Premium Fwds!

Discussion in 'AFL' started by weedoo, May 2, 2012.

  1. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    Where are they all?! Need to trade up but have no idea as to who. Have a short list of 7 which I can not separate at all. Roughead, Beams, Harvey, Cloke, Lewis, Dangerfield and Sidebottom are those in question. Been looking at their averages last year aswell as this season, which is making me lean towards Roughead, Beams, Harvey and Cloke who all enjoyed great seasons and were able to maintain it for the whole 23 rounds, and away from Lewis, Dangerfield and Sidebottom, who whilst traveling very nicely at the minute, have a lot of people questioning whether they can keep it up.

    Beams is tempting as he is a proven scorer and has looked good the last few weeks after an interrupted preseason MAY have damaged his first 2 scores. Ball out obviously helps too.

    I also have Franklin which is putting me off Roughead a little bit as I'm not sure they can both fire at the same time and I expect Franklin to improve significantly.

    Also keep in mind that I am not as much looking for value, more so just the best scorer out of the bunch. If you can't separate then by all means factor in value in your suggestions. Looking forward to some help.
  2. gish

    gish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Having the same trouble so will be interested in the feedback!
  3. Sless

    Sless New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wouldn't go for Harvey have gone down that road myself in previous years, as Norths fixture increases in difficulty you will see his score decrease at a rate of knots. If it were me I would be looking at Beams or Sidebottom.
  4. kram

    kram Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep, with Fyfe confirmed for 3 months I'm in the same boat. I'm leaning toward Cloke, Reiwoldt or Chapman. Stevie J is cheap, whats his problem? Can he bounce back?
  5. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    Stevie J is the one I'm pulling the plug on. May as well get off now, the Fwd line for the cats is definitely Hawkins'.And after that it's Pods. Johnson needs goals to score well, does nothing else, and I can't see that happening too much. Was a terrible pick in the first place. I already have Chapman, and yes Riewoldt is an option too.
  6. Moblets

    Moblets New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alex i would take them in this order - Beams, Roughhead, Side, Danger, Cloke, Harvey, Lewis
  7. NumberWonGuns

    NumberWonGuns New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is Beams going to avg 100+ this season? Obviously only taking guesses but surely he will improve? What about the Tomahawk? Any love?
  8. McCrabb

    McCrabb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Christensen. Check him out. Since the middle of last year, he's averaging 100 in games where he wasn't given the vest. I doubt he'll be getting vests from now on. I've been sitting on him but what the hell. Still uber-affordable too.

    I'd have Sidebottom next in line. I got given a tip on him when Fyfe first went down and I needed to trade out, and didn't take it. Regretting it already.
  9. Moblets

    Moblets New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    IMO Beams will avg 100+

    Considering he cam back from pre season injury he is just working his way into the season. As the pies improve so will his scores.

    Toos of a coin between him and Sidey though.
  10. jibba

    jibba Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My question is, what will happen to the scoring of Beams, Thomas and Sidey once they all play together?
    With the pies on the decline this year (not as dominant as previous years) I think it's a bit of an ask for Beams to average 100, especially when Sidebottom looks set for a 95-100 avg, Thomas should avg 105-110, Swan 115-120, Pendles 125-130. Throw Didak's 80 odd in the mix. Are there enough points in the pie for them all to score so well if they are not going to finish top two?
    I'm a bit skeptical...


    RAMHOLE New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Same boat here. Any love for Goodes or Pav or Chappy. Proven old timers v the next gen Beams Sidearse or Lewis??
  12. jibba

    jibba Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have lots of love for Chapman, I reckon he is a much better chance to score 100 average than Beams.
    He could even pull a 105-110 (as his history has shown)
  13. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Chappy has looked to be getting back to some form over the past couple of weeks. Last half v Richmond and all game v the Lions was good.

    I've bought Dangermouse in, and want to bring Beams in too - but I'm starting to sway a bit away from Danger and towards Bundy Christensen as well. Hugely impressed with him - still cheap given he has been a sub this year, but has cemented his place in the side.

    Might be worth a roll of the dice.

    But definitely looking at bringing Beams in, and maybe Spuddy when he drops below 500K in a fotnight. Have Chappy, Sidebum, Martin already. Upgrading Hale, Stanley and perhaps (eventually) Porpoise
  14. RememberRicho

    RememberRicho New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Im not sure why everyone is trading Fyffe for a forward ? I moved him into the mids and upgraded to Kennedy . Am I missing something ?
  15. Tango

    Tango New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm thinking the same way as you RememberRicho. I have enough cash to get in JPK or the Rocklobster, and my team could do with a nice POD. Only issue is that I lose my M/F MPP link by shifting Kennedy back into the forwards.

    If I were to trade him for another forward, I'm looking at the tried and trusted Goodes or Chappy. Not entirely convinced by the up and comers and I already have Sidebottom:

    Hawkins - 2 monster games and 3 average games, which is typical of a key forward
    Tippett - Easy start to the year. Only played 1 decent side (Hawks) and had his score padded by playing on Schoenmakers. Has a tougher run coming up.
    Lewis - Has scored consistently well. Has a good run leading up to the bye. I've already got Buddy though, so don't want to load up on Hawthorn premiums before the bye.
    Dangermouse - Has Sydney, Geelong, Carlton, Collingwood and Freo in Perth leading up to the bye. He wont be afforded the type of space that his first 5 opponents have given him.

    A possible smokey is Darling. Priced at $398k and averaging 90ppg, with Kennedy going down for 3 months and West Coast flagging his move to CHF, what does everyone else think about his ability to step up? It's possible his scores could go down due to having to play on a better defender though.
  16. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Sless on May 1, 2012, 21:07
    I wouldn't go for Harvey have gone down that road myself in previous years, as Norths fixture increases in difficulty you will see his score decrease at a rate of knots.</blockquote>

    Really? You were disappointed in him being one of the most consistently high scoring forwards over the past 8 years? Take out his injury ridden 2009 and he only missed two games in the past decade! And averaged over 100 in each of those years. He has an easy draw and is playing across half back now. Dismiss him at your peril.
  17. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from The_Swert on May 2, 2012, 00:27
    <blockquote>Quote from Sless on May 1, 2012, 21:07
    I wouldn't go for Harvey have gone down that road myself in previous years, as Norths fixture increases in difficulty you will see his score decrease at a rate of knots.</blockquote>

    Really? You were disappointed in him being one of the most consistently high scoring forwards over the past 8 years? Take out his injury ridden 2009 and he only missed two games in the past decade! And averaged over 100 in each of those years. He has an easy draw and is playing across half back now. Dismiss him at your peril.</blockquote>

  18. Rufus

    Rufus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Think I'll go Fyfe -> Chappy.

    Apart from his horrible 57 he's averaging over 100 in 20+ possessions a game.
    He shares the same bye as Fyfe, is a mid/forward and is pretty much a straight swap (&#36;500).
    My bye strategy can stay the same.
  19. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is everyone taking into calculations the Bye Rounds for these trades?

    Rd 11....ade/gws/bris/nm/wc/wb
    Rd 12....coll/ess/freo/gee/mel/syd
    Rd 13....carl/gcs/haw/port/rich/stk

    Just keep an eye on your existing prems, make a note of when their byes fall, and try to trade in from the other weeks if you can; will just alleviate some major headaches, which will be unavoidable, but you can ease the pain by trading in around these byes a bit.
  20. Astro39

    Astro39 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm downgrading Fyfe until the forward situation is clearer. Will cost me points but I'm after a league win not overall.

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