DellOlio v Pfieffer v Adams v someone else

Discussion in 'AFL' started by chris88, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. aerodyte

    aerodyte New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bumping this thread before lockout.

    what's the TS consensus on Pfeiffer?
    (particularly hoping for a contribution from bearfly here)

    Is there a good case for either Stringer or Crisp over him? (Adams and Horsely can wait a week)
  2. traviso

    traviso Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Puffer would be my go but nothing worth culling to get him and he is extended bench?

    Sadly i thought i had a master stroke moving Hale to my forward line and bringing in Kruezer a few weeks ago. Now i'm stuck with Hale, Kruezer and Cox playing averagely...... Giles currently avging more than all 3 and i'm yet to play him.... contemplating dumping kreuzer or cox to nic nat or a downgrade?
  3. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pfeiffer looks good plus has DPP. His position looks more secure now that Gray is out. May not have best disposal but at least he knows how to get possessions.

    Stringer looks reasonable but I reckon he could be dropped or subbed at any moment (although I think Smedts owns that red vest)

    Dell'Olio has been sub affected and hasn't been scoring enough to consider yet. Just because he's on the bubble doesn't mean he will make a lot of money this week. I would wait until he at least plays a full match before jumping on.

    Crisp - Nobody has anything to say about him because nobody has seen him play and nobody has written an article about him. All you can go by are the stats and while not scoring great for a mid, he is bargain priced and should gain reasonable money if he keeps his average. Not sure about his JS though.

    Adams still has another week to wait, he looks a good prospect though. Only concern is that Sheedy likes to rotate those Giants so he could take longer to appreciate than some others, and he has a premium price. I can't see him being a sub target though.
  4. kennas

    kennas New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pfeiffer named third on the bench. Does this mean he's definitely a starter?

    I just want to bring him in for the bubble and DPP. Has looks good on the ground, might make $150K over the next 3-4 weeks if he keeps getting a run.
  5. aerodyte

    aerodyte New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bump before lockout

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