Is it time for Ledger and Dickson to go Walkabout?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Gonaddz, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. dontpanic

    dontpanic New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Superwolf. Seriously! All your doing is getting on everyone's nerves. Not very effective way to make friends
  2. jesters

    jesters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Better to go ledger for McDonald or Treloar, bearing in mind that Treloar has MPP and I don't have any others in the mids? Does Will treloar continue to get games? Will old McDonald's body be able to hold up for the whole season?
  3. Dino

    Dino New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm thinking of going Ledger > Treloar and C. Smith > Old Mac. Going to keep Dickson around for a bit longer. I think Treloar will be around enough to become a nice cow. Old Mac's body doesn't need to hold up for the whole season. Just another 6 - 8 games of mooing will be enough for me.
  4. BigLance

    BigLance New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have to keep Dickson as i already have Old Mac, Ledger cannot get out of my team fast enough, 2 late withdrawals pfft.
  5. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Superwolf on April 23, 2012, 16:37
    St Kilda Thunda spot on! Ray and Gram are now ahead of Ledger. Shame as he was impressive in the NAB. Old McDonald and Treloar, get them in asap!

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    The Wolf</blockquote>
    Reminds me of Flaming Moes, every man and his dog has a SC site these days.

    FWIW Ledger is gone for Treloar this week to open up DPP and Dickson gets a repreive untill Pfeiffer is on the bubble at least.
  6. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Isn't it annoying that all our research in the off season on rookies has somehow landed us with these spuds?!! Well they might be ok players IF they did get a game but that's looking less likely. I have got Dickson (on fwd bench), Ledger AND C Smith (on mid bench). With Gaz out this week (stuff it all!!) I will need to get rid of one at least.

    Just looking for some advice, I have already used 4 trades. Is it worth using 2 more to get in OldMac and Treloar? I will probably have to do at least one trade to cover a potential donut as mentioned above, if I only do one trade I also would like to know people's thoughts on whether to get Treloar (to open up MPP in mids) or OldMac who might average better.

  7. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Old Mac's biggest problem I thought was going to be durability, being older than Methuselah. Thing is this enforced break will probably get him through to the bye. And he is in and under and should be good for regular 80s.

    Dickson was a tough call, but drafted as mature aged, probably worth a go. The fact that others showed more in their time in the jumper has probably pushed Dickson off for a few more weeks.

    Ledger was a tough one. Looked good in preseason when given game time, then got the vest, and then inexplicably missed any game time and lost his touch and probably an edge on fitness. I can see him needing quite a few good VFL games to get back in a team that has been winning (admittedly against pretty average opposition).

    Treloar was always on the agenda for most of us in the preseason and his return came at the perfect time for many of us. MF players aren't easy to come by, and he enabled me to set up the link a lot earlier than expected.

    I'm not sure what's the best option for your team homerj. I've copped quite a few premium issues in the first few rounds, yet 600 off the lead with 23 trades I'm surprisingly OK with it. It may mean I have to get risky with Ablett this week, but that's the game isn't it. The wheel does turn. Look at impromptu's year this year, sometimes it just doesn't work for you, but maybe it's time that you concerned yourself with a round win.

    If you want a round win, think of getting players who go huge for a week, but are a bit inconsistent.

    Read - Steve Johnson, Ryan O'Keefe, Adam Goodes, Brent Stanton, Tom Rockliff, maybe even Dean Cox this season.

    Should be able to get them cheaper than most if choosing the right time in the cycle, and you might get lucky if they all go BANG!
  8. Chicko

    Chicko New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Lucas - great post!

    Looking for some advice, I've got Fyfe and Mummy and think I need to wait for selections later this week. I had put in a sideways trade from Fyfe to Sidey but will reverse this and then wait on more news on Fyfe. If I have to, I can then go Fyfe to Dangers or Lewis. Thoughts?

    The other trade I'm contemplating is Coniglio to Old Mac to get some cash in the bank and then leverage the moo-ing ability of Old Mac into the bye round. But wondering if that is a silly use of a trade. Thoughts?

    Mummy is a wait and see but will wait one more week with him.
  9. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Coniglio to Old Mac isn't the worst I've seen, not sure I'd do it though.

    Mummy would have already been triggered if he was in my team. Two late withdrawals is enough to get on my nerves - would have been direct to Sandi.

    My wife went Mummy to NicNat - super trade looking back.

    I was tossing up Jacobs v NicNat at start of the year. Fair to say NN has done a good deal better so far.
  10. Chicko

    Chicko New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Lucas - Mummy to Sandi would have been pulled last week if I could get reception where I was last Friday night! But now, I'm wondering if I sit tight, particularly as Sandi is rumoured to be missing this week.

    What do you think on Fyfe? Wait and see or pull the trigger?

    Sitting on 22 trades at the moment.

  11. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you have spare cash and don't have Pendles, it could be worth waiting another week and then going Fyfe->Pendlebury. You will need a touch over 100k in the bank I think, as well as MPP active.
  12. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not sure I want to miss Treloar. Naturally Paine hasn't mooed yet but I think going a premature 'rookie fix-up trade' of Paine to Treloar.

    Keeps the door open with DPP trading and brings in a top shelf rookie and makes a little cash.

    Worth a trade you reckon?
  13. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Actually scrap that, Dickson to Treloar would be better.
  14. Gonaddz

    Gonaddz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm gonna keep Dickson as he is still apart of the WB side

    Ledger can go walkabouts as he has been scraped to the VFL. So for the time being Dickson will be the only one giving me doughnuts until he gets more game time.
  15. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanx 4 the detailed reply Lucas. The way my SC team is going at present think I have Buckley's hope of a round win let alone overall!!!
    Anyway ATM thinking I will trade Ledger for Treloar to open up MPP link in mids. That way if (God Forbid) Fyfe doesn't get up then I can trade him out for a midfielder instead of a forward who are all mostly crap at present.
  16. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Dickson >>>> Treloar I think. Time is up my young(ish) spudly friend
  17. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got Paine in DEF, Clay Smith in MID, and Dickson in FORW.

    Can't think of a good rookie to bring in for Paine and can't move him forw, no MPP to match.

    C.Smith could be a slow burner.

    Dickson hasn't had his 1st price rise yet.

    Possible trades:

    Dickson >> Treloar

    C.Smith >> Treloar

    C.Smith >> McDonald

    Fyfe >> Dahlhaus

    Willing to burn two trades which leaves me with 20.

  18. Das Phoenix

    Das Phoenix Guest

    Possibly keep an eye on Sam Shaw for Paine.

    Ablett (if he doesn't play) >> McDonald
    Fyfe (if he doesn't play) >> Treloar

    Keeps the other calves growing....hopefully.

    Swim in the cash for a couple of weeks (building up faster than the Federal Reserve), and then start again carefully and selectively with the down, ups or ins.

    Almost as much fun as the "clear my team" button. Oh how I long for those heady days!!!!

    Anyway that's my plan this morning, (remember can't reverse changes after the partial lockout).
  19. Chicko

    Chicko New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm with SCJunkie - I've got my eye on Sam Shaw as well. If he goes well again this week, then I might push Smedts to the FWD line to trade out Dicskon, and get Shaw into my backline.
  20. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks fella's. I'll put Shaw on the watch list!

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