Round 3 Trades

Discussion in 'AFL' started by stkildathunda, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    May aswell get one these going again :cool:

    Personally im considering:

    Fyfe - Stanley

    I think ill still trade Fyfe no matter if he plays or not, as cant trust his shoulders (remember he already has had surgery this preseason) and id rather cash him out whilst he has some kinda value. I dont really like any forward options at this stage, think Riewoldt is only one standing out. All others are still bit iffy if they'll breakout. Getting Stanley allows me to generate some cash and he'll also rise in value fair bit over coming weeks and allows me to better gauge other options.

    I then have $315K in the bank, which does allow me to bring in Pendles in few weeks rather then trying to downgrade another rookie. But im also considering whether i upgrade McCarthy to premium. Can get anyone under about $615K if i do that. Options are JPK & Boyd. But then gotta downgrade again to get Pendles, also McCarthy hasnt been doing that bad.
  2. jibba

    jibba Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pendles will drop right down to around 600k in a few weeks? Pick him up then XD

    I think I'll do the Fyfe-Stanley trade as well (probably not if Fyfe is named), even if his scores have been against weak opposition, I still see him as a very good option to make some quick cash (which I need as I have 5k in the bank :S).
    If he can continue anywhere near his current average it's a bonus!

  3. Dino

    Dino New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Looking at Fyfe myself. Not sure just yet as I have Goodes also to contend with. Ledger is in my firing line also. I got stuck with Irons last year and don't want it to happen again this year considering we have 1 less bench spot. I'm looking at getting a m/f link going. If Smedts/Dickson get a run, it will help as I wouldn't mind another week to look at Treloar.

    atm looking at Ledger > Treloar then move Fyfe to mids, but patience is required I think.
  4. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fyfe->Stanley would be a good move...but I can also use MPP and straight swap Fyfe for Goddard.

    Stanley would be good though as I could then turn Dempsey into Goddard.

    Ahh decisions decisions. Just when I had sorted the Broughton situation out (kept him), there is now another problem! It's only the second week of league matches too...give us a break!
  5. Manikato1

    Manikato1 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    FYI on Perth radio tonight Ross Lyon interviewed live advised that he thought Fyfe would continue on and that he expected him to play this weekend.

    Don't know about his record re spreading bulltish before a game but he was quite clear saying Freo believed Fyfe was expected to play.

    Makes life tricky now as I have Fyfe in my team but not sure whether to keep him (low scores, injury any time) or for peace of mind just trade him now and be done with it.
  6. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have fyfe and Lewieburger so hands might be tied if Fyfe doesn't pull up.
    Trading Lewie down to a bargain ruck and running Giles as 2nd ruck seems a bit pointless as i've already missed 3 weeks worth of additional mid-premium scoring. Losing 100k of value right off the bat by trading him and fyfe out now that they've dropped 50k each also.
  7. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @spud - I know it sucks to think you've missed 3 weeks of premium mid scoring but that's in the past and shouldn't affect your decision now. 103 has looked pretty effective already this year (time will tell but it's looking good) and you can't really keep Leuenberger so his injury seems to me to be a good excuse to bail out of 202 if that's the way you want to go. You could even count yourself lucky (!) as all the planets have aligned for it to happen this week - assuming Redden was your R4 you have got not one but two decent rookie rucks who haven't gone up yet. Then you can spend the cash wherever you want - next week if you want to move on Fyfe this week.

    I'm thinking about Fyfe->Stanley too if Fyfe isn't named, or perhaps waiting another week to get another look at the likes of Sidebottom (without Ball) and Lewis (with Hodge potentially). I'm a little worried Hodge would suck up Lewis' points - same would go for Whitecross. But I'm not sure I have the patience/wisdom to wait a week. I wants points now. I don't think I've ever waited before so it would be a novel experience. On the one hand it would exude a zen-like calmness which would strike fear into the hearts of my league opponents.. either that or it would strike great laughter into their hearts, one of the two.
  8. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got Fyfe & Goodes with D.Smith & Dickson on the bench. If both are out I won't have the coverage so my initial thoughts are Fyfe to Lewis/Sidebottom and Dickson to Stanley/Treloar, I've got 114k in the bank so can do any combination of the above.

    This is an incredibly tough decision, I can see Wellingham and Beams benefiting from Ball's absence affecting Sidebottoms score, but Hodge may have the same effect on Lewis. Even if I get that one right do I go with Stanley who already costs 247k and have him as a potential F7/F8/F9 or do I choose Treloar who would offer me a potential 134k to spend on future upgrades.

    This is doing my head in, hopefully there are no more casualties in the next few rounds so I can concentrate on fattening cows rather than trading. I'm not doing anything until Friday so there's plenty of time for me to change my mind 50 times.Does anyone have any advice for me, it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fyfe to Lewis/Sidebottom seems a good move, Nick Riewoldt & Tippett also worthy of consideration.
    not sure I'd give up on Dickson just yet though.
  10. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I like the idea of Fyfe playing (it was a dislocation and players do play after these) and if he does i'll take the hit in price as even injured I still expect him to score higher than Dusted Martin.

    But on NRoo and Tippett, they have used their easy games to start the year now, so just take a second to look at their draws leading up to the bye, as it isn't cream and peaches jmo.
  11. Das Phoenix

    Das Phoenix Guest

    Crystal ball stuff but trying to come up with a tactical plan to plug the dyke especially now that Goodes is confirmed out and Fyfe questionable.
    GWS. Unfortunately I have both Townsend and Hampton from GWS both of whom I reckon are are good chance to be dropped this others agree, or who do you best guess will be dropped from GWS this week?
    May have to go Hampton>Stanley and Townsend>??.
    Thoughts, thankyou.
  12. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    If Fyfe selected I will be keeping him, risky but the only way I have a chance of getting close to winning, or top 1000 for god sake, is to take risks
  13. Muttley

    Muttley New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have Fyfe, Goodes and Lake. Now I hear Priddis is stuggling to get up for Saturday. Anybody know anything solid about Priddis' state ?. Aargh, rashin frash....

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