Supercoach Hysteria

Discussion in 'AFL' started by GaryReal, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We've seen three rounds of proper footy and I'd like to make a list of all the players everyone seems to be freaking out about, suddenly presuming they'll go premium even though they've been mid players for a while. It'd be great to look back on by round 15 and see if things settled down. Please add your own BrightLight starter:

    Bastinac, Scott Selwood, Masten, Whitecross, Tippet, Rance, Dempsey, BradEbert...
  2. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  3. kevy

    kevy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    WC have played no-one so far, I can see SSelwood getting a tagging job this week.
    I nominate the Chad
  4. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah Ziebell after one game! Not convinced by Andrew Turnover either despite the game last Friday.

    The Roos, Crows and Eagles early draw has definitely inflated players scores. Something to think about next year perhaps.

  5. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Scott Selwood's the big one.

    82asch I don't know about early draw being an amazing thing to think about if you believe long-term your player is going to score more. The price and points advantage of getting a player with a great early draw just because of the great early draw doesn't help them if they keep them the whole year and the points leak away.

    Could be interesting in the Dustin Martin debates. Martin may well come home like a freight train.

    Stay focussed, do your research, if there's a 50-50 decision go for the one with better early draw. That's my problem with choosing Martin, because I think everyone will be on him after the bye, and I didn't NEED to have him in before then. My upgrade is probably going to be not quite as good as the player who I could have chosen in Martin's place, so therefore I lose on the overall scores.

    But Riewoldt, well that's an interesting one. I think those who have chosen Nick will keep him until end of year, but I predict he will have his 50 and 60 weeks and that will pull his average back into the very high 80s to mid 90s. Is that good enough for a F7? Probably, but I'm sure those who parted with 400+k at the start of the year would be wanting a 100k average.

    Regardless, don't get sucked into early trends without taking into account the fixture fudge particularly in games involving teams with a large percentage of non-scorers (GWS/GC, even Collingwood round 1).
  6. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Lucas - i dont think anyone cld have predicted Martin would start so badly. He looked primed for a blockbuster year and many wld have considered him a bargain price.
    Its just very unpredictable at times, footy.
  7. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    "Bastinac, Scott Selwood, Masten, Whitecross, Tippet, Rance, Dempsey, BradEbert", not convinved that any of these players will finish in the top 10 point scorers for their respective positions by season's end.
  8. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lucas - Was not thinking long term but more along the lines of picking up a grand or maybe even a ute.

    I do think some may get lucky with the WC duo having more midfield responsibility but at the end of the day trading into these guys based on early form is too risky IMO.
  9. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think Dustin Martin will be a superstar one day, and I'm well aware he was pumping out the occasional 140+ last year. But against the top teams (and some lesser teams admittedly) he scored about the same that he is scoring now. A 75 against the cats and a 55 and 76 against the blues last year.

    I basically looked at his draw this year and decided that I wouldn't start him, but I'd trade into him after round 9. I really thought so many others would have chosen this option! He's only in his 3rd year also.

    I also agree that on the WCE players of Masten and Selwood, they have played NOBODY so we have to wait until they come up against a real midfield, I would be almost willing to place a small wager that they will not go premium this year and they will spend most of their time under 500k.

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