2012 - Year of the Midprice player

Discussion in 'AFL' started by cj, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. cj

    cj New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There seems to be a lot of Midprice players scoring very well this year. I have seen a number teams scoring well in leagues that are not using the guns and rookies strategy. I am using gnr with a couple of Midprice but I am already behind in total points. Is this normal? When my rookies start mooing and turning into prems will I catch up? Do I abandon ship and jump on the midprices?
  2. kram

    kram Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm hoping the midpricers work, I have several..waters, hargrave, lake, grimes, bower, Clarke, masten, porp, danger, sidebottom.. Some of them like bower and Clarke are cheaper than mid but they aren't rookies. The only back rookie I have is Bugg, at the prices on offer thought it better to go with blokes who have proven they can at least score 70+
  3. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think after 2 rounds you can declare it to be the year of anything. 2 cold days in Summer doesn't make it Winter.
  4. PieRaider

    PieRaider New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It feels like winter camping in Pambula on a rainy day.
  5. kram

    kram Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Definitely too early to tell, but it hasn't been a bad start. I think it was risky to go that way, but you can't just follow the herd. Looking for at least 3 or 4 of them, maybe lake, danger, waters, masten or side bottom to score well enough to stay in the side all season and save trades. My best choice this year at this stage?....not getting Stephenson
  6. boydshow

    boydshow Guest

    Midprice sides should start better, because they don't have to start their rookies, but then fall behind when the additional price increases in GnR sides allow them to upgrade to full premium sides faster.

    I do think however that there have been a limited number of rookies this year that can compete with midpricers on field - Magner held up, but even the saviour GWS picks dropped to 50's this week.
  7. swerva3

    swerva3 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from griff on April 9, 2012, 22:49
    Midprice sides should start better, because they don't have to start their rookies, but then fall behind when the additional price increases in GnR sides allow them to upgrade to full premium sides faster.

    I do think however that there have been a limited number of rookies this year that can compete with midpricers on field - Magner held up, but even the saviour GWS picks dropped to 50's this week.</blockquote>

    spot on griff...im running with Lake and Porps and thats it...even rookies that ave 60-70 will rise &#36;200k and allow the double trade into a gun that might have dropped...better than holding a mid pricer who averages 80, hold his value but you cant afford to trade him for anyone.
  8. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Id only pick a mid pricer if you were planning on either keeping him the whole year, or getting a good 200k out of him
  9. matto76

    matto76 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    theres a few problems with midpricers i see, yes they are good early. But a mid pricer needs to average more than 20 pts than a rookie, just too compete with there price increase. There is a number of rookies running averaging the same as lake,hargrave porps and co so they have wiped out that 20 point difference. But the worse part of it is some rookies/midpricers will be keepers but you will have to upgrade more people if you picked midpricers than a full guns/rookie combo using more trades. After rnd 7 you will see guns rookie combos flying through the ranks.
  10. matto76

    matto76 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thought i better put in an example lake or hargave both have a break even of around 30. Morris not the best back rookie available but good for an example has a breakeven of -37. So lake/hargrave need to score minimum of 67 to break even with him and he score a fat 0 on the weekend. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

    Morris will increase at 100k this week
    hargrave 57k
    lake 48k

    this gap will only get worse as we lead upto rnd 7. Allowing for the guns/rookies to roll over the midpricers.
    if i use bugg, mohr, clarke, delaney or hombsch it is alot worse they will rise well over 120k each all the way to 150k this week alone.
  11. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I can easily see Lake, Malceski and Dempsey averaging 20 points more than the best defensive rookies.
  12. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    But matto, Lake scored 35 more points than Morris did on the weekend and points win the prize not cash. The GnR strategy will always be playing catch up in terms of points. And if a premium fails (ie Broughton) then you don't save any trades.
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Swert, how did Lake go the previous week? All is forgiven because Crabs bombed long?
  14. matto76

    matto76 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    lake scored 30 the week before his average is 70 atm. not the 110 he scored on the weekend.

    by round 7 im sure we will have a fair idea who the top 10 defenders are and im betting lake isnt in that category. Broughton will come good eventually even though im hearing he has a cracked rib (nothing confirmed yet). But i dont and wont have him in my side after last year anyway.

    Morris was an example too hes the 6th best rookie defender there is 5 others you could/should have before him.

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