Discussion in 'AFL' started by stkildathunda, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With H2H matches this weekend, thought it was worthwhile to get our TSTWits league up & firing for some good old fashioned banter. Doesnt seem to be much banter on twitter but now H2H have started hopefully the #TSTWits hashtag will get work out! Anyway here is very quick thing ive written up, feel free to post your own thoughts on how ur team is travelling

    Alastair Lynch Mob 4,079 vs Severely Concussed 4,157
    This game has bit of a GWS vs Gold Coast feel about it, two cellar dwellers battling it out. Not sure if there will be much attention paid towards this game.

    Rigil Kentaurus 4,319 vs The Dundees 4,270
    Both coaches were contacted for comments but both refused. Appears they have decided to use the Ross Lyon “Bubble”

    Dirty Whorks 4,062 vs Riewoldt's Tears 4,224
    DW won’t be happy with way things have gone so far this year and rumours are he is making wholesale changes this week. I have feeling by end of round Riewoldt’s Tears will in fact be in tears.

    Doobia Dominators 4,378 vs Jack's Sainters 4,181
    Doobs should be way too strong for Jack’s Sainters, who like the real Saints are in a “rebuilding” stage and will only be there abouts this season popping up for occasional win.

    McGregor Booms 4,334 vs JuddTheStar 4,271
    I reckon this is match of the round. Both teams are up and about and not much splits them on total points so far.

    Team Stowie 4,184 vs Que Ordinario 4,327
    Despite numbers favouring Que Orinario, its been Team Stowie that has been very ordinary this season. Club spokesman has said they will make some structure changes this week and are upto challenge.

    Fannie Bay 42ers 4,406 vs U Were DEMPSTERED 4,213
    “The 42ers got a rev up from the coach and hopefully come out fired up. Good to test list early against a champ. Its good old classic POD match up first game, Pendles v Swan” FB42ers Coach @fanniebay said.

    “We haven’t gotten off to start we were hoping for, a solid week 1 was followed by atrocious week 2. Every single player has been put on notice and another performance like last week will see them finding new home. Having said that we feel 42ers have been over performing and we will teach them a thing or two this weekend” U Were DEMPSTERED coach @stkildathunda said.

    crabsmashers 4,297 vs Dmans Destructors 4,248
    “Feeling quietly confident. Made a couple of good changes and playing someone averaging less than me” said coach of Crabmashers, @hevvieevvie

    Champagne Footy VI 4,363 vs PippensRogues 4,195
    Word around town is Lucas is strutting around like he has the premiership in the bag. Should be good enough to win here, although can smell an upset.

    The TSTWITS are:

    stkildathunda - U Were DEMPSTERED - @stkildathunda
    Dirty Whorks - Dirty Whorks - @DirtyWhorks
    Lucas - Champagne Footy VI - @lucasgarth
    Chris88 - Severely Concussed - @chris8875
    Doobs - Doobia Dominators - @Doobsia
    JPK - Que Ordinario - @jpk82
    HudsonFysh - Fannie Bay 42ers - @fanniebay
    FlyUp - crabsmashers - @hevvieevvie
    bgt2110 - Rigil Kentaurus - @tillob2110
    apolis - Riewoldt's Tears - @lockie_campbell
    d__man85 - Dman's Destructors - @dman__85
    stowie - Team Stowie - @TheStowMan
    Johnson - The Dundees - @Johnson_FBay
    deasend - @deasend - McGregor Booms
    Walsey - JuddTheStar - @TooSerious_
    raymondp - Pippens Rogues - @PaulJRaymond
    princeofmugs - Alistair Lynch Mob - @princeofmugs
  2. Johnson

    Johnson Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Dundees have treated the first 2 rounds of the year in much the same way most teams treat the pre-season - with very little respect (though, this is due more to poor drafting by the head coach than anything else!).

    But, we are keen to get an early win on the board against a fellow ORFFL coach to hopefully set the tone for the year ahead. RK look strong, even with 'The Broughton Dillemma', but otherwise look good all over the park. We think we might be able to get first use of the ball more often and win the centre clearances which will go a long way to winning this match, though if Pendles gets loose tongiht and thos second rate AFL coaches decide to put Murphy and Pendlebury in a shootout, it could be all over by the 10pm tonight!
  3. raymondp

    raymondp New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey boys, I am Pippens Rogues. Twitter @PaulJRaymond --

    It is safe to say I have been pounded hard by poor decisions, both on captains and rookies which has held back my squad. The coach is all to blame. however with some sneaky thrifty trades this week, im hoping to catch lucas off his game. Hoping due to long a lunch with the boys today, ill get a jump on him. Although my luck would say this may not be possible.

    Good luck boys all the best and lets get this league back in the top 100.

