Does SC/DT need changing next year?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Seabass, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Credmi

    Credmi New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All the planning, research & forward thinking, but I don't the rules. lmao, funny stuff!!
  2. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is it too hard to think that the two subs scores should be added together? I mean it is still essentially only one player on the field for 4 quarters.

    Player A starts and gets subbed off in the third with 60.
    Player B comes on and gets a further 20 points.
    If I started with Player A then I get 80 points.
    If you started with Player B then you get 80 points.

    It's pretty simple I think.
  3. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The only thing I dislike is the subjectivity of the scaling. ie. A tackle/goal/mark/kick being worth more or less from week to week, game to game and minute to minute. IMO if a game is decided by less than a goal, a goal the first goal and last goal are of equal value. When I play, if I caused a turnover resulting in a goal in the first minute or the last minute and we lost, I would be equally gutted. It's laughable that you can pick out on event from an 80 minute game as the defining moment on the result. Hmmmm, maybe these statistic driven computer types understand the game in a different way.
  4. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd like something done to reflect the sub rule and also 4 emergencies (one each line) is a must IMO.
  5. Oodles

    Oodles New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from fidelsfinger on April 29, 2012, 03:12
    Increase total prizepool to a million & pay out on the top 100 8)</blockquote>

    I agree. There's a shiteload more people playing now and the prize has hardly changed. And we have to pay the Hun twice too!
  6. Oodles

    Oodles New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from eagles2011 on April 29, 2012, 20:36
    The only thing I dislike is the subjectivity of the scaling. ie. A tackle/goal/mark/kick being worth more or less from week to week, game to game and minute to minute. IMO if a game is decided by less than a goal, a goal the first goal and last goal are of equal value. When I play, if I caused a turnover resulting in a goal in the first minute or the last minute and we lost, I would be equally gutted. It's laughable that you can pick out on event from an 80 minute game as the defining moment on the result. Hmmmm, maybe these statistic driven computer types understand the game in a different way.</blockquote>

    Play DT.
  7. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Oodles on April 29, 2012, 21:04
    <blockquote>Quote from eagles2011 on April 29, 2012, 20:36
    The only thing I dislike is the subjectivity of the scaling. ie. A tackle/goal/mark/kick being worth more or less from week to week, game to game and minute to minute. IMO if a game is decided by less than a goal, a goal the first goal and last goal are of equal value. When I play, if I caused a turnover resulting in a goal in the first minute or the last minute and we lost, I would be equally gutted. It's laughable that you can pick out on event from an 80 minute game as the defining moment on the result. Hmmmm, maybe these statistic driven computer types understand the game in a different way.</blockquote>

    Play DT.</blockquote>

    I do
  8. SFB

    SFB New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @stowie, I would also like to see 4 emergencies so you can cover each line. I'm not sure why there have never had 4 emergencies as it makes late withdrawals even more of a lottery? Maybe I'm just dirty about Mummy in round 2 but I think that, if you organise your team so you have a playing reserve on each line, you should be able to cover all your players.

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