Rd.3 Trades

Discussion in 'AFL' started by NumberWonGuns, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Lethaldons

    Lethaldons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Got to agree goddard is a must have! as for the fwds dicksons job security is better in my opinion and scoring potential!! didnt get to see the collingwood game the other night but fringe rookies in top 4 teams either have to totally smash there position or "play there role" or there gone and very hard to get back in! i would get rid of paine if i had to choose! (its for this reason i dont have paine)
  2. BlueBoysRule

    BlueBoysRule New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Need some advice I have gone with Gun and Rookie approach and I am playing 3 rookies in the forward line. First week scored 2093 and looking at 2140 this week.

    Fwd rookies are : Kennedy, Hall, Cripps, Cameron and Dickson

    This week I want to trade out Golby for Dempsey and then trade out Cripps and move Devon Smith into forward line and bring Green into Mids.

    I also have Ledger in mids but will move him to bench to give him a couple more weeks.

    Should I go Golby->Dempsey and then Cripps->Green

    or Keep Golby and go Cripps -> Green and then Hall or Dickson to Milera.

    I am happy with my backs just not sure if I should stick with Golby and fix my forward line?
  3. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for your feedback guys, I will wait and check out the stats and of course make a decision after the teams are released.

    I'm now leaning toward Goddard, But will watch today's game also. I think Birchall will finish in the top 8 backs too so he could also be an option, leaving me extra money to fast track and maximise my rookie upgrades later on.

    And hopefully more injured pies return this week and Paine gets dropped...would make my decision a lot easier!

    But I can see Paine scoring higher against some easier opposition and ditto to Dickson (especially when he's not the sub). And then of course Milera spudding it up against opposition greater than port and the GC.

    I can see myself getting burnt but just have to have a look this week and make the right decision!

  4. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm thinking along the same lines but with a slight twist. Was thinking Broughton to Bob Murphy and Dickson to Milera. Murphy's injuries seem to be behind him (famous last words!) and his efficiency is always right up there. Milera will moo sooner than Dickson and help me upgrade sooner. Any thoughts?
  5. jesters

    jesters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What price is considered as the player having mooed?
  6. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Basically when their break even is larger than their average.
  7. b_frazer5

    b_frazer5 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thinking of trading Coniglio to Greene and one of Dickson/Hall to Milera. But i also have the Broughton problem. Dempsey seems to be a decent downgrade but is he really going to keep this form up? Any1 seen Chad Cornes first 2 scores? hes an interesting POD
  8. Sainterz12

    Sainterz12 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is it worth taking out McDonald for Greene, making the quick cash then getting rid of Greene (Or even Shiel or C.Smith) in time for Rd 5 to get McDonald back in? It will make you 100k or so in that period.

    Also Broughton, what are peoples thoughts of Hargrave over Dempsey as the switch? I don't feel comfortable having Lake in. While he can score high, he could also have those off games.
  9. Gonaddz

    Gonaddz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just make sure they are not on this list!


    Im thinking keep Hargrave or Get Demps.....errrr annoying
  10. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can somebody please tell me what day the BE stats are released on TS?

    Really thinking that Broughton-> Goddard is a must now. May as well make the trade early seeing as I'll be trading for Goddard eventually anyway.

    Then I can always bring Broughton back in (yes, I know) at a much lower price later on for a rookie upgrade. As I think Goddard is going to hold his value this year...early signs are good.

  11. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Broughton to Dempsey's the key option for mine. Dempsey is a cashcow, not a keeper, but even if Broughton turns it around he will drop to $400k in next few weeks. That's a $200k positive trade in 3-4 weeks so worth doing IMO.

    Leaves cash to go up to Greene or even Porps or Lake for those that haven't gone Seaworld. The mid-pricers are looking a good option forward and back, apart from Milera nothing really exciting in either spot I don't have. I'm thinking of tossing Kennedy forward (breaking my MPP M/F link) to bring Greene in the mids if I don't go Milera.
  12. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm also seriously thinking about going Broughton to Dempsey, after that trade I'll have a bit in the bank so I'm seriously considering a midfield upgrade of Coniglio to JP Kennedy. It's a risk as Coniglio still has a bit of mooing to do (not much) and I'm running with two playing forward rookies but Kennedy looks the goods this year and could be a great investment and point scoring point of difference. Other than that, perhaps as Corks has said, getting Greene in and perhaps Clarke in the backs for Boumann.
  13. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Love the idea of JP Kennedy Ant. He's a ripper, and a massive mid POD as well. Mightn't end up top 10 mid for the year, but could be serious Premium / nearly Elite the way he plays. If you can afford him, I say go for it.
  14. swerva3

    swerva3 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    my premiums are doing their job so no point even looking at them - apart from the mummy blob i took...thanks mate

    so rookies...im liking the look of a hall (lacks effort on the big stage) -> milera this week, then sit on a j mac IN when he returns and on the bubble probably for shiel who also disappoints. may as well sit on a few of the GWS young blokes (shiel, kennedy, smith) and make something out of them even if it is $50k for one of them.

    ill take the advice and leave dickson for some increased game time and resulting scoring improvement and ride the wave of the richmond def rookies.

    premiums on the radar...cox, sandi and pendles - cmon fellas, need some LOW scores!
  15. boydshow

    boydshow Guest

    <blockquote>Quote from Sainterz12 on April 9, 2012, 20:27
    Is it worth taking out McDonald for Greene, making the quick cash then getting rid of Greene (Or even Shiel or C.Smith) in time for Rd 5 to get McDonald back in? It will make you 100k or so in that period.</blockquote>

    Rule of thumb, trades are worth around &#36;200k each, so using 2 to get &#36;100k isn't worth it.

    <blockquote>Quote from H_Dons on April 9, 2012, 21:15
    Can somebody please tell me what day the BE stats are released on TS?

    About 4 hours after lockout ends each week, starting after round 2. Stats update is running as we speak.
  16. boydshow

    boydshow Guest

    My trading this week:

    - Kerridge > Milera or A Kennedy?
    - Broughton > Top 7 Def - who? (Not sure a downgrade to Dempsey is the way to go)
    - Or keep Broughton, and trade Hall, Dickson or Ledger for the next best rookie (Greene, Milera, Kennedy?) Wouldn't mind going Ledger > A Kennedy for MPP...
  17. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you could only make one of these trades, which would you choose?

    Dickson to Milera
    Ledger to Greene
  18. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Im thinking the same thing @the swert
  19. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @The_Swert - FWIW out of those two I'd go Dickson to Milera. I understand if you definitely want Greene you have to do it now but I just think I'd want another look at Ledger, hopefully in a full game or a more competitive game, before giving him the flick. In fact, if he spuds it up next week you could show him the door for McDonald if you don't already have him.
  20. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Stampede the trouble with that is at least Dickson is on the bubble and will make some cash whereas Ledger is one game behind and has only scored a sub effected 17. Who says Ledger will get a full game any time soon?

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