Giles V Redden

Discussion in 'AFL' started by taminater, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. taminater

    taminater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With brogan coming into the side are we worried about giles scoring potential?
    I think i'll go with redden this week as i don't think he will be subbed and should score ok still.

  2. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Apparently Redden has had gastro this week so be cautious starting him.
  3. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    IMO, with Brogan's lack of preparation, Giles should well and truly be the No 1 ruck.
    I hadn't heard about Redden's gastro (thanks SKT) but would have started Giles regardless.
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have had Redden in all week over Giles. But now I'm gonna change thanks to this: <blockquote>Quote from stkildathunda on April 5, 2012, 19:46
    Apparently Redden has had gastro this week so be cautious starting him.</blockquote> thanks mate.
  5. Turbs

    Turbs New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    After Giles first up performance against Mummy i wouldnt be too worried he will be number 1 ruck all year if he keeps up that form... Remember sheeds isnt trying to win a premiership this year his job is too build up experience into kids that will be a force in years too come, he also has a history of using resting ruckman deep in the forward line... Ill be picking giles every week.
  6. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Redden could still be subbed off as he is the ruckman and they might want to bring in a faster player, Giles may now face the same problem with brogan coming in but I think Brogan may be subbed, assuming they are going to choose a ruckman to be subbed off. Id go with Giles
  7. AdelaideEagle

    AdelaideEagle New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No longer an issue - Brogan named as emergency.
  8. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  9. obleex

    obleex New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For this week he is - who knows what will happen when he's back in the final 22!
  10. Bongwater

    Bongwater Guest

    Along the ruck discussion lines I would appreciate an opinion on this idea.

    I have the right rookies in Def, and Fwd except maybe Kennedy (GWS) if he fires again this week but am considering this trade in the Rucks.

    My rucks are Mummy, Giles, Redden and Orren.

    Next week Orren out Broc MacCauley in ?

    I have 250k in the bank now and thinking Broc will get me to a second premium and allow me to keep Giles or Redden as back up.

  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He is an expensive option at this stage, considering he prob won't score a lot more than whoever you start on field out of Giles and redden each week.

    Now that the season has started, I believe you are better off to wait a couple of months or so and trade one of rookie rucks when they ready to moo.
  12. Rooster

    Rooster New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd rate Giles as equal to Broc McCauley. He's expensive at about 230k although will see more game time as first ruck than Orren Stephenson by the looks of it.
  13. Bongwater

    Bongwater Guest

    <blockquote></blockquote>He is an expensive option at this stage, considering he prob won't score a lot more than whoever you start on field out of Giles and redden each week.

    Now that the season has started, I believe you are better off to wait a couple of months or so and trade one of rookie rucks when they ready to moo.

    Thanks Anthony. That was the plan originally. I just thought that Broc may generate cash quicker than Orren.

    The cash sitting on the bench won't grow so I need to get it invested into someone and thought Broc might be an option if he keeps scoriong 90+.

    Either way i'm not getting more points i guess justb trying to grow the spare cash.
  14. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree with anthak. Although McCauley would seem a 'safer' option than Orren, the use of a trade to make it happen seems a bit of a luxury.
    If all your rookie choices are good (well done) you may be able to fully upgrade your team without a reliance on your R4. Orren may sit there throughout the year without being needed for trading nor for points.
    I'd be using my successful rookie picks to hammer home an advantage and upgrade early for points - not to create a 'safer' team.
    Just an opinion and I can see where you're coming from.
  15. Bongwater

    Bongwater Guest

    @ whips.

    Thanks. Like that too.

    I wanted to get the cash into a growth player rather than sitting on the bench.

    Maybe i'll keep the cash and use it for purely for an upgrade.

    I keep thinking Redden or Giles to a rookie and then Broc to Cox/Sandi eta al will happen quicker than the same scenario with Orren.

    I see your points though. Might be some better rookie targets to upgrade to.

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