo
  19. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Dempsey will average 75/80 by seasons end. (if he makes it through the season)

    Comes at a Rioli/Higgins type risk! Beware!
  20. mabo

    mabo New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Something to keep in mind with Lake is that with Tom Williams out until at least round 15, and Dylan Morris out for the season; Lake isn't going to be used as he normally would and will not score anywhere near where he used to.
    That might change once Williams comes back, but if you have him I would recommend dropping him and looking at him as a downgrade target late in the season after Williams has settled back in.

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