    Oh and what the hell does ORFFL actually stand for?? I know its around here somewhere, however being a full time retard I cant seem to find anything for myself.
  4. Johnson

    Johnson Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Outer Regional Fantasy Football League
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    On 24th March (and one other time before then that I can remember) Doobs wrote:

    <blockquote>using @Doobsia for #tstwits peoples :)</blockquote>

    So I reckon we should be using that account rather than @mrdoobs as has been mentioned a few times.

  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here: https://twitter.com/doobsia/status/157054391579455488

    <blockquote>Doobs (@Doobsia)
    1/11/12 7:00 PM
    New Twitter for all things footy and fantasy sports :) #TSTwits

    And here: https://twitter.com/mrdoobs/status/183385452961734656

    <blockquote>Doobs (@mrdoobs)
    3/24/12 10:51 AM
    @stkildathunda @dirtywhorks @ant_hak @lucasgarth @dcstow @chris8875 @smittys07 @tooserious_ @ichero using @Doobsia for #tstwits peoples :)

  7. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry Raymond, was in no mood for mucking around last week.
    Goodes/Fyfe will hurt this week with weak forward rookies.

    Will anticipate the next installment of the battle.
  8. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Couple close games this week! We had draw between @fanniebay & @PaulJRaymond & 2 point margin between @Jack7Hayes & @tillob2110. @TheStowMan can feel bit annoyed, 2nd highest score but still loses! This week i take on @DirtyWhorks, which should be a cracker!

  9. HudsonFysh

    HudsonFysh Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And we're now ranked 14th overall STK.
  10. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow, are we now 14th overall? Geez - great effort everyone!

    Happy to notch up a win myself this week after stuffing things up last week and costing myself a good score and a win.

    Onwards and upwards.
  11. HudsonFysh

    HudsonFysh Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry, we are 66 overall. I confused my league rank with our league ranking.
  12. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This week in #TSTwits sees 2nd placed @tillob2110 take on 3rd placed @lucasgarth & also 5th placed AlistairLynchMob tackle 6th @TooSerious_

    Tough assignment for @lockie_campbell who takes on the all conquering, top of table @stkildathunda

    Spot in top 8 is on line between @fanniebay & @Doobsia. Whilst winner @DirtyWhorks & @hevvieevvie cld also find themselves in top 8
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Should be a good matchup. Think I beat him in one of my other leagues, and it's always these sorts of return matchups that provide ammunition for you to get done the following week.

    SKT, I guarantee that the chirps you have been making following your (comparatively) decent start this year will return in spades later on.
  14. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    :lol: no doubt once im down your end of ladder ny tune will change :p haha

    But seriously, its odd position im in as last couple years ive had to come home like freight train as gotten off to horrible starts. Will see if this changes my approach or do i keep going with plan of past years and upgrade early cos of my position.....
  15. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    #TSTwits Ladder
    1st @stkildathunda 2nd @tillob2110 3rd @lucasgarth 4th ALM 5th @Dman__85 6th @hevvieevvie 7th @TooSerious_ 8th @Doobsia

    only percentage seperates 3rd to 8th & they are all 1 game clear of 9th & 1 game behind 2nd (2 games & lots percentage behind 1st)

    Once again its 1st vs 4th with Alistair Lynch Mob (any1 know who that is?) taking on might of @stkildathunda #DEMPSTERED

    Jesus hows this for a draw this week! Im only one playing top 8 side!!

    1st vs 4th
    2nd vs 13th
    3rd vs 11th
    5th vs 18th
    6th vs 17th
    7th vs 16th
    8th vs 15th
    9th vs 12th
    10th vs 14th
  16. princeofmugs

    princeofmugs Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry champ, I'm the Alistair Lynch mob...

    I 'm a bit worrid this week, i think you're going to smash me! Lucky me, the only one playing someone above them on the table!
  17. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon we'll see some upsets this week. The moment you start thinking people will win they lose.

    Walesy is the unlucky one I reckon, he's smashing it but still in 7th.
  18. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    God I just can't seem to get any luck in the Twits league - have lost 3 games by under 25 points or so, and 4 by under 100.

    Bit like Richmond - playing well against good opposition, just not winning.

    Hopefully I might turn the corner soon. But this is a great league!
  19. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    #TSTwits Update: Been told highlight @princeofmugs win over @lucasgarth Big loss as Lucas lost top spot.He does hold 3 point lead in overall

    #TSTwits @stkildathunda & @Doobsia game clear on top, with 3rd to 7th all seperated by &#37;. 8th to 10th further game back. Very close league

    #TSTwits Round 13 Match Of Round sees @stkildathunda (1st) take on @Doobsia (2nd). Looks like its 7 donuts vs 6 donuts at this early stage!

    #TSTwits @princeofmugs (6th) vs @hevvieevvie (7th) is other big clash this week. Not even going to try predict results way this league goes

    #TSTwits Suppose its rude if i dont mention guys holding up ladder! (from 18th) @jpk82 @Jack7Hayes @PaulJRaymond @Johnson_FBay @chris8875

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